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2012 presidential debates


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You shouldn't be allow to own companies or be employed by a corporation if you want to run for pubic office.


Do you expect for a businessman to get into politics to improve the lives of the population? These cats get into politics to make profit and help their business partners.

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Go to the huffpo you lazy ass mofo!




Biden is my new hero! Finally someone who speaks up to Ryan, directly on national TV, for spewing the amount of crap Ryan does. I'd love the take from the local therapeutists here on board about my feeling that Ryan is a pathological liar. I'm not kidding. The things he say, combined with that body language. It's a second nature. He's a pro at what he does. Telling lies.

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i only saw about 5 minutes of that debate, and ryan seems like such a evil arrogant twit, it was scary. there is something behind those eyes that is not good.

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i only saw about 5 minutes of that debate, and ryan seems like such a evil arrogant twit, it was scary. there is something behind those eyes that is not good.


I heard about the same amount on NPR running errands - it sounded like Ryan's strategy was to act all cool and smug to try to paint Biden as being a hothead. Can't lie - I don't really like Biden, but really don't like Ryan, so hearing Biden more or less call Ryan out on his bullshit was enjoyable.


The amount of doublespeak the GOP puts out is astounding, particularly regarding anything budget related. The conservative blogosphere, talk radio, and local and state GOP officials are relentless in their ideological hatred of government spending and "entitlement" programs and yet they hammer Obama for taking money from medicare to healthcare budget and not cutting the budget in order to ensure social security funds for seniors. It always astounds me that Republicans will cut everything - education, welfare, food stamps, regulatory departments, etc., refuse to cut subsidiaries to businesses, corporate loopholes, and tax breaks for wealthy, and THEN call for spending on defense - so with that, Social Security, and Medicare spending combined, almost 70% of the budget is untouchable by the GOP. I feel like applauding their absolute hands-down success at bullshitting the American public and crushing the libertarian-leaning portion of their party who actually cries foul on their hypocrisy The Dems aren't any better really, it's perpetual finger-pointing on their end, but at least many of them are sincerely progressive on social issues.


To put it succinctly - I'm pretty sure the vague, populist rhetoric of both sides is determined by the fact that old white retirees still vote in greater numbers than anyone else.

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I like Biden and I like how passionate he gets about his job.


Also, did anyone notice Ryan's obvious old school coercive political tactics to try and appeal to the emotions of the American people? So obvious and so transparent.

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That debate was entertaining. At the end of all of Biden's rant's he'd give Ryan the stare of death. It must've been so intimidating for Ryan.

I really wanted Biden to win the democratic primaries in '08 (based on his speeches). But having him as vice president is p cool.

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Just finished watching this. I thought it was really entertaining. They both had different strengths and weaknesses. I'm a Biden man, but was impressed with Ryan's bullshit sincerity and gravitas...when he wasn't floundering like a kid.

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Guest Hanratty

I loved Biden when he spoke about his history of gaffes and said: "but I always say what I mean, and so does Romney". best moment for me.

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best moment(s) for me is when Biden kept idiotically saying 'you voted to put 2 wars on the credit card' , well so did you asshole. But i guess Biden has more cred since his son went into the meat grinder he voted for.


also funny was how meaningless the Iran discussion was, i guess Stuxnet is too controversial of a subject to bring up during a debate. Would have been great to see them both flounder in response to a question about the US admitting it unleashed the 'worlds most dangerous computer virus' on another nation who we supposedly aren't at war with.

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interesting tidbit about Biden, this is actually how i heard of the guy. Was shocked when he started running for president, but i guess i shouldnt have been.

According to the FBI and as confirmed by various news reports at the time, Pakistani ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad instructed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the alleged assassin of Daniel Pearl, to wire $100,000 to alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001.


Arriving exactly one week before 9/11, the general met with Pentagon, White House National Security Council and CIA officials, including George Tenet and Marc Grossman, then U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.


On the very morning of 9/11, Ahmad was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.


Two days after the attack on the twin towers and the Pentagon, on September 13th, Senator Joseph Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, met with the ISI chief.


No adequate explanation has been forthcoming as to why top government and intelligence officials were meeting with the money man behind the alleged hijackers before and after 9/11.

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it's shady as fuck though.


reminds me of that bill hicks bit when he is like ok, you are now president, and they bring him into a dark back room and show him the JFK assassination from a camera angle on the grassy knoll and say, any questions?

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best moment(s) for me is when Biden kept idiotically saying 'you voted to put 2 wars on the credit card' , well so did you asshole. But i guess Biden has more cred since his son went into the meat grinder he voted for.


also funny was how meaningless the Iran discussion was, i guess Stuxnet is too controversial of a subject to bring up during a debate. Would have been great to see them both flounder in response to a question about the US admitting it unleashed the 'worlds most dangerous computer virus' on another nation who we supposedly aren't at war with.


The whole Stuxnet thing might be interesting to you, but it matters jackshit to the average American, who are more worried about the economy than some covert cyber warfare. The electorate is stupid and these "debates" are designed to cater to them. And the fact is that the US will continue to do shady shit all over the world, regardless who is sitting in the Oval office or has a majority in Congress.

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best moment(s) for me is when Biden kept idiotically saying 'you voted to put 2 wars on the credit card' , well so did you asshole. But i guess Biden has more cred since his son went into the meat grinder he voted for.


also funny was how meaningless the Iran discussion was, i guess Stuxnet is too controversial of a subject to bring up during a debate. Would have been great to see them both flounder in response to a question about the US admitting it unleashed the 'worlds most dangerous computer virus' on another nation who we supposedly aren't at war with.


The whole Stuxnet thing might be interesting to you, but it matters jackshit to the average American, who are more worried about the economy than some covert cyber warfare. The electorate is stupid and these "debates" are designed to cater to them. And the fact is that the US will continue to do shady shit all over the world, regardless who is sitting in the Oval office or has a majority in Congress.


its not just because they are stupid (though many are)


its hard to care about people thousands of miles away when you are exhausted from working 100 hour weeks for minimum wage.


people around here like to pull this bleeding heart shit, but its true.


its also the conundrum of "how the fuck do we fix this"?


Occupy didn't work, protests don't work, armed rebellions didn't work, creating an anti-propaganda wing didn't work, academia and education isn't working,


where should I stop?

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