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Obama wins the election

Guest abusivegeorge

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Oh god, I just took a gander at AnnCoulter.com forums to see how well they took it.


And I glimpsed a part of humanity that made me deeply sad.


Watching Obama get reelected would have been like the OJ Simpson trial when he got away with murder!

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Guest abusivegeorge

Today, I made calls for Obama from 9:30am to 7:30pm. Much of the day was filled with hang-ups, personal insults, being cursed at and a fair share of frustration, annoyance and hostility, directed at me (I will spare you the details), as I willingly donated my time. The whole time, I was respectful and never once argued or tried to persuade or change opinions.

All of it was well worth it.

I must have drank 20-30 cups of coffee to stay focused in my belief that our president was worth the sweat, effort and emotion to re-elect. At times, I questioned if I was making a difference, as many people clearly had been called by other volunteers, numerous times. However, at the end of the day with 20 minutes left, one voter I called hadn't voted and I'm positive that I was the deciding factor in her going out to the polls. Even if all of it resulted in one vote that I helped to count, I have no doubt that that vote was valuable and deserving of a full day's worth of hard work.


What's your job dude? Also, good work I can't imagine what it's like having to do that, I can't imagine the abuse you must get for what is essentially a "cold-call" and I must admit this would be the only time I would appreciate someone calling me at home to influence my life. It's the only time I would listen to what someone actually has to say to me, otherwise, if you were to be selling me double glazing I'd hunt you down and burn your house to the floor.


I guess that makes me slightly pro-Romney

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if you were to be selling me double glazing I'd hunt you down and burn your house to the floor.


I did that job briefly. Don't hunt down the people calling you, hunt down their bosses. They're the real shits.


As for Obama - four more years of nominally left-wing people excusing war crimes, I suppose.

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What's your job dude?


I'm a struggling freelance videographer. I voted early because I thought I had a job today (and yesterday), but it got pushed, so I had the day free.

I was very depressed to miss out on paid work, but I was able to commit a day to a cause I believed in.

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is it ok now to tell the Obama supporters to take the gloves off and be hard on the guy if he isn't using his final term wisely? No logical reason to carry water at this point, especially if you believe Obama is a good man with his heart in the right place. No major social changes have happened without pressure from the bottom.

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did anybody see that Twitter trendmap website had the word 'nigger' trending as the #1 twitter word in Texas on election day.


:facepalm: just 1 of the many reasons to be ashamed to be in the same country as these awful people




have a taste here https://twitter.com/search?q=nigger&src=typd

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Guest abusivegeorge

if you were to be selling me double glazing I'd hunt you down and burn your house to the floor.


I did that job briefly. Don't hunt down the people calling you, hunt down their bosses. They're the real shits.


As for Obama - four more years of nominally left-wing people excusing war crimes, I suppose.


True man, just people tryin' to make a livin' I 'spose

What's your job dude?


I'm a struggling freelance videographer. I voted early because I thought I had a job today (and yesterday), but it got pushed, so I had the day free.

I was very depressed to miss out on paid work, but I was able to commit a day to a cause I believed in.


Fair play man! Not often you really see people fighting for what they believe in these days.


did anybody see that Twitter trendmap website had the word 'nigger' trending as the #1 twitter word in Texas on election day.


:facepalm: just 1 of the many reasons to be ashamed to be in the same country as these awful people




have a taste here https://twitter.com/...nigger&src=typd


What a bunch of cunts.

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did anybody see that Twitter trendmap website had the word 'nigger' trending as the #1 twitter word in Texas on election day.

have a taste here https://twitter.com/...nigger&src=typd


Looks like this mostly comes from this cunt here > https://twitter.com/MoriahRae1


Also she appears to go to this church > http://on.fb.me/YIHNXa


Why don't you guys hop on their page and leave a little note about what a great person she is. Nothing vulgar, as they would likely delete that, but just a little note about how she might need a little help to stop being a piece of racist shit.


Have fun!

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did anybody see that Twitter trendmap website had the word 'nigger' trending as the #1 twitter word in Texas on election day.

have a taste here https://twitter.com/...nigger&src=typd


Looks like this mostly comes from this cunt here > https://twitter.com/MoriahRae1


Also she appears to go to this church > http://on.fb.me/YIHNXa


Why don't you guys hop on their page and leave a little note about what a great person she is. Nothing vulgar, as they would likely delete that, but just a little note about how she might need a little help to stop being a piece of racist shit.


Have fun!




At 1:07, is she saying "There's the beautiful General Lee..."?

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i hate both parties and don't agree with many things obama has done. still, he's romney is objectively worse in every category of everything, so at least it's not him.


i'm interested to see what obama does with his 2nd term, thought he was a bit of a pussy the first time around.

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Inside the Secret World of Data Crunchers Who Helped Obama Win



“We analyzed very early that the problem in Democratic politics was you had databases all over the place,” said one of the officials. “None of them talked to each other.” So over the first 18 months, the campaign started over, creating a single massive system that could merge the information collected from pollsters, fundraisers, field workers and consumer databases as well as social-media and mobile contacts with the main Democratic voter files in the swing states.


The new megafile didn’t just tell the campaign how to find voters and get their attention; it also allowed the number crunchers to run tests predicting which types of people would be persuaded by certain kinds of appeals. Call lists in field offices, for instance, didn’t just list names and numbers; they also ranked names in order of their persuadability, with the campaign’s most important priorities first. About 75% of the determining factors were basics like age, sex, race, neighborhood and voting record. Consumer data about voters helped round out the picture. “We could [predict] people who were going to give online. We could model people who were going to give through mail. We could model volunteers,” said one of the senior advisers about the predictive profiles built by the data. “In the end, modeling became something way bigger for us in ’12 than in ’08 because it made our time more efficient.”




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