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You need to be forced to wear a scarlet letter for this absurdity. A big T for taco would suit just fine. Boo this man.


Yeah it's absurd but just think about how badass you'd feel when you were out on the town and out of nowhere tacocopter just flies down to personally deliver you some delicious tacos. The ladies would be so impressed they'd probably let you munch their tacos too!

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Can you fly some tacos to Vancouver? I'm kind of hungry.

Also wtf at not liking mexican food, the enormity of that statement is intense.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I was loling purty hard at the end when he's flying backwards on the ground. I guess the comments say that it's fake and they used a crane wire.

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I'm guessing people who don't like Mexican food haven't had anything other than Taco Bell style "Mexican" food, i.e. the sears poncho of food. Or they live in a country where food from 1939 to 1980 wasn't eaten unless it was deep fried and served with vegetables boiled to mush, with some awful horehound and licorice "candy" for desert.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I would think after eating UK food for a minute Taco Bell would taste even more heavenly.

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How can you not like Mexican food... look at this shit, you KNOW that looks delicious... and even if not tacos there's so many other dishes.



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You need to be forced to wear a scarlet letter for this absurdity. A big T for taco would suit just fine. Boo this man.



The truth. I guess you don't get as many opportunities in Europe.


1st lesson= Taco Bell is not Mexican food.


2nd lesson= The crappier the Mexican spot looks from outside, the better it will most likely be.


Now, I'm going to teach you 4 words that will change your life:






You best recognize, fool.






oh yeah


Man. I went to a taco truck a few hours ago.

I had 2 of the most amazing tacos I've ever had (barbacoa and pastor) and a pepsi for only $3.50!!!



Get on the mexican train boy.

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This thread needs more tacocopter in action...


I don't care about your fucking eating habits people we have the technology to deliver tacos from the sky! The future is NOW


20122 ftw

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