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the metamorphosis


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I'm definitely going through one right now. everything in my life is changing at the same time. kid. wife. career.


crazy. scary. nervousness. excitement.


you've all been through it. when you know, you know your entire world is changing in front of you. you can look back and see the progress and actual steps leading to your feet on the cliff. you look back and smirk because you have no choice but to put one foot in front of the other and step off the ledge into the abyss.


could be warm bath water washing over you. could be daggers in the back and a scared look back trying to cling to what was. arms akimbo.


but it doesn't matter. you have to go. you have to see what's there. the next step won't be such a big deal after you're there for a few months.

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Guest dese manz hatin

Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt.

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I dunno your situation, but I'm in an odd one now as of today. My in-laws are losing their 150 year old house due to forclosure, which translates to - We get to look for a house to share with my fucking in-laws. My FIL is ok, but my MIL is a raging bitch at times. I'm genuinely frightened as to how this is going to effect all of our lives. We need to find at least a 4 bedroom house with a finished basement in the next month.

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I'm definitely going through one right now. everything in my life is changing at the same time. kid. wife. career.

crazy. scary. nervousness. excitement.

you've all been through it. when you know, you know your entire world is changing in front of you. you can look back and see the progress and actual steps leading to your feet on the cliff. you look back and smirk because you have no choice but to put one foot in front of the other and step off the ledge into the abyss.

could be warm bath water washing over you. could be daggers in the back and a scared look back trying to cling to what was. arms akimbo.

but it doesn't matter. you have to go. you have to see what's there. the next step won't be such a big deal after you're there for a few months.


Well put.


The comforting part (to me at least) is that there is no choice. Screw up or not, but the only thing that stands between your now you and your future you is your best self. Situations can develop very deterministic from time to time. Even though you're still free. But pussying out is not an option.

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When do we start talking about Kafka?


I'm also switching careers and I am juggling the stresses of being broke and in a sort of purgatory at the moment. Unfortunately, all I want to really do is make music, but I have to focus on getting income again.

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My biz may be running out of money...our clients are all in financial trouble so we're getting thin on work...are burning through our reserves now. If we close in the next month or two, will be interesting times indeed for me, with a baby on the way...

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Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt.

there really isn't a good translation for Ungeziefer is there...




Nor the impact of putting the key verb at the end of the sentence.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

what changes are you going though, if that's not too much to ask ? Letting go of the past is one of the hardest things to do.

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Guest Ron Manager

Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt.

there really isn't a good translation for Ungeziefer is there...



Nor the impact of putting the key verb at the end of the sentence.


True story. The only thing English has going for it is its extraordinarily large vocabulary, and we don't even do a very good job of exploiting that.

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When do we start talking about Kafka?


I'm also switching careers and I am juggling the stresses of being broke and in a sort of purgatory at the moment. Unfortunately, all I want to really do is make music, but I have to focus on getting income again.


oi, exactly.


hope everyone finds the strength to deal with their metamorphoses without too much struggle.

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i def kind of feel like i'm on some sort of precipice lately but maybe i'll leap off and start flying into the sky? lol...


we've sold our flat and move out at the end of march... i'm getting all sorts of solicitor ballache from our overtly anal buyers and money is flying out of my account for legal paperwork and estate agent percentages and re-survey costs, etc. etc... we don't have anywhere sorted out to move to yet which'll cost another shitload... we just missed out on perfect house at the weekend... no2 baby is expected early march so we'll be moving 3-4 weeks after the arrival... my commute is still a pain in the arse and don't get home til late and mrs.k is heavily preggo and getting tired so i do all i can when i get home(not really complaining about this tbh she's doing all the hard work)... i'm 1 week into giving up smoking and not sleeping well at all.


about the only thing stable at the moment is my work/career.

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Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt.


there really isn't a good translation for Ungeziefer is there...

how about "vermin"?

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i may have a new career opportunity. i have an interview next week and it is for a giant company with much much better pay, great benefits and a nicer commute to one of the nicer towns in my whole area. totally different direction for my career which is exactly what i have been looking for.


just overall feel like lots of things are changing. very hard to explain. it's a gut feeling.

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Change is good - and don't always think a turn for the worse is something bad - sometimes the biggest changes of your life happen after something earth-shaking, and you come out better for it and wonder what your life would have been like had the event never occurred...

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Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt.


there really isn't a good translation for Ungeziefer is there...

how about "vermin"?

no you wouldn't say "vermin" best I can come up with is creature or beast... english translations usually imply like a bug/cockroach thing but that's not really clear in the german...

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Change is good - and don't always think a turn for the worse is something bad - sometimes the biggest changes of your life happen after something earth-shaking, and you come out better for it and wonder what your life would have been like had the event never occurred...



im looking at it as great!! i am very excited and i will be crushed if it doesnt go through.

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getting closer but so many things are happening all at once. lots of signs. good things. certainly building to a crescendo of sorts. haven't felt like this in a long time. lots of positive vibes. and I'm generally a negative person so it means they are overwhelming.

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