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I resolved to be a vegetarian this month but I've already slipped up and eaten meat, as the only other option was to starve (or continue eating nothing but crackers for the entire day). There was simply nothing else in the fridge/cupboards that could have been turned into a meal, and I hadn't yet had one today (this was around midnight). It was still pretty insubstantial.

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I'm starting to fucking hate the Metal fans. Metallica, Nightwish, Jack Black, Iron Maiden, and shit like that. They think the world spins because of them. They think they're superior. Holy fuck, I hate them so much. They think they look bad and alternative with long hair and dark outfit, and those fucking boots. The boots, that's the most fucking annoying thing. "The boots! Oh those boots are so freaking badass! I want them" Fuck them. Fuck them so fucking much. Fuck Cannibal Corpse, fuck Celtic metal, fuck vikings, fuck nordic culture, fuck metal!

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I'm starting to fucking hate the Metal fans. Metallica, Nightwish, Jack Black, Iron Maiden, and shit like that. They think the world spins because of them. They think they're superior. Holy fuck, I hate them so much. They think they look bad and alternative with long hair and dark outfit, and those fucking boots. The boots, that's the most fucking annoying thing. "The boots! Oh those boots are so freaking badass! I want them" Fuck them. Fuck them so fucking much. Fuck Cannibal Corpse, fuck Celtic metal, fuck vikings, fuck nordic culture, fuck metal!

metal fans are generally cretins, especially ones who walk round like Gimps of Satan, however there are some pretty cool metal fans, most of them just normal chaps with normal clothes and normal haircuts. I was never into all that metal -fashion bullshit, the furtherst I would go would be a faith no more t-shirt.


Just as I wouldn't go to a rave in a rainbow tye-dye t-shirt and a selection of glow sticks shoved up my arse lol.

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-the phrase "mindfuckery"


-people who get upset about the term "IDM"


-PBR-and-Fender-Jaguar guitar bands


-musicians who settle for mediocrity and do the bare minimum for their craft like it's a homework assignment or something


-shitty trendy bands on awesome labels


-jaded people who try to force their miserable worldview on others


-people who are eager to gossip


-incurious people (especially musicians)


-Dave Matthews Band

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Guest isaki

there was a phone a couple years ago called the Desire Z, by HTC. it had a slideout physical keyboard and it was quite good. where's the equivalent to that today? touch screen keyboards are disgusting

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People who talk in class, especially people that are close to you. Just shut the fuck up or leave, you're obviously not learning anything and you're not forced to be in class. People who bitch when i tell them to stop talking, IM JUST TRYING TO GET AN EDUCATION

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People who talk in class, especially people that are close to you. Just shut the fuck up or leave, you're obviously not learning anything and you're not forced to be in class. People who bitch when i tell them to stop talking, IM JUST TRYING TO GET AN EDUCATION

This. I go through this every. single. day.



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People who talk in class, especially people that are close to you. Just shut the fuck up or leave, you're obviously not learning anything and you're not forced to be in class. People who bitch when i tell them to stop talking, IM JUST TRYING TO GET AN EDUCATION

This. I go through this every. single. day.




Or in the uni library when you're data-mining for a research paper and some dipshits enter and sit down in the area close to where you're working and start gossiping.

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Guest jasondonervan

People in a workplace who join a voice conference where at least two of the participants are sat within spitting distance of each other, as they speak ever louder into their phones to counteract the slight delay/cross-over of people talking. This happens in my office frequently - which is otherwise fairly quiet - even though we have plenty of communal spaces in the building for people to use. These people have no concept of spatial awareness and the resulting disruption they are causing. Such selfish behaviour.

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Guest jasondonervan

I'm starting to fucking hate the Metal fans. Metallica, Nightwish, Jack Black, Iron Maiden, and shit like that. They think the world spins because of them. They think they're superior. Holy fuck, I hate them so much. They think they look bad and alternative with long hair and dark outfit, and those fucking boots. The boots, that's the most fucking annoying thing. "The boots! Oh those boots are so freaking badass! I want them" Fuck them. Fuck them so fucking much. Fuck Cannibal Corpse, fuck Celtic metal, fuck vikings, fuck nordic culture, fuck metal!


Careful now: Hate crime: Police record attacks on punks, emos and goths

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looks up keyspheres ... doesn't find anything in five seconds ... gives up ...


I think it's first to be a WATMM invention. The general population will not be able to fathom it as of yet.

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I officially hate Gearslutz now


there is some useful info no doubt

but to get to it you have to sift through


a bunch of uncreative ocd types telling kids that they can't make music without $4000 converters

so don't even bother


tellin' em

tune your vocals

quantize your (live) drums

follow this formula



then they complain about how 99% of music is sterile and homogenized

oh sweet irony

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  • 3 weeks later...

Video editing software, and how it changes everything after your footage goes through it (audio ceases to sync up, image quality changes completely, etc.). I like how with audio software whatever you put into it ends up sounding the exact same coming out of it. After rendering, the effects you added to it sound exactly as they did when you added them in the first place. Not so with video editing software. It magically transforms everything into shit. Doesn't matter what it looked like going in or during the editing process, you're going to get something totally fucked up on the other end. And then if you ask someone who knows something about these programs what went wrong, there's a dozen different things it might have been (but it probably wasn't any of those things and your project is doomed to fail no matter what you do). I just want it to look the same going out as it did going in god damn it. I want "best quality" to not mean shitty and out of sync. That's extremely misleading.


What software are you using?

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People that are constantly taking photo's of their food and uploading it to instagram/facebook/whatever.


Stupidest fad ever.

YES. After all, I agree with most of your posts anyway Ceerial :emotawesomepm9:

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