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IKEA admits to using slave labor

Rubin Farr

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And what do they use now? underpaid kids from asia? these corporations are fucking slaving third world countries i dont care about the technicalities but 2 dollars a day for 8-12 hour work is slavery in my opinion.


But what do i care im writing this using my macbook while wearing cool addidas clothes probably made in indonesia by some hungry kid.


So conflicted.

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And what do they use now? underpaid kids from asia? these corporations are fucking slaving third world countries i dont care about the technicalities but 2 dollars a day for 8-12 hour work is slavery in my opinion.


But what do i care im writing this using my macbook while wearing cool addidas clothes probably made in indonesia by some hungry kid.


So conflicted.


Sounds like your clothes may be fake.

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And what do they use now? underpaid kids from asia? these corporations are fucking slaving third world countries i dont care about the technicalities but 2 dollars a day for 8-12 hour work is slavery in my opinion.


But what do i care im writing this using my macbook while wearing cool addidas clothes probably made in indonesia by some hungry kid.


So conflicted.


Sounds like your clothes may be fake.


Where do you think adidas make their clothes? Accrington?

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What are the kids wearing these days? skinny jeans with ironic t-shirts? fuck that, in the swamp i was born in adidas shoes, blue jeans and plain shirts are cool.


(by adidas clothes i meant adidas shoes)

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i heard the guy who came up with the volkswagen was a nazi, also, something about henry ford.


Ford was a supporter of Hitler in the 30s and a fierce anti-Semite. He even received a the highest German Cross medal a foreign person could be awarded. Ferdinand Porsche was a main designer of the Porsche and both Porsche (the company) and VW produced military vehicles, including some Panzer components, during WWII. That isn't any different that US companies building weapons or Mitsubishi in Japan, Rolls-Royce in UK, etc. Private companies on the whole built war machines at their governments request. It wasn't political, someone like Porsche had no option. Remember too that both NASA and the USSR space programs started with the V-2 rocket engineers they managed to capture, technological innovation is often tied with defense projects.


Ford's overall involvement is a lot more alarming, the company traded with the Third Reich and had ownership of German factories up until 1938. His anti-Semitic books were popular within the Nazi party. He was reluctant to get involved, vaguely opposing the war but nonetheless Ford factories pitched in with weapon factory (aircraft mostly) production.

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i did not know this re: ford. that's fucked up.


Yeah he was quite outspoken about it. He never quite endorsed the Nazi party itself and he did flat-out cut ties with Germany once they began using French POWs in factories. Very last minute nonetheless. If he had been just slightly more resistant to supporting the US war effort and/or continued to maintain a business relationship with the Nazis through 1941, I'm sure he would of been far more of a historical disgrace. Apparently by that time he was already becoming a bit senile anyway.

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playas had SLAVES & they still make you assemble your own damn table you just bought


ahh this is why i looked in this thread


in 1980s....

and in east germany lol everyone was a fucking slave in east germany




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IBM was consciously providing the Nazis with technology to catalog all the prisoners that would later be killed.


holy shit




too many sources to find just one great one, but there has been a very decent book written about it




i think a handful of documentaries exist as well, but i havent seen any of them


it's been pretty well established that Hitler was supported by a lot of American corporations even while the war was in full swing after Normandy. The allied forces were even given 'red spots' of where they weren't allowed to bomb in Germany because they had American corporate factories. Factories that also built weapons for germany but destroying them would ruffle too many corporate owners in the US.


Americans are extremely good at re-writing history, making it seem now as if it was a given and totally obvious that Hitler was pure evil. They don't like to talk about how much of a grey area fascism was and how well it was regarded by many powerful americans at the time.

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IBM was consciously providing the Nazis with technology to catalog all the prisoners that would later be killed.


holy shit




too many sources to find just one great one, but there has been a very decent book written about it




i think a handful of documentaries exist as well, but i havent seen any of them


it's been pretty well established that Hitler was supported by a lot of American corporations even while the war was in full swing after Normandy. The allied forces were even given 'red spots' of where they weren't allowed to bomb in Germany because they had American corporate factories. Factories that also built weapons for germany but destroying them would ruffle too many corporate owners in the US.


American's are extremely good at re-writing history, making it seem now as if it was a given and totally obvious that Hitler was pure evil. They don't like to talk about how much of a florescent grey area fascism was and how well it was regarded by many powerful americans at the time.

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IBM was consciously providing the Nazis with technology to catalog all the prisoners that would later be killed.


holy shit




too many sources to find just one great one, but there has been a very decent book written about it




i think a handful of documentaries exist as well, but i havent seen any of them


it's been pretty well established that Hitler was supported by a lot of American corporations even while the war was in full swing after Normandy. The allied forces were even given 'red spots' of where they weren't allowed to bomb in Germany because they had American corporate factories. Factories that also built weapons for germany but destroying them would ruffle too many corporate owners in the US.


American's are extremely good at re-writing history, making it seem now as if it was a given and totally obvious that Hitler was pure evil. They don't like to talk about how much of a grey area fascism was and how well it was regarded by many powerful americans at the time.


Shit that's freaky. Spot on with the whole Americans re-writing history comment, i haven't had a history class in my life talking about this sort of subject matter, and its obvious why

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