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Million Dollar Extreme's Youtube account got pulled down


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The reason that otherwise-sane people end up watching (and emulating) Alex Jones is because the pretense of "humor" is the salt added to abhorrent ideologies to make them palatable.


Everyone insidious ideology has a safe layer of 'humor' surrounding it, making the first dip-of-the-toe into the waters not so frigid (or even pleasant). Every initiation of every member of every pedophile-ring in the world started with such a 'joke'.


Are you saying sam hyde is dangerous? Or are you saying humor is dangerous? Or are you saying politically incorrect humor is dangerous?


Umm probably people that want to fuck kids? People that think Alex jones is correct? I dunno. I don't think humor is a necessary requirement.


Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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*voluntary initiation




"Is it cool if I do X?"


"Well good 'cause I didn't actually wanna do X anyway."


The reason that otherwise-sane people end up watching (and emulating) Alex Jones is because the pretense of "humor" is the salt added to abhorrent ideologies to make them palatable.


Everyone insidious ideology has a safe layer of 'humor' surrounding it, making the first dip-of-the-toe into the waters not so frigid (or even pleasant). Every initiation of every member of every pedophile-ring in the world started with such a 'joke'.

Are you saying sam hyde is dangerous? Or are you saying humor is dangerous? Or are you saying politically incorrect humor is dangerous?


Umm probably people that want to fuck kids? People that think Alex jones is correct? I dunno. I don't think humor is a necessary requirement.

I'm talking about (sincere) Ideologies that are actually taboo. Edited by LimpyLoo
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Remember: people don't always actually *reason* their way into their ideologies. (This was one of the disappointing findings Jonathan Haidt learned in his emperical research into moral beliefs and behavior.)

Rather, what often happens is that people construct their ideologies to accommodate their behavior, afterwards.

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For example,

here's an excerpt from "Eichman in Jerusalem: On the Banality of Evil"

(The book that popularized the term "the banality of evil"):


Eichmann's inability to think for himself was exemplified by his consistent use of "stock phrases and self-invented clichés". The man demonstrated his unrealistic worldview and crippling lack of communication skills through reliance on "officialese" (Amtssprache) and the euphemistic Sprachregelung that made implementation of Hitler's policies "somehow palatable."

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that was a pretty good response from sam


It wasn't though


Everyone's "just joking":

















How about we stop being assuaged by the "just joking" excuse?

This is real life with real consequences on real people's lives

"Just joking" doesn't disconfirm a single concern


the just jokes im only a comedian defense? wasn't that practically invented by jon stewart? and i know, it totally sucks that there are people with different view points from you, and that some of them dare to show their faces on video and tv, it's terrible, and i agree with you that sam has an obligation to not only mock and ridicule the left wing but should also mock and ridicule the 'alt-right' movement. because not every other comedian in existence or just short of it is already doing that. now excuse me, i have to go look at some youtubes of my fav comedian of all time, bill hicks, a left wing comedic hero who was constantly mocking left wing ideas in the name of... i don't know, being fair? or whatever?


if you want i can highlight every sentence in there that's sarcasm.

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You're not hearing what I'm saying.


There are actual (e.g.) anti-Semites in the world, and none of them actually 'believe' what they say, and yet the results are the same. (That is what the phrase "the banality of evil" is specifically referring to.)


If you you wanna brush me off with the strawman "it totally sucks that there are people with different viewpoints than yours", then whatever. But meanwhile there is (e.g.) a policy in the works to create a registry of Muslims, and this is the result of the Alt-Right, and you're saying "yeah, agree to disagree" like this is merely partisan alarmism.


Ok, whatever dude. Agree to disagree on the actual totalitarian moves the Alt-Right is making.

Just a "matter of opinion" I guess.

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what's any of what you're saying have anything to do with mde, though?


and why can't sam use the shield of comedy, the 'i'm only a comedian, these are only jokes' if lefty hero jon stewart was given a free pass by you for doing just that for like a decade plus?

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I will TL;DR my thesis:


Banal attitudes and behaviors are what produce evil outcomes. (That is what the term "the banality of evil" means.) That was the big lesson we (should've) learned from the 20th century: It'd be a bummer if we had to learn it again the hard way.

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I'm saying it doesn't matter if Sam Hyde actually believes this stuff or is *actually* Anti-Semitic: people don't actually need to believe this stuff in order for society to enact the horrible outcomes of racial hatred.




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How so?


I mean for example, Bannon just recently said that there were "too many" Asian-American CEO's. And hey, we might soon have a national registry to keep special tabs on Muslims.


But look, nobody's *actually* a bigot, this is all just one big "lol j/k".

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will you seriously just like edit your post or something to add the next brainfart instead of rapid-fire shitposting and taking up half the page...

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Alex Jones semi-regularly bends the ear of the president, but look nobody actually takes Alex Jones serious, so that's consolation, ya?


You get a bunch of people saying (e.g.) "Let's make a Muslim Database lol" and the result is an actual Muslim Database. It doesn't matter if an individual is *sincere* in his attitudes, the group acts out the attitudes regardless.

Usagi: yeah sorry I'll try to

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Alex Jones semi-regularly bends the ear of the president, but look nobody actually takes Alex Jones serious, so that's consolation, ya?


You get a bunch of people saying (e.g.) "Let's make a Muslim Database lol" and the result is an actual Muslim Database. It doesn't matter if an individual is *sincere* in his attitudes, the group acts out the attitudes regardless.

Usagi: yeah sorry I'll try to


trump recently called jones to thank him 




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