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Disney buys Lucasfilm

Rubin Farr

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that looked fan made. and i always cringe when i see "visionary" in a preview. terrible trailer. says nothing about the film though, which i'm interested in.


actually, was that fan made? it really doesn't seem real.

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really? i read on imdb that the trailer would be released in october 2012 and then i found this with 1,5mil views, so i figured it was official.

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Nothing promoting it has come out yet, except for Guillermo Del Toro jizzing about the little footage he's seen. It's kind of frustrating, I think it was originally slated for a fall 2012 release but keeps getting pushed back. Don't know if that's good or bad. Besides Elysium it's the film I most look forward to seeing this year.

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Maybe you haven't seen his moviefilms.

If he did the Star Trek reboot, and the ET: The Extraterrestrial reboot where the kids are filming a zombie movie, and probably another reboot with extra lens flares, then I think I might have accidentally watched two of them.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I bet Abrams will find a suitable spot for him in the script, maybe an elder statesman since he's married to Leia, or a down and out swindler like Watto. Maybe he's doing interspecies porn with Chewbacca.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd say JJ Abrams is perfect for this. Ultimately, it's "Star Wars", which is an adventure series about space magic, comedy robots, bad guys dressed in black and aliens hanging out in anthropomorphic places like bars and diners. Its doesnt exactly need someone like Steven Soderburgh, Wim Wenders or Jim Jarmusch to direct it.


And as everyone has said, there's no way Disney + Abrams can fuck this franchise up as supremely and totally as Lucas did.

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Guest bitroast

yeah. i can imagine harrison ford maybe pulling it off, but not the other two.


even harrison ford is a bit of a stretch. aged harrison ford is cool and all, but he seems to have gone in a complete opposite direction than what you'd imagine the character of han solo to be in at this age. same goes for luke/leia. they're different people. they don't reflect their characters anymore.


so yeah, i'd be impressed if they pull this off as well.

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Guest zaphod

mark hamill looks like emperor palpatine. abrams should throw some wacky time travel shit into the new one. have luke go back in time just to fuck with vader. he fathers a son named anakin, abandons him, then reappears in his life as a middle aged politician and guru. it all leads up to return of the jedi, when luke is electrocuting himself/his grandson, and vader tries to throw him down a reactor shaft. luke removes his hood, goes "who's your daddy?" then tosses vader into a lens flare. the two lukes hi five and tear open the time space continuum, killing everyone in the universe, effectively ending any more of these terrible fucking movies.

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