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What Internet Habits Say about Mental Health

Guest the anonymous forumite

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Guest the anonymous forumite
For example, peer-to-peer file sharing, heavy emailing and chatting online, and a tendency to quickly switch between multiple websites and other online resources all predict a greater propensity to experience symptoms of depression. Although the exact reasons that these behaviors predict depression is unknown, each behavior corresponds with previous research on depression. Quickly switching between websites may reflect anhedonia (a decreased ability to experience emotions), as people desperately seek for emotional stimulation. Similarly, excessive emailing and chatting may signify a relative lack of strong face-to-face relationships, as people strive to maintain contact either with faraway friends or new people met online.




So what do you think WATMM ?


Isn't file sharing, emailing and chatting what everybody do on the internet ?

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Guest Gary C

*clicks into thread*




*considers reply, but can't be arsed*


*clicks on next tab*


*comes back, makes stupid attempt at reply*

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Whilst interesting, and perhaps holding grains of truth, I find studies like these highly reductive and encouraging of generalizations. You can't equate the findings of the internet usage of 200 volunteers with the internet using community at large.


*clicks into thread*




*considers reply, but can't be arsed*


*clicks on next tab*


*comes back, makes stupid attempt at reply*


Also, lol.

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Guest Gary C

can this be added to the depression thread instead of having 3 current threads about mental problems?

Sign of the times. WATMM is stressed.

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So what do you think WATMM ?


Isn't file sharing, emailing and chatting what everybody do on the internet ?


you forgot shopping and wanking, and work, research/reading.


i do more work, research and shopping, than i do anything else on the internet.

but then i am getting older and can't really be arsed with chatting, emailing, and downloading shit anymore.

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can this be added to the depression thread instead of having 3 current threads about mental problems?

Sign of the times. WATMM is stressed.

how depressing


truth. they really should just shut the fuck up and get in some pussy. the answer is so obvious.

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I am fucked because I usually have a browser open with like 8 tabs, working on music, AND running a game in the background that i Alt+tab out of after each match (or in load times).


Oh and my knee is constantly shaking. Usually to a phat beat.


*smokes 4 cigarettes at once*

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I reckon if anyone spends extended periods of time at a computer you're going to be depressed. More likely your depressed because you havent anything better to do than be on the internet, which is depressing.


Your science is bad and you should feel bad.

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i'd say the majority of the world are probably depressed. and most of them probably aren't online.


either way, the internet (as in chatting, forums, facebook, etc.) is a massive distraction and waste of time. even more than TV is.

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interesting study, but i dunno... 200 college students at the same school is an AWFULLY small sample size to be drawing conclusions about the population at large from. i dunno about short self-diagnosing surveys either, for any research, not just depression. i like how the article says that 30% of college students report feeling massively depressed, and then due to this research, seems to attach that statistic to internet use. there are a lot of other reasons college students are depressed. overworked, underpaid, highly stressed environment. not too hard to see.

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interesting study, but i dunno... 200 college students at the same school is an AWFULLY small sample size to be drawing conclusions about the population at large from.


Jesus, thats the sample? Thats retarded, plus students are a melting pot of hormones, hard to tell what you're even feeling most of the time. Wacked of your face on booze and drugs.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I am fucked because I usually have a browser open with like 8 tabs, working on music, AND running a game in the background that i Alt+tab out of after each match (or in load times).


Oh and my knee is constantly shaking. Usually to a phat beat.


*smokes 4 cigarettes at once*

Reads like a character in the sequel to 1995's Hackers, can I call you Ash Tray Multitask, DDOS Quad Burn, D.J. Reynolds?

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