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north korea is (probably) conducting nuclear tests

Guest zaphod

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i hate to say it but this seems like one of the very rare cases where just nuking the whole country off the face of the earth might possibly be justified.

If the threat becomes an actual threat, I don't know about nukes exactly, but you can be sure extreme bombardment measures will be taken.

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there isn't any oil or rare earths down there, i doubt we'll do a fucking thing.

if North Korea was really smart and wanted to just go down in a blaze of glory (and i mean taking the whole country down in the process) just sneak a nuke into Iran, launch it from there at Israel sit back and watch the world enter the final war

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Nothing will happen, don't worry, it's all dick swinging posturing by a bunch of fucking cunts. Business as usual in world politics.


Anyone for popcorn?

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Guest Starblazer

I wonder how long it will be before they start to react to the measures imposed by outside governments. Not saying that the continuation of building and testing of nukes, isn't a reaction....but how long before the underground testing is complete and they decide to let fly 1 or 2? Where do you think their first target options would be?

I still find it a tad hypocritical that the US/UK are barking at NK yet they have over 4000 nukes ready to fly at a moments notice.

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oh boy


"North Korea said the nuclear test - which comes on the eve of US President Barack Obama's State of the Union address - was a response to the "reckless hostility of the United States".

"The latest nuclear test was only the first action, with which we exercised as much self-restraint as possible," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

"If the US further complicates the situation with continued hostility, we will be left with no choice but to take even stronger second or third rounds of action."


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who here is afraid to die!?


not misterE!


and what cooler way, than if you could walk outside, look around, and see mushroom clouds all around you in every direction, on the horizon? imagine how amazing that would look.

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At least they're going to get fucked in the ass, if they even try anything (definitely not at directed at Obel's mother).


And they're not going to do shit.


Now... where did I leave my copy of Pyongyang Racer?

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NKorea knows that if they launch a nuke anywhere in the world it is a suicide pact. I doubt the Kim family and the military men living high off the West-subsidized hog will risk losing everything (and they WILL lose everything).


North Korea is a paper tiger.

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hmm...it is a ballsy move by young Kim, gotta give him that.


Wouldn't surprise me if they've already done detailed drills zero dark thirty style on taking Kim out.


I'm all for protecting and preserving national sovereignty, and not setting any bad precedents, but I'm not keen on demagogues having nukes either.


In this case I think it's a matter of China and S. Korea taking the lead, at least behind closed doors. If they give us tacit approval to intervene, and the punk keeps acting up, might want to consider it.

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while publicly condemning NK,I bet china quietly and secretly loves this shit.

After all NK is a great buffer between SK/Japan/"the west" and it's border.

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At least they're going to get fucked in the ass, if they even try anything (definitely not at directed at Obel's mother).


And they're not going to do shit.


Now... where did I leave my copy of Pyongyang Racer?


Ha! Hearing protection recommended for car horn use.

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What's the point of having thousands of nukes anyway? Wouldn't 3 or 4 cause global extinction?


Oh yeah, well we have 10,000!!! *dickswing*

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