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Anyone messed around with the 4-sub tryptamines outside of the phosphorylated fun-guy one and its naturally occurring friends? Some of those are the shit for a more 'recreational' psychedelic.


I recently found a box in storage containing some research chemical gems from back around 2007, I don't think I've even tried a few in there. They all seem to be intact and viable and were stored sealed with desiccant at a steady temperature. Yay internet.

Yeah, I've had 4 MEO MIPT and DIPT, if that's what you're referring to? (4 sub tryptamines? I'm not down with the chemist lingo brah sorry lol.... I imagine you're referring to the mipt/dipt (and some others I don't know about???)).


They're honestly about the exact same as mushrooms from what I recall, bit of a stronger chem feel, extra bruxism + other body load etc. It was similar enough that I never bought them because I have such great access to mushrooms =/


4-sub would be any substitution on the 4 position (Methoxy = MEO, OH or HO = Hydroxy, ect.) . So yeah, you're right :)


I was asking because in that box I found a few I hadn't tried. There is some 4-ACO-DMT, 4-HO-MET, 4-PO-DMT, 4-HO-MiPT and some 4-MEO-DiPT. Haven't tried the last two, but remembered that 4-HO-MET was amazing the few times I tried it. There was also a few rare phenethylamines in there that are really rare. There's some DOET, TMA-2, TMA-6 and Aleph-2 in there - those are ones that were being custom synth'ed years ago... It's crazy how much the internet RC scene has changed. Either way, there's more in this box than I'll be able to do in a lifetime.




I really want to have coffee with Audioblysk and learn a thing or two.


I'd have to join you with tea. Ironically enough, I don't drink coffee lol. I jabbered ChenGOD and StephenG's ear off up in Canada when I met up with the gang. Everyone looked confused as hell when I was making a kratom brew and stuffing my mouth with mushrooms before the AE show.

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Anyone messed around with the 4-sub tryptamines outside of the phosphorylated fun-guy one and its naturally occurring friends? Some of those are the shit for a more 'recreational' psychedelic.


I recently found a box in storage containing some research chemical gems from back around 2007, I don't think I've even tried a few in there. They all seem to be intact and viable and were stored sealed with desiccant at a steady temperature. Yay internet.

Yeah, I've had 4 MEO MIPT and DIPT, if that's what you're referring to? (4 sub tryptamines? I'm not down with the chemist lingo brah sorry lol.... I imagine you're referring to the mipt/dipt (and some others I don't know about???)).


They're honestly about the exact same as mushrooms from what I recall, bit of a stronger chem feel, extra bruxism + other body load etc. It was similar enough that I never bought them because I have such great access to mushrooms =/


Either way, there's more in this box than I'll be able to do in a lifetime.


oh hi =)



Edited by StephenG
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Anyone messed around with the 4-sub tryptamines outside of the phosphorylated fun-guy one and its naturally occurring friends? Some of those are the shit for a more 'recreational' psychedelic.


I recently found a box in storage containing some research chemical gems from back around 2007, I don't think I've even tried a few in there. They all seem to be intact and viable and were stored sealed with desiccant at a steady temperature. Yay internet.

Yeah, I've had 4 MEO MIPT and DIPT, if that's what you're referring to? (4 sub tryptamines? I'm not down with the chemist lingo brah sorry lol.... I imagine you're referring to the mipt/dipt (and some others I don't know about???)).


They're honestly about the exact same as mushrooms from what I recall, bit of a stronger chem feel, extra bruxism + other body load etc. It was similar enough that I never bought them because I have such great access to mushrooms =/


4-sub would be any substitution on the 4 position (Methoxy = MEO, OH or HO = Hydroxy, ect.) . So yeah, you're right :)


I was asking because in that box I found a few I hadn't tried. There is some 4-ACO-DMT, 4-HO-MET, 4-PO-DMT, 4-HO-MiPT and some 4-MEO-DiPT. Haven't tried the last two, but remembered that 4-HO-MET was amazing the few times I tried it. There was also a few rare phenethylamines in there that are really rare. There's some DOET, TMA-2, TMA-6 and Aleph-2 in there - those are ones that were being custom synth'ed years ago... It's crazy how much the internet RC scene has changed. Either way, there's more in this box than I'll be able to do in a lifetime.




I really want to have coffee with Audioblysk and learn a thing or two.


I'd have to join you with tea. Ironically enough, I don't drink coffee lol. I jabbered ChenGOD and StephenG's ear off up in Canada when I met up with the gang. Everyone looked confused as hell when I was making a kratom brew and stuffing my mouth with mushrooms before the AE show.



It's cool I have tea and like a kilo of kratom here :biggrin:

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I personally dont find he RCs have the same magic as the naturals like mushrooms, peruvianus (mescaline), DMT.

Ive tried 4 aco dmt, 5 meo mipt, 2ce, 4 aco det, and none gave a as positive or clean experience.

id say stay with the naturals!

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2c-i was fantastical from what i remember, colors i'd never seen before, clouds turning into iron fists, posters melting on the wall, general lucidity. felt pretty clean, acid type off-the-train hangover, maybe a bit lighter. got it from a trusted friend. felt pretty magical, but never got too cosmic. would repeat.

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Ever since I was a teenager I've really wanted to take psychedelics but I've been holding off because like it has been mentioned in this thread I sort of wanted to wait until my early 20s to do so since the brain is nearly done developing by then. Well now the time has come I guess.


I've had a few cannabis experiences and it was amazing. Honestly I love it so much. It was a "heady sativa strain" that I asked for (I don't know anything about it but I just asked for something like that) at a weed shop and it was just really cerebral and almost visual but not really. It was mentally visual as in it let my mind build more things. It was just mentally beautiful


But what I've really always wanted was mushrooms. I'm moving to Seattle soon and there is legal weed there so fuck yeah, will be having cannabis experiences about once a month I'm planning. And apparently "psilocybe cyanescens" grows in the Pacific Northwest really well during oct-nov-dev so I will be trying to see if it's feasible to pick that in the wild or otherwise acquire it from others who have picked it.


Really considering salvia for the next month or so but I went to a smoke shop and asked and they only had this tiny little bag of "5x extract" super expensive for like $25 or something, and it was like peach flavored or some shit, I don't know if this is normal but it seems a bit fruity. Everything I've read online suggests to use 40x. Where's the best place to acquire salvia legally in the US? Websites or just stick to local shops and settle for what they have?


I've been getting drunk a lot lately as a replacement for getting high (yeah I'm a total amateur) and it disgusts me that alcohol is legal but cannabis is not. Alcohol leaves a sick feeling in my mind and is just so different it's no replacement obviously. I don't like it, I really want weed instead

Edited by Zeffolia
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Anyone messed around with the 4-sub tryptamines outside of the phosphorylated fun-guy one and its naturally occurring friends? Some of those are the shit for a more 'recreational' psychedelic.


I recently found a box in storage containing some research chemical gems from back around 2007, I don't think I've even tried a few in there. They all seem to be intact and viable and were stored sealed with desiccant at a steady temperature. Yay internet.

Yeah, I've had 4 MEO MIPT and DIPT, if that's what you're referring to? (4 sub tryptamines? I'm not down with the chemist lingo brah sorry lol.... I imagine you're referring to the mipt/dipt (and some others I don't know about???)).


They're honestly about the exact same as mushrooms from what I recall, bit of a stronger chem feel, extra bruxism + other body load etc. It was similar enough that I never bought them because I have such great access to mushrooms =/


4-sub would be any substitution on the 4 position (Methoxy = MEO, OH or HO = Hydroxy, ect.) . So yeah, you're right :)


I was asking because in that box I found a few I hadn't tried. There is some 4-ACO-DMT, 4-HO-MET, 4-PO-DMT, 4-HO-MiPT and some 4-MEO-DiPT. Haven't tried the last two, but remembered that 4-HO-MET was amazing the few times I tried it. There was also a few rare phenethylamines in there that are really rare. There's some DOET, TMA-2, TMA-6 and Aleph-2 in there - those are ones that were being custom synth'ed years ago... It's crazy how much the internet RC scene has changed. Either way, there's more in this box than I'll be able to do in a lifetime.

how do you guys tell apart all those RC? i'm almost sure that the last 2 acids i took are 25C-NBONE by what you guys describe and what i've been reading on erowid... metallic flavor on your tongue... and heavy trip just with half and acid...


seems like the test kit Stephen recommended only lets you know if it's LSD or not... right?


i'm wondering maybe you guys buy this on the internet and you choose the ones you want? every time i find acids around here they're too far away from the source for someone like me to know what they're really made of...

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do you guys get this in powders? or blotters? how do you know the dosages on the ones you took Stephen?



how do you tell these ones apart?




sorry my annoyance....

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do you guys get this in powders? or blotters? how do you know the dosages on the ones you took Stephen?



how do you tell these ones apart?




sorry my annoyance....

I think blysky will be better equipped to answer on this one, but I think the NBOME's will register the same way their 2c-x counterparts would.


I believe 25-eNBOME would register as 2ce, 25-iNBOME as 2c-I, etc, but I'm not positive.

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Ever since I was a teenager I've really wanted to take psychedelics but I've been holding off because like it has been mentioned in this thread I sort of wanted to wait until my early 20s to do so since the brain is nearly done developing by then. Well now the time has come I guess.


I've had a few cannabis experiences and it was amazing. Honestly I love it so much. It was a "heady sativa strain" that I asked for (I don't know anything about it but I just asked for something like that) at a weed shop and it was just really cerebral and almost visual but not really. It was mentally visual as in it let my mind build more things. It was just mentally beautiful


But what I've really always wanted was mushrooms. I'm moving to Seattle soon and there is legal weed there so fuck yeah, will be having cannabis experiences about once a month I'm planning. And apparently "psilocybe cyanescens" grows in the Pacific Northwest really well during oct-nov-dev so I will be trying to see if it's feasible to pick that in the wild or otherwise acquire it from others who have picked it.


Really considering salvia for the next month or so but I went to a smoke shop and asked and they only had this tiny little bag of "5x extract" super expensive for like $25 or something, and it was like peach flavored or some shit, I don't know if this is normal but it seems a bit fruity. Everything I've read online suggests to use 40x. Where's the best place to acquire salvia legally in the US? Websites or just stick to local shops and settle for what they have?


I've been getting drunk a lot lately as a replacement for getting high (yeah I'm a total amateur) and it disgusts me that alcohol is legal but cannabis is not. Alcohol leaves a sick feeling in my mind and is just so different it's no replacement obviously. I don't like it, I really want weed instead



If you HAVE to, try & source dried shrooms, start with small numbers, maybe have a few valium/diazepam at hand if its stronger than you expected. Cannabis might only intensify the experience a la "smoke a j maaaaan and it'll take the edge off". Errrm, not always/exactly. And yer right about alcohol. 1 of my oldest n dearest friends gets thru 15pints of Special Brew a day, no exaggeration, a legal drug killing someone i love dearly, but addiction is an insidious process.


No experience with a lot of the examples listed in this thread other than shrooms, blotter acid and DMT many many moons ago. 1 of those trips cost another friend 5yrs of his life thru drug induced psychosis. Not pretty. In my humble experience, DMT leaves the other 2 in the shade by miles for sheer force of intensity and far out-ness, never experienced anything like it even on multiple Micro-dots, completely inter-dimensional but v quick too. Wouldnt touch salvia.


Either that or meet up with Audioberserker and get an experienced Captain Trips at the wheel, cos hallucinogens can show you the mind of God AND the face of the Devil, but sometime you'll only remember the latter.


Not trying to scare you off having fun, but its not all fluffy wuffy. Take yer time and make informed choices, if u do a small batch only increase incrementally once you're well into the experience and have found your feet and even then it might be you already hit your own personal sweet spot.


Stay safe and good luck!

Edited by cwmbrancity
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Ever since I was a teenager I've really wanted to take psychedelics but I've been holding off because like it has been mentioned in this thread I sort of wanted to wait until my early 20s to do so since the brain is nearly done developing by then. Well now the time has come I guess.


I've had a few cannabis experiences and it was amazing. Honestly I love it so much. It was a "heady sativa strain" that I asked for (I don't know anything about it but I just asked for something like that) at a weed shop and it was just really cerebral and almost visual but not really. It was mentally visual as in it let my mind build more things. It was just mentally beautiful


But what I've really always wanted was mushrooms. I'm moving to Seattle soon and there is legal weed there so fuck yeah, will be having cannabis experiences about once a month I'm planning. And apparently "psilocybe cyanescens" grows in the Pacific Northwest really well during oct-nov-dev so I will be trying to see if it's feasible to pick that in the wild or otherwise acquire it from others who have picked it.


Really considering salvia for the next month or so but I went to a smoke shop and asked and they only had this tiny little bag of "5x extract" super expensive for like $25 or something, and it was like peach flavored or some shit, I don't know if this is normal but it seems a bit fruity. Everything I've read online suggests to use 40x. Where's the best place to acquire salvia legally in the US? Websites or just stick to local shops and settle for what they have?


I've been getting drunk a lot lately as a replacement for getting high (yeah I'm a total amateur) and it disgusts me that alcohol is legal but cannabis is not. Alcohol leaves a sick feeling in my mind and is just so different it's no replacement obviously. I don't like it, I really want weed instead



If you HAVE to, try & source dried shrooms, start with small numbers, maybe have a few valium/diazepam at hand if its stronger than you expected. Cannabis might only intensify the experience a la "smoke a j maaaaan and it'll take the edge off". Errrm, not always/exactly. And yer right about alcohol. 1 of my oldest n dearest friends gets thru 15pints of Special Brew a day, no exaggeration, a legal drug killing someone i love dearly, but addiction is an insidious process.


No experience with a lot of the examples listed in this thread other than shrooms, blotter acid and DMT many many moons ago. 1 of those trips cost another friend 5yrs of his life thru drug induced psychosis. Not pretty. In my humble experience, DMT leaves the other 2 in the shade by miles for sheer force of intensity and far out-ness, never experienced anything like it even on multiple Micro-dots, completely inter-dimensional but v quick too. Wouldnt touch salvia.


Either that or meet up with Audioberserker and get an experienced Captain Trips at the wheel, cos hallucinogens can show you the mind of God AND the face of the Devil, but sometime you'll only remember the latter.


Not trying to scare you off having fun, but its not all fluffy wuffy. Take yer time and make informed choices, if u do a small batch only increase incrementally once you're well into the experience and have found your feet and even then it might be you already hit your own personal sweet spot.


Stay safe and good luck!



Thanks for the advice though I'm aware that one should be scared and very cautious really that's why I've been waiting years for this stuff. I have no interest in taking valium/diazepam but yeah would definitely start with low doses of mushrooms and LSD when I do it. Currently trying to get some salvia for a reasonable price and would also start with extremely low doses. Apparently it exhibits "reverse tolerance" so it gets stronger over time I guess. Just what I read, no idea where (lol maybe here).


I don't mind negative experiences, I'm not looking for fluffy wuffy

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thats the thing, once yer metaphorically belted into the experience, it could conjure things that no mind can effectively handle.


i only referenced the tranqs as a last resort, cos they offer your mind a way back into some kind of malleable entity, or at least reform the "map", not to take them as & of themselves.....


had as full a spectrum of experiences as most folks, but some were def more beneficial than others and thats where rolling the dice can come into the equation, same as walking out the front door every day has its own inherent risks, but bad trips could & do stay with a person forever. That much i have seen. As a result, the glory i used to associate with these chemicals has subsequently tailed off a bit, but low doses of shrooms have provided some great times, no question. Its just the mega-brews of 3000+ wet shrooms shared among 6-10 people had a shelf-life.


I just dont have the mental resilience to undertake these missions any more, but dont let that put you off your own agenda.


With some of the substances outlined here there are clearly far more choices available than an urban Brit had 28+yrs ago, so the standard fair has gotten even wider in terms of choice.

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thats the thing, once yer metaphorically belted into the experience, it could conjure things that no mind can effectively handle.


i only referenced the tranqs as a last resort, cos they offer your mind a way back into some kind of malleable entity, or at least reform the "map", not to take them as & of themselves.....


had as full a spectrum of experiences as most folks, but some were def more beneficial than others and thats where rolling the dice can come into the equation, same as walking out the front door every day has its own inherent risks, but bad trips could & do stay with a person forever. That much i have seen. As a result, the glory i used to associate with these chemicals has subsequently tailed off a bit, but low doses of shrooms have provided some great times, no question. Its just the mega-brews of 3000+ wet shrooms shared among 6-10 people had a shelf-life.


I just dont have the mental resilience to undertake these missions any more, but dont let that put you off your own agenda.


With some of the substances outlined here there are clearly far more choices available than an urban Brit had 28+yrs ago, so the standard fair has gotten even wider in terms of choice.

well, you just need to be in a very safe and comfortable environments, alone or dears friends that really care for you and begin with something like 1g of shrooms. that shouldnt cause any serious problem at all.




Ever since I was a teenager I've really wanted to take psychedelics but I've been holding off because like it has been mentioned in this thread I sort of wanted to wait until my early 20s to do so since the brain is nearly done developing by then. Well now the time has come I guess.


I've had a few cannabis experiences and it was amazing. Honestly I love it so much. It was a "heady sativa strain" that I asked for (I don't know anything about it but I just asked for something like that) at a weed shop and it was just really cerebral and almost visual but not really. It was mentally visual as in it let my mind build more things. It was just mentally beautiful


But what I've really always wanted was mushrooms. I'm moving to Seattle soon and there is legal weed there so fuck yeah, will be having cannabis experiences about once a month I'm planning. And apparently "psilocybe cyanescens" grows in the Pacific Northwest really well during oct-nov-dev so I will be trying to see if it's feasible to pick that in the wild or otherwise acquire it from others who have picked it.


Really considering salvia for the next month or so but I went to a smoke shop and asked and they only had this tiny little bag of "5x extract" super expensive for like $25 or something, and it was like peach flavored or some shit, I don't know if this is normal but it seems a bit fruity. Everything I've read online suggests to use 40x. Where's the best place to acquire salvia legally in the US? Websites or just stick to local shops and settle for what they have?


I've been getting drunk a lot lately as a replacement for getting high (yeah I'm a total amateur) and it disgusts me that alcohol is legal but cannabis is not. Alcohol leaves a sick feeling in my mind and is just so different it's no replacement obviously. I don't like it, I really want weed instead



If you HAVE to, try & source dried shrooms, start with small numbers, maybe have a few valium/diazepam at hand if its stronger than you expected. Cannabis might only intensify the experience a la "smoke a j maaaaan and it'll take the edge off". Errrm, not always/exactly. And yer right about alcohol. 1 of my oldest n dearest friends gets thru 15pints of Special Brew a day, no exaggeration, a legal drug killing someone i love dearly, but addiction is an insidious process.


No experience with a lot of the examples listed in this thread other than shrooms, blotter acid and DMT many many moons ago. 1 of those trips cost another friend 5yrs of his life thru drug induced psychosis. Not pretty. In my humble experience, DMT leaves the other 2 in the shade by miles for sheer force of intensity and far out-ness, never experienced anything like it even on multiple Micro-dots, completely inter-dimensional but v quick too. Wouldnt touch salvia.


Either that or meet up with Audioberserker and get an experienced Captain Trips at the wheel, cos hallucinogens can show you the mind of God AND the face of the Devil, but sometime you'll only remember the latter.


Not trying to scare you off having fun, but its not all fluffy wuffy. Take yer time and make informed choices, if u do a small batch only increase incrementally once you're well into the experience and have found your feet and even then it might be you already hit your own personal sweet spot.


Stay safe and good luck!



Thanks for the advice though I'm aware that one should be scared and very cautious really that's why I've been waiting years for this stuff. I have no interest in taking valium/diazepam but yeah would definitely start with low doses of mushrooms and LSD when I do it. Currently trying to get some salvia for a reasonable price and would also start with extremely low doses. Apparently it exhibits "reverse tolerance" so it gets stronger over time I guess. Just what I read, no idea where (lol maybe here).


I don't mind negative experiences, I'm not looking for fluffy wuffy


2c-i was fantastical from what i remember, colors i'd never seen before, clouds turning into iron fists, posters melting on the wall, general lucidity. felt pretty clean, acid type off-the-train hangover, maybe a bit lighter. got it from a trusted friend. felt pretty magical, but never got too cosmic. would repeat.

2c-e blew my socks off. at a certain dosage, its damn fucking crazy strong lol.

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Shrooms are fun, haven't done them in a while but wouldn't mind doing them again. Only had one bad experience once on shrooms and that was largely my own fault for taking them at a time I shouldn't have and making myself paranoid. Pretty sure a friend of mine has a solid plug on them if I ever ever so curious again.


I candyflipped once some years back and that was fuckin' wild, not sure I'd attempt it again. I took quite a bit of acid that time. Had an amazing time, but somewhat overwhelming. I dont think other experiences could measure up to that night/day as well.

Edited by ghOsty
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I bought 1g of 20x salvia divinorum. Rolled a little joint out of it maybe 0.2g of leaf with a really long filter


Planned to go outside, take a few puffs, then come inside and wait for it to kick in. But before I even exhaled my first puff the effects were already kicking in. By the time I realized I had just taken a puff it felt like I had been sitting there waiting for an eternity. Then it felt like I just popped into existence at that moment. Then it felt like I had forgotten everything


I quickly snuffed out the joint on the cold wet ground and saw the embers falling. I smashed dirt on top of them so scared I'd light the floor on fire. Then I put my joint back into my metal Altoids tin I kept it in and walked into my house. There were reptiles looming over meme as I walked through the dark hallway to my room. They were flat and made of these really bright crayon colors, like orange red and neon green. Then I appeared outside again and frantically was searching for my joint on the floor. Did I drop it. OMFG DID I DROP IT? I thought I'd light the grass on fire again and kept searching but I couldn't find it so I went into my house again and looked under my bed and there it was with my lighter tucked nicely under my bed hidden away in this cardboard tin


But then by the time I tucked it back under my bed and I was kneeling by the bed I thought "fuck was it really there? Did I just see that under my bed or is it still outside?"


So I went outside again in my socks and no shoes and tried to find it but couldnt so I went back into my house again and checked and yep it was under my bed where I thought I left it. So I laid in bed again and my brother was showering and this really helped me, I'm so happy he was showering at the time because it gave me a reference point of time in the world. I'd hear the drops falling and realize I was in the real world. And then he'd open the door and I felt so happy hearing how long it took the door to open


I laid on the bed and put my face on my pillow and closed my eyes and tried to look at the back of my eyelids with the expectation of seeing something like Terence McKenna says but I never say anything. But then in my mind I become one of those 3-ball desk toys and I was rocking back and forth up in space with little dots all around me. I was like flowing back and forth and made of materials that I can't even imagine in my present sober mind


I laid in bed and each moment felt like eternity


Looking at the clock, only a few minutes had passed since I walked outside to take a puff. I read it should take 5 minutes to be done so I sat there patiently waiting but it wouldn't end. I went online and typed to some friends and asked them wtf was wrong with me and to reassure me I would be okay soon because I felt I needed human contact


It is weird because this is the most insane out of body experience I've ever had but I was still capable of typing on my keyboard. I can't even type while drunk but I can manage to type while morphing with the universe and seeing reptilian wallpaper? Surreal


Every moment I forgot what I was doing the previous moment, I was reborn mentally each moment and my mind didn't exist. I was so scared I destroyed my mind and it was too late to go back and I'd forever be mentally ill. I felt mentally ill like this is what crazy people feel and I've just fucked up and become one


Slowly after about 20 minutes though judging by clock I started to barely start to come down. Another 20 minutes and it started to go down further also but I still kept forgetting what I was doing and who I was every minute


Was so paranoid because I've never read about effects lasting this long online, especially since online everyone says you can't even get a minor buzz of smoking it in joint form but HOLY SHIT I literally just blasted through the universe


I am never doing this again, this is by far the scariest moment of my whole life and I will never look at the human mind in the same way again, or our perception and I will forever be grateful to be alive.

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Thing is too I know this was a minor trip but it was too much for me to handle. I handled it well though I just let myself go and accepted what was happening to me and didn't try to fight it at all. I just let my mind and body do what it wanted and then I managed to relax a little bit


I didn't even get eyeball visuals just imaginary ones. Holy fuck I would need a trip sitter in real lifeto ever take this again I was so scared honestly.


Now I know what to expect, I respect these substances so much more now. I had a cavalier attitude but oh my fucking God I am now beyond scared. This is nothing like weed. This is so much more and I only took like one puff I think, maybe two. HOLY FUCK LITERALLY HOLY FUCK.

Edited by Zeffolia
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Guest Chesney

Ha, great story.

I have never done newer types. Not done acid or shrooms for 15 years. I'd probably interested in shrooms again if the right situation ever rose, doubt it though.

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I bought 1g of 20x salvia divinorum. Rolled a little joint out of it maybe 0.2g of leaf with a really long filter

you smoked it on a joint? and you went that deep? that shit isn't even supposed to hit you if you ain't smoking it from a bong or something...



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I bought 1g of 20x salvia divinorum. Rolled a little joint out of it maybe 0.2g of leaf with a really long filter

you smoked it on a joint? and you went that deep? that shit isn't even supposed to hit you if you ain't smoking it from a bong or something...





Yeah I know that's what I read too and that's why I was so casual about it and just did it outside and planned to walk back inside after. But that was a mistake. It was the most intense experience of my life. I don't even remember how many puffs I took but I think it was about 2 and before I even exhaled I was already out of my mind.


It lasted about 1 hour 10 minutes or so before I finally felt kind of normal again. I had dissociative effects for a good 5 hours after and had really weird dreams last night. Maybe my brain is sensitive to it.

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I think salvia brings you down to your reptile level letting that part of the brain take over




When I took it I was impulsive, I'd have thoughts to do something then found myself in the middle of doing it, not knowing how I got there. And I felt the presence of 2d reptiles sort of menacingly at the emotional level. And I saw them in my mind as I walked in the dark. I felt like I was one, sort of walking weirdly outside

Edited by Zeffolia
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