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alex jones on piers morgan

Guest dese manz hatin

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As for Piers, not to defend Jones, but you know he had a plan to keep it cool and make Jones look like the nutjob - it's all for ratings and publicity. He booked him for that and nothing else.


i'm sure piers knew (or had a feeling) things would get heated, but this was just an embrassement. if that was planed- that was pretty risky. what would he have done if jones actually answered his questions instead of going off tangent every moment he opened his mouth?

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As for Piers, not to defend Jones, but you know he had a plan to keep it cool and make Jones look like the nutjob - it's all for ratings and publicity. He booked him for that and nothing else.


i'm sure piers knew (or had a feeling) things would get heated, but this was just an embrassement. if that was planed- that was pretty risky. what would he have done if jones actually answered his questions instead of going off tangent every moment he opened his mouth?


Probably be like "oh oh oh I'm English and god-fearing and I dunno but blah blah blah." It's somehow kept him on air. Seriously, even though Alex Jones is essentially a troll of super saiyan proportions, Piers is a bit of a smug asshole. Just watch his interviews with Ricky Gervais or Penn Jillette regarding atheism. Jilette in particular stays quite calm as Piers gets quite pissy and dismissive.


It's a good question really, but I'm sure he was prepared for that too - he's been booking a lot of gun advocates lately to lash out at, based on what's been uploaded to youtube lately. If Alex Jones actually answered questions and paused (which btw, he never does even in the most cordial interviews I've heard with him - he's literally sitting on half-a-dozen conspiratorial rhetorical questions to conclude his statements with) I think Piers would have still been ready to whip out the gotcha questions - it's cable news commentary programming, this is their shtick. Rile up audiences and create a frenzy to discuss for as long as possible afterward.

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to compare the two is like comparing ass sweat to ass fart, its all the same nonsensical worthless shit that's been shoved down peripheral american's throats for the past so many years.



Seriously, fuck Alex Jones. The guy takes away any possible credibility for, well, anything.



But FUCK Piers Morgan. If some of you posters don;t understand the hatred towards the man, this is one of the few areas that Mr. Jones was actually righteous in spewing his half-assed "research"



I really really want to write a whole book about how mass media in general has destroyed any possible REAL opposition from any side of the ideological dialogue, this instance in particular is a perfect example of why such analysis would be ignored.

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Dear sir, please let us know where we may purchase your books on mass media and Quentin Tarantino's films, at your earliest possible convenience


( :emotawesomepm9: )



fer real tho, Alex Jones seems to be a pretty perfect demagogue, he seems a kindred spirit to Hilter in the "empassioned but nutty" oratory dept. Let's hope he never starts exhorting his followers to armed mayhem...

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one of his guest hosts (when alex jones would take a day off), Jack Blood said when he decided to finally speak out against alex jones (a huge taboo in the community) that "if you oppose the new world order but are drawn to alex jones, mark my words that if alex jones lead a revolution against the so-called new world order, his ego and attitude would be far worse to have as a leader/ruler than what is currently described as the new world order". The only people i know who have actually worked with him personally have all experienced the dark side of his personality and have paid for it by having their reputations ruined by his minions. At this point he is a cult leader, a very powerful one who has harnessed the power of the internet far better than any cult leader has so far.

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one of his guest hosts (when alex jones would take a day off), Jack Blood said when he decided to finally speak out against alex jones (a huge taboo in the community) that "if you oppose the new world order but are drawn to alex jones, mark my words that if alex jones lead a revolution against the so-called new world order, his ego and attitude would be far worse to have as a leader/ruler than what is currently described as the new world order". The only people i know who have actually worked with him personally have all experienced the dark side of his personality and have paid for it by having their reputations ruined by his minions. At this point he is a cult leader, a very powerful one who has harnessed the power of the internet far better than any cult leader has so far.

that quote is exactly what I was thinking. He's laughably absurd...until you imagine him surrounded by hundreds of armed lackeys. Then you're talking Bane in Gotham, no joke.

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Sorry to put it so frank, but I think Alex Jones has some serious mental issues. His rant appeared completely irrational. He just blurped all the various conspiracies into one big bag of chaos. Completely uncontrolled and incoherent. That's not a rational strategy, that's madness.


On a loose sidenote, TED recently posted an interesting talk by Jonathan Haidt. He wrote an interesting book on "The Righteous Mind" which draws conclusions on his research in moral psychology with respect to the current political landscape (read: stalemate).


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yes he's insane, and peirs is using him for his own agenda, which is, in and of itself, discreetly insane


higher insanity = higher ratings = higher income = higher insanity = higher spending = higher insanity = more power to the insane



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I'm not sure I agree with you on Piers. I do think he thought he'd (morally) win in a direct confrontation with Jones. But I actually believe he thought he could have some sort of rational discussion. His aim was to win on content, not on form, I think. The way this conversation went, was not a win for Piers. A win for Piers would be a win on content.



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the first time i saw Alex Jones imitate a British person in front of them when they 'crossed' him aka challenged him was


47:00 exactly into this Jon Ronson documentary from about 12 years ago

i love how he's barely looking at the road and essentially yelling at the cameraman and ronson in the back seat

"you can nerve gas us all day... we're ready to rock!"

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that documentary above as well as the IFC produced film 'new world order' are both excellent. They take a very even handed approach to him and mostly just try to create an atmosphere where he feels comfortable falling on his own sword and looking like an endearing man-child for over an hour. This Ronson film was made long before he got popular and NWO was made long after he blew up onto the scene.

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Guest Ron Manager

these videos are amazing... lols abound in this thread.


i've followed Alex Jones since around late 2003 and I am absolutely convinced that he's being used as a form of controlled opposition. Sometimes i even think to myself that he's intentionally trying to discredit the things he talks about, but that would be giving him too much credit.

basically no one in his 'movement' which has been heavily mixed in with truthers and hardcore militia conservative types is allowed to criticize him, his movement and fans have become like a cult. If you do criticize him he black balls you in said movement. My sister Abby got a huge amount of backlash from his fans for doing this segment on her show, and apparently Alex Jones spent about 10 minutes bashing her on his show last week, although i can't find out which segment or episode it was on. If anybody here listens to jones and knows what i'm talking about I'd love to hear it.

if he used to be anything authentic in the past or really believed in the stuff he preached, this Piers Morgan interview at least for me proves that he has gone completely off the deep end. His fans of course will defend anything he does and rationalize his manic behavior by saying 'you're supposed to be pissed off at the nwo! if you're not man up and stop being a coward'. Well sure being pissed is fine, but having a national TV spot and making yourself seem like a raving lunatic man-child is a whole other ball game, and thats exactly what AJ did here. He made Piers Morgan look like a genius by comparison .
what scares me the most about AJ's recent blowup in popularity is that he is feeding into the exact same irrational right wing fascist fear mongering propaganda that Glenn Beck was for many years. Alex Jones has made the front page of Drudgereport like 7 times in the past 3 weeks and he seems to relish every moment of it while making no mention of the fact that Drudge is making millions off of sensationalism, well probably because Alex is now too. It's fine to be skeptical of the government, but to call out every single disaster including floods, mass shooting as some sort of 'inside job' its worse than the boy who cried wolf, it just poisons the well of skepticism against government narratives across the board.


Interesting points. And that's badass that your sister is a RT presenter!

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Alex Jones is all about the money. I think he has to convince himself he believes everything he says, or he would feel severe cognitive dissonance and regret for all he has said and made money on. He feeds into an anger and paranoia people seem to have about the modern world. Piers Morgan is a puppet for the government and state control though. He's completely blocked off from any conversational points, he hammers on some facts and sets an ideology from god knows where. Probably all about the money too, he seems pretty successful with it.


Oh and, I <3 Abby Martin, awesome that she's your sister awpittance :p

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Guest Iain C

Piers is a bit of a smug asshole.


I've also heard that the Pope is sympathetic to Catholicism, if not entirely committed to it; and that bears will tend to shit in the woods given the opportunity but aren't really that bothered.

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Guest Iain C
the first time i saw Alex Jones imitate a British person in front of them when they 'crossed' him aka challenged him was


My old housemate used to watch Alex Jones all the time and would always forward me videos where he did his stupid British accent. "A slave! A SLAVE WITH A WEAPON! SEIZE HIM!". I have to admit it's a pretty funny accent.

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Alex Jones is all about the money. I think he has to convince himself he believes everything he says, or he would feel severe cognitive dissonance and regret for all he has said and made money on. He feeds into an anger and paranoia people seem to have about the modern world. Piers Morgan is a puppet for the government and state control though. He's completely blocked off from any conversational points, he hammers on some facts and sets an ideology from god knows where. Probably all about the money too, he seems pretty successful with it.


Oh and, I <3 Abby Martin, awesome that she's your sister awpittance :p


Not sure Piers a puppet for the government as he was a very strong voice against going into the Iraq war with the US which is what most of the UK also felt at the same time. He made some very strong points on Question Time about Iraq backed by military sources (his brother being quite high in the military) then soon after was then ironically set up by the military with those fake Afgan torture allegations (which were done on orders in a base very close to my house) which conveniently masked the real torture stories that were coming out around that time, damaged his reputation and put him out of the picture as head of the Daily Mirror.


He's still a smug cunt and a media sensationalist tho.

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