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Assaulted like a peanut bro

Guest No Pomo

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Sorry, to here this man. What city was this in? I'm asking because I'm planning a move up to Kentucky within the next year or so and I'm curious if I'll be dealing with the same type of shit. I imagine that in a similar scenario they would probably accuse me of the same since I wear skinny jeans and everything.

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Dang, sorry that happened to you GP. Redneck bars are definitely an easy place to find an ass whooping.


To the people encouraging legal action: Not much would come of it (IMO). It would cost GP money to hire a lawyer, the local cops and judges will likely also be bigots and will barely slap the wrists of the kids who assaulted GP (they'd probably get probation), and the only eye-witnesses besides GP's brother seem to be bigots as well. I doubt the rednecks would learn much of a lesson except that (in their mind) "faggots are crybabies." I'm just not sure it would be worth it - they certainly wouldn't go to prison (it was just an unarmed fight in a local bar with no critical injuries)...again, they'd probably just get probation and - as most of us know - that's not exactly an effective form of rehabilitation (and neither is jail)... Having grown up in a backwards rural area, I can unfortunately attest to the strength of bigotry in young rednecks. Sexuality really scares the fuck out of them; it's like they can't help being bigots or they'll implode into actual gays and forget who they are. Weird but true.


Take care of yourself, GP, and try not to talk about Vaporwave while you're in Kentucky.



FTR, I wasn't talking specifincally about jail. Like I said. If you have a decent lawyer, you litigate, the case sounds pretty cut and dry. He attacked you.

Slap him with a lawsuit and your lawyers bills get paid.


Any lawyers out there in watmm-land?

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Guest Glass Plate
Sorry, to here this man. What city was this in? I'm asking because I'm planning a move up to Kentucky within the next year or so and I'm curious if I'll be dealing with the same type of shit. I imagine that in a similar scenario they would probably accuse me of the same since I wear skinny jeans and everything.

It's in the Ohio riverbed. close to Henderson, KY

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So idk I guess I'm just still angry about this and wanted to tell more people about it. I'm temporarily living in Kentucky for a while and I went to the only local bar for the end of the world.. I mean better than staying at home right? No. My step-brother knows a lot of people there and so I met various people who were on his wrestling team and went to his highschool etc. As you've seen in recent pics I have a goofy haircut and they accused me of being a "fag" for it. I told them I'm not gay, but that it shouldn't matter, and generally showed a positive senitment towards LGBT. As the night was about over an I was heading out, one of them came to me again and asked me if I was gay again and I simply said "who cares?" and he started getting very close to me and then he punched me a few times, and tried to choke me to death, my step-brother tried to stop him and then 6 other people basically jumped in against us, and it became 2 vs. I was too drunk to remember how many people actually fought me. I'm probably not going to press charges, not worth it, but that was incredibly stupid.


This makes me think you should go ahead and press charges. By the look of that bruising it doesn't seem like he just wanted to throw a few punches. What's stopping him doing this but only worse to the next guy?

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So idk I guess I'm just still angry about this and wanted to tell more people about it. I'm temporarily living in Kentucky for a while and I went to the only local bar for the end of the world.. I mean better than staying at home right? No. My step-brother knows a lot of people there and so I met various people who were on his wrestling team and went to his highschool etc. As you've seen in recent pics I have a goofy haircut and they accused me of being a "fag" for it. I told them I'm not gay, but that it shouldn't matter, and generally showed a positive senitment towards LGBT. As the night was about over an I was heading out, one of them came to me again and asked me if I was gay again and I simply said "who cares?" and he started getting very close to me and then he punched me a few times, and tried to choke me to death, my step-brother tried to stop him and then 6 other people basically jumped in against us, and it became 2 vs. I was too drunk to remember how many people actually fought me. I'm probably not going to press charges, not worth it, but that was incredibly stupid.


This makes me think you should go ahead and press charges. By the look of that bruising it doesn't seem like he just wanted to throw a few punches. What's stopping him doing this but only worse to the next guy?

Exactly my thoughts.

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That's really fucked up, dude. I hope your neck gets better quickly.


I'm going to be in Kentucky in a few days, since my mom's family is from there. Folks in the Kentucky/Ohio/W. Virginia tristate area tend to be real nice people, so I'm a little surprised that shit would happen [even though I shouldn't be]. I've never been to a bar out there though.

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i can't believe this shit is still happening in 2012.



why not? we had some guy shoot up a class full of youngsters a week or so back. in comparison this is pretty tame (but just as ignorant)


seriously GP, i know you don't want to hear it, but this guy needs to get off the streets. press charges. think about the next person that comes across this.

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Something equally as disgusting as trying to choke someone out just because you believe them to be gay is promoting people getting raped in prison as some form of justice served.

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i can't believe this shit is still happening in 2012.


why not? we had some guy shoot up a class full of youngsters a week or so back. in comparison this is pretty tame (but just as ignorant)


seriously GP, i know you don't want to hear it, but this guy needs to get off the streets. press charges. think about the next person that comes across this.

mass murderers are usually the result of mental illness and they're not some widespread cultural phenomenon. bigots are the result of outdated cultural values and they exist in far larger quantities than mass murderers. what's even worse is that they are seen as being rational by their peers, so the mindset and behavior is constantly being socially reinforced. no one (except a few sick fucks, i'm sure) will be validating the actions of a mass murderer. bigotry is a lot more dangerous imo because it's not a one-off thing, it's ongoing, and it's totally acceptable in certain social circles.

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i can't believe this shit is still happening in 2012.


why not? we had some guy shoot up a class full of youngsters a week or so back. in comparison this is pretty tame (but just as ignorant)


seriously GP, i know you don't want to hear it, but this guy needs to get off the streets. press charges. think about the next person that comes across this.

mass murderers are usually the result of mental illness and they're not some widespread cultural phenomenon. bigots are the result of outdated cultural values and they exist in far larger quantities than mass murderers. what's even worse is that they are seen as being rational by their peers, so the mindset and behavior is constantly being socially reinforced. no one (except a few sick fucks, i'm sure) will be validating the actions of a mass murderer. bigotry is a lot more dangerous imo because it's not a one-off thing, it's ongoing, and it's totally acceptable in certain social circles.


a violent act against someone is a violent act, regardless of motive or background. im all for discussing the problems behind it, but its somewhat sickening when a man that murders 20 children is handwaved passed the bar of moral disgust because of mental illness, and yet a guy that chokes someone because his entire community brainwashed him into believing fags were evil, unclean and diseased (often at the threat of physical punishment) from birth is "inhuman". they either both deserve some understanding, or they don't.


IMHO, lol. sure im going to get grief for this.



but yeah I think he should be raped brutally over and over for the rest of his life in a confined prison.

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Press charges, that's fucking assault man. Those guys won't get a slap on the wrist for trying to choke you out for responding to a question in a harmless manner after being harassed. At least take it to court and sue the bar. It happened in their establishment and it's their responsibility to have a decent bartender and bouncer to pluck off drunken assholes from a defenseless guy.


6 dudes need to beat up one supposed gay guy? Real manly of them.

This makes me feel pretty upset. Had I been in that bar, it would've gone down a little more Lee Marvin :wink:

hope you feel better man, bruises on the neck take forever to go away :/

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Guest Starblazer

Why let him get away with it? People like are a danger to society and sounds to me like this was a close one....think about the next person who gets the same treatment from him/them, they may not be so lucky as to escape with just the marks and horrid story to tell.


What a complete fucking nobber.

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fwiw, I was once 'nearly choked to death' by a stranger that broke into my house and accused me of harboring someone they were looking for. I called the cops 45 minutes after I got that guy to finally leave the house -- I was missing two teeth at this point and had blacked out on the stairs as he banged my head into them while choking me -- and the cops told me there was nothing they could do. I even got the assaulters myspace page (and phone number and name) for them, hah, and there was still nothing they were willing to do about it. Said the only victims they could afford to give financial assistance to were rape victims; the domestic abuse budget had been cut and I was told to pay my dental bills myself (which I did).


i just think those of you suggesting that this guy will go to prison are being a bit hopeful about the justice system. the dude(s) assaulted GP with bare hands, and didn't leave any serious injuries. that's fourth degree assault in KY (i just looked it up) and the maximum jailtime for that sort of thing is 12 months. The maximum fine is $500. No one gets maximum jail time on a misdemeanor like this, he'd almost certainly get about a week in jail if anything. (I grew up Nebraska -- in a similarly podunk rural area -- with peers who would drive drunk repeatedly - arguably a much worse offense than being a bigot and punching someone - and even on their third offense, they'd usually get no more than 30 days in jail. One guy got 90, but his criminal record was huge at the time) It sucks that this dude tried to choke GP 'to death,' but that level of damage was never inflicted and I feel like the law won't take it as seriously as some of you are. Just trying to be realistic... :/


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You know, the fact that he needed five of his buddies to help fight you and your step bro means he's too much of a pussy to take you on by himself. Just sayin'.

or maybe he was considerate of his friends and wanted to share the experience of beating a suspected faggot with them



but srsly, such speculations are just stupid.


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fwiw, I was once 'nearly choked to death' by a stranger that broke into my house and accused me of harboring someone they were looking for. I called the cops 45 minutes after I got that guy to finally leave the house -- I was missing two teeth at this point and had blacked out on the stairs as he banged my head into them while choking me -- and the cops told me there was nothing they could do. I even got the assaulters myspace page (and phone number and name) for them, hah, and there was still nothing they were willing to do about it. Said the only victims they could afford to give financial assistance to were rape victims; the domestic abuse budget had been cut and I was told to pay my dental bills myself (which I did).


i just think those of you suggesting that this guy will go to prison are being a bit hopeful about the justice system. the dude(s) assaulted GP with bare hands, and didn't leave any serious injuries. that's fourth degree assault in KY (i just looked it up) and the maximum jailtime for that sort of thing is 12 months. The maximum fine is $500. No one gets maximum jail time on a misdemeanor like this, he'd almost certainly get about a week in jail if anything. (I grew up Nebraska -- in a similarly podunk rural area -- with peers who would drive drunk repeatedly - arguably a much worse offense than being a bigot and punching someone - and even on their third offense, they'd usually get no more than 30 days in jail. One guy got 90, but his criminal record was huge at the time) It sucks that this dude tried to choke GP 'to death,' but that level of damage was never inflicted and I feel like the law won't take it as seriously as some of you are. Just trying to be realistic... :/

holy shit, this is horrible. where were you? I hope you got the fuck out. I'm glad you went to the police but I can't believe they weren't interested.


Glass Plate - I think you did the right thing at the bar, but I also think that beating on a guy because you think he's gay deserves a week in jail. Even a couple days! Sounds great to me. Just anything. I honestly think you are helping perpetrate this if you let this guy go. Hope you heal up fast though, and don't get discouraged about humanity.

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This is fucking horrid but I agree with the people who say that thinking the police would do anything about this is naive. I'm not familiar with the US justice system but here in Norway more serious things are shelved all the time. And Norway is considered to have a "good" standard of public services.

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another option:

if you're willing and have the energy for it, go to police and if they neglect your case/their response is very unsatisfactory try to blow this case via social networks and such, looks like watmm will be willing to help too. those kinds of stories are prone to go viral in my experience.

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fwiw, I was once 'nearly choked to death' by a stranger that broke into my house and accused me of harboring someone they were looking for. I called the cops 45 minutes after I got that guy to finally leave the house -- I was missing two teeth at this point and had blacked out on the stairs as he banged my head into them while choking me -- and the cops told me there was nothing they could do. I even got the assaulters myspace page (and phone number and name) for them, hah, and there was still nothing they were willing to do about it. Said the only victims they could afford to give financial assistance to were rape victims; the domestic abuse budget had been cut and I was told to pay my dental bills myself (which I did).


i just think those of you suggesting that this guy will go to prison are being a bit hopeful about the justice system. the dude(s) assaulted GP with bare hands, and didn't leave any serious injuries. that's fourth degree assault in KY (i just looked it up) and the maximum jailtime for that sort of thing is 12 months. The maximum fine is $500. No one gets maximum jail time on a misdemeanor like this, he'd almost certainly get about a week in jail if anything. (I grew up Nebraska -- in a similarly podunk rural area -- with peers who would drive drunk repeatedly - arguably a much worse offense than being a bigot and punching someone - and even on their third offense, they'd usually get no more than 30 days in jail. One guy got 90, but his criminal record was huge at the time) It sucks that this dude tried to choke GP 'to death,' but that level of damage was never inflicted and I feel like the law won't take it as seriously as some of you are. Just trying to be realistic... :/

holy shit, this is horrible. where were you? I hope you got the fuck out. I'm glad you went to the police but I can't believe they weren't interested.


Glass Plate - I think you did the right thing at the bar, but I also think that beating on a guy because you think he's gay deserves a week in jail. Even a couple days! Sounds great to me. Just anything. I honestly think you are helping perpetrate this if you let this guy go. Hope you heal up fast though, and don't get discouraged about humanity.


I did get the fuck out, and it was one of the best things to ever happen to me. Lost a girl I love, but gained a whole new world. :flower:


And I do agree that a crime like this does deserve a suitable punishment -- like you said, a week or a few days in jail is maybe appropriate -- but I just have my doubts about the legal system actually doing anything to change this kids ways.

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another option:

if you're willing and have the energy for it, go to police and if they neglect your case/their response is very unsatisfactory try to blow this case via social networks and such, looks like watmm will be willing to help too. those kinds of stories are prone to go viral in my experience.


http://www.change.org/ is good for that sort of thing, but glass plate did already say he has no interest in pressing charges...

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