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Mt. Fuji in Japan might erupt soon

syd syside

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I went to Japan once. On my last day there, I took the Shinkansen (bullet train) to another train to Fujinomiya so that I could see Mount Fuji.

It was so cloudy, I couldn't see shit. I basically got all the way down there, just to turn right around and go back. I was catching a flight back to the USA that afternoon. I ended up leaving my luggage in a cab and geting the police in a crazed pursuit to find my bags.

Luckily, it all worked out.


I really hope that town doesn't get wiped off the map. It seemed like a cool place with really nice people.


btw, if you google image search "Fujinomiya", you see tits. Wtf, Japan?

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I need to dig up and scan the photos my family took when we hiked up there. Anyone else been up on the top of it?


btw, if you google image search "Fujinomiya", you see tits. Wtf, Japan?


it's pretty much impossible to google image search anything japan-related and not eventually get those pendulous floppy udder-titties they love



they're fun



It's the same for Kadena...make sure to add "Air Base" if your looking up the military installation on Okinawa.

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Japan is basically exactly the same as it is in the movies only instead of monsters it has natural disasters.


This is why the kaiju films came about. It was allegorical to all the many natural disasters, metaphorical monsters, that have happened to Japan over the years civilization has existed there. Knowing is half the battle.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i don't want to sound like a dick. i mean, i hope that if it does erupt that everyone one gets to safety.

that being said, i really want to see this thing go. i love volcanic eruptions and by the sound of it this thing is gonna be an amazing spectacle.

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In Iceland volcanos erupt on a 2 year schedule. They told me its really hard to predict it. You only can tell by statistics. The real forecast can be done like 75 minutes in advance if they are lucky. 15-30 Minutes is more the usual

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It will be magnificently horrific when Fujiyama bursts.


Hopefully the atmosphere holds up.


The volcano in the Philippines, Mt Pinatubo, supposedly did more damage to the air than the human race could ever do.


Even with all of our industrial poison spewing into the air constantly for many years, we can't out match the power of the volcano.


Perhaps the H bomb matches them in some way but why should we compare a man made evil to nature's beautiful earth cleansers.



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Guest Frankie5fingers


that reminds me of this movie i saw in high school a couple years ago. i don't remember the title but it was an anime that followed this kid around on the day of the bombing. and there was this one scene where his girlfriend was obliterated by the blast while he somehow was safe. she looked like that but even more horrific.
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Guest Frankie5fingers
yeah it was. damn that still gives me fucking nightmares.


hm, i don't think that's entirely accurate. i thought people were vaporized almost instantaneously?

yeah, the cartoon isn't as accurate or as fucking disgusting at depicting what really happened. if you've ever seen those pics where there are a pair of shoes melted to the asphalt and a shadow of the person burned into the ground you really get a sense of how horrible it really was.


and this volcano deal sounds like its gonna be a Pompeii ordeal all over again.

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Guest Glass Plate

Japan is basically exactly the same as it is in the movies only instead of monsters it has natural disasters.


You're almost there but, uh, those monsters are an embodiment of what were originally human made disasters.

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