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chimpanzee revenge killings


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GOMA - The stories here in eastern Congo are terrifying: large numbers of apes have begun attacking villagers. The main cause is the six-month-old war in the region, which forces the primates to leave their territory, and makes them see humans as a threat.




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Worst case scenario, the chimps take out the rebels with their bare hands, then learn how to use their guns. They are genetically our closest non-human relative.


It's a bit of a stretch, but still..

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Humans are worse.




The BBC documentary reporter interviewed a Congolese man whose family was attacked by uniformed men in 2008. He was bound hand and foot and beaten for 3 hours, during which he watched as they killed his whole family, including his two children, before cutting off their heads. Then they left him for dead. In 2010, he was attacked again by men in uniform. He believes they targeted him specifically after discovering he was still alive. They took him blindfolded and bound in a van, to a barracks with other prisoners.


There, he was sexually tortured and raped, for 4 or 5 days. He says he was semi-conscious for much of it, the pain was so great. Then they loaded him into a van, drove him out into the bush, and raped him again. He asked them to kill him. They laughed and left him lying there.




One of the women, Lumo Furaha, testified: “.... Over 50 armed men took me and another woman to the bush where they raped us over and over again. After, they pulled us like goats to the main road where they left us abandoned. Luckily, we were found by some men and eventually I was taken to the Goma hospital where I have had nine surgeries, but yet to be fixed.




Animals don't use sexual violence on each other. Wars and ongoing conflict have been present in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for many years, and this kind of sadism has been used, not only as a political weapon, but as a way to ease tension between groups of soldiers.


I find it so very, tragically ironic that the Congo is also the only place in the world where

lives in the wild.
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I fucking hate apes, monkeys, chimps, you name it. It's a shame they don't have a country, if they did I would work so hard to become PM just so I could nuke the fuckers.

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Animals don't use sexual violence on each other.






That's not the same as using it to torture people, or using it as a strategic weapon of warfare like these people do in the Congo. There are no documented cases of animals using sex specifically to inflict suffering on others.

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Animals don't use sexual violence on each other.






That's not the same as using it to torture people, or using it as a strategic weapon of warfare like these people do in the Congo. There are no documented cases of animals using sex specifically to inflict suffering on others.


lol what? there are many documented cases of primates specifically using rape as a means of exerting dominance and for their own pleasure.

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