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Saudi woman sentenced to 100 lashes and year in jail for being raped

Rubin Farr

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Right you are. Rape and domestic violence are hugely under-reported. But I'd like to know what your basis is for suggesting they're disproportionate among Muslims in the UK - aside from your own prejudices.


i can't find anything "hard" but uk is quite prominent in "honor killings" wiki article, even if 6 of those assumed "up to a dozen honour killings" are women, it makes them about two times more than their percentage of the population according to your 100 women murders per year and the ~2.5% population of muslims in uk.

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Every year in the United Kingdom (UK), officials estimate that at least a dozen women are victims of honor killings, almost exclusively within Asian and Middle Eastern families


Over the course of six years, more than 4,000 women have died as victims of honor killings in Pakistan from 1999 to 2004.[83] In 2005 the average annual number of honor killings for the whole nation was stated to be more than 10,000 per year


the overwhelming majority of honor killings are perpetrated by Muslims against Muslims (90% of honor killings known to have taken place in Europe and the United States from 1998 to 2008)


the fear of being labeled "culturally insensitive" often prevents government officials in the United States and the media from identifying and accurately reporting these incidents as "honor killings" when they occur. Failing to accurately describe the problem makes it more difficult to develop public policies to address it.


is everyone in the thread being culturally insensitive (as well as fascist, racist, stupid, etc) by discussing ways to address the issues raised?

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Every year in the United Kingdom (UK), officials estimate that at least a dozen women are victims of honor killings, almost exclusively within Asian and Middle Eastern families


Over the course of six years, more than 4,000 women have died as victims of honor killings in Pakistan from 1999 to 2004.[83] In 2005 the average annual number of honor killings for the whole nation was stated to be more than 10,000 per year


the overwhelming majority of honor killings are perpetrated by Muslims against Muslims (90% of honor killings known to have taken place in Europe and the United States from 1998 to 2008)


the fear of being labeled "culturally insensitive" often prevents government officials in the United States and the media from identifying and accurately reporting these incidents as "honor killings" when they occur. Failing to accurately describe the problem makes it more difficult to develop public policies to address it.


is everyone in the thread being culturally insensitive (as well as fascist, racist, stupid, etc) by discussing ways to address the issues raised?


i would certainly hope not

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i can't find anything "hard" but uk is quite prominent in "honor killings" wiki article, even if 6 of those assumed "up to a dozen honour killings" are women, it makes them about two times more than their percentage of the population according to your 100 women murders per year and the ~2.5% population of muslims in uk.



Actually, the latest figures put the Muslim population of the UK at more like 4.6%. What's more, that very article states that about a third of "honor killings" are carried out by Sikhs or Hindus, which doesn't really support the idea that any one religion is the key cultural factor behind them. It's to do with traditional, conservative and repressive elements within subcontinental culture, sure - but as shocking as it is, it's still not the norm in those societies. Most people are as disgusted by it as you are.


Speaking of my own personal experience, my last two long-term relationships have been with people from subcontinental Muslim backgrounds. I have not been honor-killed. Neither have my partners. In fact, I've encountered nothing from their families but acceptance, kindness and a lot of really nice food.


These people are the mainstream of Islam in the UK. And they're as opposed to honor killings - or any other kind of domestic violence, because that's what it is - as you or me.




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my last two long-term relationships have been with people from subcontinental Muslim backgrounds.


i hear they're really filthy in bed eh? :spiteful:


yeah, i hear religious girls tend to get freaky cause of all that repressed sexual tension.

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Many on the Left invariably invoke liberal values, but should not liberals first address political ideologies and cultures that are hostile to liberalism?


The underlying views of humanitarian racists are welcome in mainstream media and prevalent among the intelligentsia, who happen to disproportionately identify as progressive or Left. Regarding Israel, this comes out through the almost complete acceptance of the Palestinian narrative and its many falsehoods, its continuous promotion that Palestinians are purely victims and not also perpetrators of criminal acts. By adopting such a skewed and intellectually crude perception of reality, humanitarian racists have become supporters, allies and enablers of the worst Palestinian behavior.


Despite what else one may be, to consider Palestinians responsible for their criminal acts and aggression, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, like any human being should similarly be responsible, is not racist at all, humanitarian or otherwise. Except if one trends into Orwellian territory that "humanitarian" racists generally occupy.


Westerners must acknowledge that “the great ideas of the West — rationalism, self-criticism, the disinterested search for truth, the separation of church and state, the rule of law and equality under the law, freedom of thought and expression, human rights, and liberal democracy — are superior to any others devised by humankind.” Likewise, it is critical to compare Western ideals to those of the Islamists, which are antithetical to liberty and increasingly threaten it.


Many Progressives these days fail to adequately see that the very Western system they oppose, through Israel and the USA, is the one that in reality affords them the opportunities and freedoms that are limited or nonexistent elsewhere. What do they offer as a replacement to the Western model? A dream? Imagine their situations if they were in Egypt, Iran, China, if they opposed the state or system similarly.



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Guest The Bro

the vast majority of the world behave like savages - may not be politically correct but it's true. it's only a very small fraction of the planet where "civilised society" (if you can call it that) exists. most of the world is still stuck in medieval attitudes and thinking. this is what is causing a lot of the problems today - the clash of these socially less developed cultures (in terms of moral acceptability) with western values of openness and freedom etc.

Best thing you've wrote on here for a good while! Personally I couldn't agree more.

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