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Jennifer Lawrence is charming


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Is it creepy if I think Ursula Andress was hot in the first Bond film?



(she's 76 now)


She better looking than JL but is she down to earth?

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yeah, you're right. i guess i still read most posts on here in the tone of grumpy old bearded dudes.


just had a creepy thought think all the attention you could get here if you acted and photographed yourself in Jenifer Lawrence poses


31 here. i have two girls i'm seeing right now who are in their early 20's. creepy factor achieved and won.


come at me bro


because of your level of self awareness, i won't come at you bro! I had a friend who strictly dated girls 10 years his jr and would become extremely defensive and hostile at the mere suggestion of being a creeper. So points won for the acknowledgement of the perceivably creepy age advantage.

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Guest zaphod

i was watching let me in, trying to envision chloe moretz as a forty-something cougar. i decided to imdb her on my phone and found out she was 13. this was the lowest of lows. i was one of those people now. the kind of person who looks at their phone during a movie.

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Chloe Moretz is kind of like Sarah Michelle Gellar, she seems to have an engaging personality but her face is a bit too wonky to get past - her face looks like it will transition directly from cute adolescent to 60 yr. old Jewish "bubbe" with no in-between phase. Not quite as bad as Barbara Streisand or Sarah Jessica Parker, but close.


She might also end up looking like Warwick Davis.

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Guest zaphod

i had similar fantasies about warwick davis when i watched willow, although i was disappointed to find out that he just looks 13.

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Girls in their early twenties dating guys in their early thirties is not really a novelty, is it?


Apparently, girls dating older men is only accepted when girls are eying older guys, but not the other way around. The other way around is creepy? Supposedly relations only work when women kidnap unwilling older men for their pleasures.


I guess we're touching on the secret feministic chauvinistic piglets society here?

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I have a good childhood friend who is now, like me, almost 40. His wife is the same age and they are very close; they travel the world together, but so far, have been unable to conceive. Really sucks for them.


My 22 yr old wife got pregnant lickety-split.


I think this explains something about the bias in cross-age relations.


The Chinese have a saying that a man "is like a flower, that blossoms at 40 yrs old." May be some truth to it, though if so, why do I have moobs...

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how much does sexuality influence judgment on an implicit scale? if i view you as a sexual object, will that influence the interaction i have with you, no matter how much i actually believe in social equality? this is my question. if objectification is really harmless, that'd be awesome. if not, how do we try to remove objectification from the social equation? is there such a thing as objectification or is there more duality to the perception of a person? (i.e., you can view them as both an intellectual counterpart and something to be enjoyed sexually.)


i think the issue is a lot deeper than many people care to admit. much easier to insult the misogynist pigs and the feminist shitheads than actually think about how sexualization affects how we treat others.

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how much does sexuality influence judgment on an implicit scale? if i view you as a sexual object, will that influence the interaction i have with you, no matter how much i actually believe in social equality? this is my question. if objectification is really harmless, that'd be awesome. if not, how do we try to remove objectification from the social equation? is there such a thing as objectification or is there more duality to the perception of a person? (i.e., you can view them as both an intellectual counterpart and something to be enjoyed sexually.)


i think the issue is a lot deeper than many people care to admit. much easier to insult the misogynist pigs and the feminist shitheads than actually think about how sexualization affects how we treat others.


If you have ever had sex, or had a sexual fantasy about a specific person, then you have objectified them. It is a logical requirement of sex that the other person becomes a physical sexual object.


The body is separate from the person. You can lust after someone's body and respect their mind/personality and the two have nothing to do with each other and are definitely not mutually exclusive.


I have alot of attractive female friends. Intellectually I relate to them the same way I relate to my male friends. The fact that they are wrapped in an attractive body is a completely separate issue.



Now, if someone treats someone else like shit because of the way they look, that's not cool. I think that's what you're talking about.

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i was watching let me in, trying to envision chloe moretz as a forty-something cougar. i decided to imdb her on my phone and found out she was 13. this was the lowest of lows. i was one of those people now. the kind of person who looks at their phone during a movie.



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how much does sexuality influence judgment on an implicit scale? if i view you as a sexual object, will that influence the interaction i have with you, no matter how much i actually believe in social equality? this is my question. if objectification is really harmless, that'd be awesome. if not, how do we try to remove objectification from the social equation? is there such a thing as objectification or is there more duality to the perception of a person? (i.e., you can view them as both an intellectual counterpart and something to be enjoyed sexually.)


i think the issue is a lot deeper than many people care to admit. much easier to insult the misogynist pigs and the feminist shitheads than actually think about how sexualization affects how we treat others.


If you have ever had sex, or had a sexual fantasy about a specific person, then you have objectified them. It is a logical requirement of sex that the other person becomes a physical sexual object.


The body is separate from the person. You can lust after someone's body and respect their mind/personality and the two have nothing to do with each other and are definitely not mutually exclusive.


I have alot of attractive female friends. Intellectually I relate to them the same way I relate to my male friends. The fact that they are wrapped in an attractive body is a completely separate issue.



Now, if someone treats someone else like shit because of the way they look, that's not cool. I think that's what you're talking about.


And then sometimes feelings n' shit can make someone more attractive once you've gotten closer. Things tend to comingle. You might have an "objectively" better looking friend that doesn't excite you as much as the one you feel better being around. Mother nature, working its magic.

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how much does sexuality influence judgment on an implicit scale? if i view you as a sexual object, will that influence the interaction i have with you, no matter how much i actually believe in social equality? this is my question. if objectification is really harmless, that'd be awesome. if not, how do we try to remove objectification from the social equation? is there such a thing as objectification or is there more duality to the perception of a person? (i.e., you can view them as both an intellectual counterpart and something to be enjoyed sexually.)


i think the issue is a lot deeper than many people care to admit. much easier to insult the misogynist pigs and the feminist shitheads than actually think about how sexualization affects how we treat others.


Perhaps you overestimate human rationality?


The issue might be a lot less deep rationally and a lot more deep biologically. Has falling in love something to do with objectification? What is it anyways? A verbalisation of sorts? Some type of behavior? Something to do with culture? And do you have a problem with the "male gaze"?


Should I be offended if a girl looks at my crotch? Am I being sexually objectified? And should I be bothered?


The only actual issue that I've seen brought up is the "secret rape-culture" where some people are being confirmed in their sexually distorted views by the sexual objectification that's present in society. Although that blog post Rixxx posted ages ago broaded my views in the sense that I haven't thought about it that way before, I don't believe in a large scale culture having much to do with the actual statistics on (sexual) violence against women. Did the Roman catholic church need similar objectifications to have the large scale problem they did/have? Don't think so. I think there must be other things involved for sexual violence to be occurring. Not sure what, but I do think that if you'd take a world without the current sexual objectification, sexual violence would still exist. And the "statistics" would still be significant.


Sorry, for the a-sexual tangent.

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