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How much have you [insert] in one day

Danny O Flannagin

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nothing i really had to TRY for though



i spent a decade (about from 2000-2008) playing only video games. i would spend about 8 hours a day playing games during weekdays, and about 15 hours a day during weekends. thank God i picked up the bass cause it cut my game playing by half. i still play video games too much but at least i have something else to do now.

How about, y'know, get a job? I hear those things take up loads of time.

you're such a dad

Yes, I am - I wear my Dad badge proudly!

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When I was in high school, there was a contest to see who could drink the most Mt. Dew. I drank nine cans in nine minutes and promptly threw it up on the way back to my lunch table.

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When GTA:SA came out, and I got it for christmas, I think I played it for 18 hours before going to bed.


Fuck I'm such a nerd.

Ha, I did exactly this. That game was absorbing.


I used to draw an excessive amount, all evening and through the night for weeks/months on end. Eating out of necessity only when hungry, eating fruit and crackers in between. Sort of doing that now, something about late January-February-March, the self defeatist feelings that occur in December give way to an uncontrollable urge to create and produce and a self delusion that what you're doing is worthwhile. It happens every year, if the soul is not fed it starts to gnaw away and I get cranky around May, lost by August, despondent by November, suicidal by December.

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i have thousands of posts on a messageboard dedicated to music i barely listen to anymore.


i also once did 14 hours of piano practice in one day. it was the day i realised the life of a pianist is not for me.

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Guest Frankie5fingers


i spent a decade (about from 2000-2008) playing only video games. i would spend about 8 hours a day playing games during weekdays, and about 15 hours a day during weekends. thank God i picked up the bass cause it cut my game playing by half. i still play video games too much but at least i have something else to do now.

How about, y'know, get a job? I hear those things take up loads of time.

lol, yeah i know but dont think i havent tried.

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So this is like How much have you X in Y amount of time?


Spent a whole summer playing morrowind/downloading mods for morrowind probably back in 05-06.


I've just added the total amount of time for all the steam games I have bought and played for this steam install and it's 1097 Hours.

That's almost 46 days of my life spent playing games on this steam install.

That is from 79 games that steam registers the time for and doesn't even include PS3 games I've played, non-steam downloaded games and previous steam install time logs.


Also before my abdominal pain I smoked weed everyday for 2 years under the pretense it wouldn't harm me. After a few fainting episodes I have stopped, its been 4 weeks now.


Back in High school I ran 3 miles in 21 minutes. I just did Cross Country my senior year for the heck of it.

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I meditated for a total of 7 hours in a day, but, I mean, that means I sat on my ass all day!


28 cans of beer, really? Do you remember it?

I kinda did the same, even tho it was like five and a half hours of kundalini yoga meditations during one day, taking twenty minutes break between kryias, and the last one was savasana. it was pretty intense tho, seven poses lasting from half an hour or an hour. At the end of the session, at the very end, I had pretty an insight of an event which I thought I had forget but it was kinda founding for a series of behaviours of mine which followed.

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I meditated for a total of 7 hours in a day, but, I mean, that means I sat on my ass all day!


28 cans of beer, really? Do you remember it?


it was Natty Ice. all I really got out of it was a buzz for awhile and then lots and lots and lots of peeing.

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I meditated for a total of 7 hours in a day, but, I mean, that means I sat on my ass all day!


28 cans of beer, really? Do you remember it?


it was Natty Ice. all I really got out of it was a buzz for awhile and then lots and lots and lots of peeing.



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