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I hate when out of peer pressure you order some really hot wings, and as you're eating them, sweating and in pain, you think of the delicious smoky BBQ wings you could have been enjoying completely pain-free.

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^ That's Aldi beans for you, its got to be Bronze beans, reduced in a pan.


*Heinz* beans, not bronze.

what in the fuck




also, i love the use of 'reduced' for baked beans.. yeahh, intensify the flavour!

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hate that there's two hate threads on watmm that i can't seem to resist viewing. you're all not even good at being cynical.

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(most) Teenagers


teenage years - early 20s suck - with few exceptions and regardless of gender it's like this weird era in your life when you're the worst human being and then you either: a. cleanse all your bad personality traits out for the most part and become a good person b. it's a pre-rehearsal for the asshole you're set on becoming. I wasn't a bro or douche or anything, I actually was a really shy teen who eventually found friends in other geeks and music nerds but I still hate how I was back then - superficial, self-centered, cynical, and oblivious.


Wow spot on observation.

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(most) Teenagers


teenage years - early 20s suck - with few exceptions and regardless of gender it's like this weird era in your life when you're the worst human being and then you either: a. cleanse all your bad personality traits out for the most part and become a good person b. it's a pre-rehearsal for the asshole you're set on becoming. I wasn't a bro or douche or anything, I actually was a really shy teen who eventually found friends in other geeks and music nerds but I still hate how I was back then - superficial, self-centered, cynical, and oblivious.


I can relate to this as well. The past two years is when I started to feel more level-headed about things. Before then I was still flaky and insecure about women. Unfortunately, becoming older and wiser came with the price of a small amount of hair on the back of my head. Still preferable to being a flake though.

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Oh man, deficit fail for the united states, i fear that's going to hit you guys pretty hard in the end.

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People who continuously let their dog shit all over the sidewalk, making it a minefield of shit. Like life isn't already a minefield of shit you inconsiderate pigfucks!




and those cunts who who scoop it into non-biodegradable plastic bags and chuck in into the trees, bushes, hedgerows, etc.


the hate is boiling in my brain for those cunts

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Builders who bring in crappy photocopies of drawings with fag packet dimensions and expect us to perform miracles in producing a structural steel framed building in a matter of days when we need to a) draw it out properly, figure out design details etc... b) order the materials, c) finish our work already in hand and d) actually receive the materials in a timely manner from our suppliers.


I don't like that, and it happens all the time.





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^ That's Aldi beans for you, its got to be Bronze beans, reduced in a pan.


*Heinz* beans, not bronze.

what in the fuck




also, i love the use of 'reduced' for baked beans.. yeahh, intensify the flavour!

You clearly know nothing about beans. If you came round mine for a full English you'd realise the error of your ways.

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People who continuously let their dog shit all over the sidewalk, making it a minefield of shit. Like life isn't already a minefield of shit you inconsiderate pigfucks!




and those cunts who who scoop it into non-biodegradable plastic bags and chuck in into the trees, bushes, hedgerows, etc.


the hate is boiling in my brain for those cunts


yeah the fuck is with that!? if you have a bag you throw that shit away, I don't care for how many miles you carry it awkwardly to the nearest trashcan

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when american or british bands or whatever use Å, Ä or Ö in their name, like MOTÖRHEAD or STARGÅTE. it looks and sounds fucking retarded when i read it out in my head as those are swedish letters that are pronounced differently than O or A.


stepping onto a broken escalator.

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People who continuously let their dog shit all over the sidewalk, making it a minefield of shit. Like life isn't already a minefield of shit you inconsiderate pigfucks!




and those cunts who who scoop it into non-biodegradable plastic bags and chuck in into the trees, bushes, hedgerows, etc.


the hate is boiling in my brain for those cunts


yeah the fuck is with that!? if you have a bag you throw that shit away, I don't care for how many miles you carry it awkwardly to the nearest trashcan


It's not even that hard to get your dog in the habit of shitting off the beaten path, like in the woods, people where no one will be stepping. When they start to hunch over you pull them on the leash, and their dookie goes right back in. Walk them over to a safe pooping location and let nature take its course. Do this a few times and they will learn to appreciate the privacy of pooping. Fact.

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yeah i just trained him to wait until we got to the dog shit field. that did mean he pooped on the pavement for a few months though, and i dont like picking up shit. im just a cocksucker basically.

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People who continuously let their dog shit all over the sidewalk, making it a minefield of shit. Like life isn't already a minefield of shit you inconsiderate pigfucks!



and those cunts who who scoop it into non-biodegradable plastic bags and chuck in into the trees, bushes, hedgerows, etc.


the hate is boiling in my brain for those cunts

yeah the fuck is with that!? if you have a bag you throw that shit away, I don't care for how many miles you carry it awkwardly to the nearest trashcan

It's not even that hard to get your dog in the habit of shitting off the beaten path, like in the woods, people where no one will be stepping. When they start to hunch over you pull them on the leash, and their dookie goes right back in. Walk them over to a safe pooping location and let nature take its course. Do this a few times and they will learn to appreciate the privacy of pooping. Fact.

Then I go for an adventure with my daughter off track through the woods and we wade through your dog shite. Not cool.

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Is it weird that I've never been bothered in the slightest by dog shit in public areas? It's only through this thread that I've become aware that people get pissed about that. I've always just accepted that it's probably going to be lying around wherever I go. Maybe I'd feel differently if I owned a dog.


I don't like soggy tofu.

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People who continuously let their dog shit all over the sidewalk, making it a minefield of shit. Like life isn't already a minefield of shit you inconsiderate pigfucks!



and those cunts who who scoop it into non-biodegradable plastic bags and chuck in into the trees, bushes, hedgerows, etc.


the hate is boiling in my brain for those cunts

yeah the fuck is with that!? if you have a bag you throw that shit away, I don't care for how many miles you carry it awkwardly to the nearest trashcan

It's not even that hard to get your dog in the habit of shitting off the beaten path, like in the woods, people where no one will be stepping. When they start to hunch over you pull them on the leash, and their dookie goes right back in. Walk them over to a safe pooping location and let nature take its course. Do this a few times and they will learn to appreciate the privacy of pooping. Fact.

Then I go for an adventure with my daughter off track through the woods and we wade through your dog shite. Not cool.


Nah, that was deer poop. Which is another thing I don't like. I'll never eat "chocolate covered raisins" ever again...

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Kitten went into heat. She stays up all night crying. Other cat gets annoyed and growls at her. I stay up all night listening to crying and growling.


I do not much care for this state of affairs.


(The kitten has an appointment with the vet, though, so all will be set right shortly)

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Thing i don't like: the mournful wails of a mother cat whose litter of kittens has been sold off, so she's constantly crying out in vain desperation for her children to return for weeks on end. It's one of the most depressing things I've ever witnessed, and every time I remember it I get bummed out all over again. This is why neutering/spaying is cruel but not doing it is usually worse.

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