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Tribute to the rogue planet named CFBDSIR_2149-0403 freely drifting in outer space after being ejected from orbit


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I might contribute to this, if I can get anything done by the deadline. :boc:

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Zephyr's mastering it again. Thanks Zephyr!!


Thanks for asking! I look forward to the collab.


Earlier tonight I stumbled upon an old organ composition I did entitled "Halloween IN SPACE" (bullshit sketch title) that I may flesh out into a complete track for this. Sounds like it was just waiting for this compilation to exist. :watmm:

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Zephyr's mastering it again. Thanks Zephyr!!


Thanks for asking! I look forward to the collab.


Earlier tonight I stumbled upon an old organ composition I did entitled "Halloween IN SPACE" (bullshit sketch title) that I may flesh out into a complete track for this. Sounds like it was just waiting for this compilation to exist. :watmm:


Are you doing a collaborative track Zephyr?

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For the sake of accuracy and confusion, you should list DSC as the first comp, not beards.

Although beards won the poll, DSC were the official selection by the organizer. Maybe worth remembering, since it was mcgriff/futonic that ran that first tourny and released the DSC comp on CD and everything. It also shows how expert photoshopping can turn the tide in the tournaments. Nothing against the beards comp (i submitted to that one too)


I updated the original post for a more accurate description. Hopefully this post will help preserve our watmm cultural heritage.


I'l have to throw this up online at some point down the road when it isn't stealing the thunder of this current effort, and as long as none of the original artists protest.


I plan on submitting something to this current effort, looking forward to it.




This comp will probably go up no sooner than late July, so you have a pretty wide window for posting it without stealing any thunder. If you have the time, feel free.


Also, I look forward to hearing your track.



ok, done.



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  • 2 weeks later...

My god! Tracks from the previews tournaments are totally squashed. Totally! ...and my ears are bleeding from all those high freqs. The mastering guy must be deaf to that range.

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My god! Tracks from the previews tournaments are totally squashed. Totally! ...and my ears are bleeding from all those high freqs. The mastering guy must be deaf to that range.



personally i have tinnitus and would probably universally roll off 12Khz+ if I was doing the mastering


totally a matter of taste though

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A good chunk of the tracks I master for these comps (like at least a third) are already very compressed and squashed sounding before I even touch them, so that accounts for some of it. As for the high frequency stuff, it is possible I am deaf to some of those frequencies... though I usually have to do a fair bit of reduction to certain high frequencies on some tracks that are submitted. It's seldom stuff above 12k though, usually between 2 and 10k.

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I like the mastering on Incomplete Skyscrapers and LHC. Some tracks seemed too bass heavy in Black Holes, but that's part of the charm. I thought the compression was overdone on Antarctica, but it's still a top notch release. To each their own though; I do enjoy high frequencies.


Setting that aside for a moment, how're the tracks going, y'all? I've received one track so far, and I'm looking forward to more.


And I've received one possible album cover. If you want to pitch an idea for album art, either post it in this thread or shoot me an email.

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I apologize if my words was too offensive and i understand that in many cases the mastering stage is not the one to blame for an awful sound. At first it could look like a great idea to squash it and boost high freqs (it's not just >12k that can be problematic/harsh i mean more like >3k) more than you actually would but on prolong and repeated listening i realize how nervous it makes me and that's something I've never experienced with music of Murcof, Pole, Rhythm & Sound, Burial or similar.

After a wile I'm starting to subconsciously avoid such music even tho i liked the musical part of it but i guess my brain/ears are just refusing to participate.


I say fuck w... the loudness war! Are we really so pathetic that we can't overcome it?...the indie people?


...''Myyyyyy music must be the loudest in the known uniiiiiiiiveeeeeeeeerse!!!


> Or else your penis would look small...?


''Nooooo!...yes. What?!''


> You heard me.

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I have a suggestion.

Rogue planets very interesting, and this one made headlines because of its proximity and its lacking of a bright start nearby (studyability). But this one isn't that interesting on its own. Scientists have discovered a handful of these. And honestly the most interesting thing about them is really their spectrum of coolness. Rogue planets are usually sub-brown dwarves, which are multi-jupiter masses that weren't massive enough to sustain a hydrogen-1 reaction and become a star. Their luminosity is super low and so are their heat levels.

-What I think is awesome is that there are some rogue sub-brown dwarves that have been discovered that may have temperatures close to the human body or below that. Isn't that wild?


I think the compilation ought to be dedicated to rogue planets in general. I mean the title is awesome, probably should keep it the way it is for tradition's sake, but expanding our inspiration to other rogue planets will help us.


so let's have a little groupthink about what this record should sound like.


—rogues are fierce in their independence and thus require a certain drive...this one in fact has such a drive that it's freely traveling through space, on it's own. such fierceness. wow.

----> drive. motion. fierceness.

—this planet is all alone. it's a loner planet. it needs no star, in fact it almost was a star except it didn't have enough mass to start the fusion process. poor brown dwarf. rogue planets live in the space absent of stars; it's a very very very very dark (lacking light) existence. but at least they don't have to deal with a bunch of crazy radiation blasting everywhere and lots of random orbiting shite.

---->loneliness. alienation. (d)ejection. dwarfism. darkness. ironically, utter peace.

—CFBDSIR is supposedly around 700ºK making it a class T brown dwarf, but I hold out that it may be a class Y0, like fellow rogue WISE 1828+2650, which has a temperature of >25ºC. Imagine being able to touch star-slush with your own hands. really cool rogue dwarves might even have water ice cloud atmosphere...perhaps strange lifeforms would inhabit one. Some rogues may have accretion disks (rings). Mostly everything about a rogue planet would be so damn dark that you'd probably have to put on some infrared shades to see shit.

---->coolness. stealth. invisibility. non-organic, yet primal feel. profound un-earth-i-ness.

—in the book Accelerando by Charles Stross, it is discovered that a nearby rogue brown dwarf is actually the closest relic of alien civilization; the supercool rogue is actually an ancient ROUTER, and future post-humans come to use rogue brown dwarves as raw material to build free-drifting meatspace habitats and increase the spread of their virtual network.

---->posthumanity. idm.


drive, motion, fierce, alone, alien, ejected, dwarfed, failed, dark, peaceful, cool, stealthy, invisible, primal, unearthly, posthuman...

let's make some idm.

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I apologize if my words was too offensive and i understand that in many cases the mastering stage is not the one to blame for an awful sound. At first it could look like a great idea to squash it and boost high freqs (it's not just >12k that can be problematic/harsh i mean more like >3k) more than you actually would but on prolong and repeated listening i realize how nervous it makes me and that's something I've never experienced with music of Murcof, Pole, Rhythm & Sound, Burial or similar.


I'm not offended, as feedback of this sort is a good thing and I probably don't hear enough of it. I did mastering for the Incomplete Skyscrapers and Tesla comps, as well as two of the watmm xmas ones. If you're talking about stuff in the 1k-3k region, that's often a range that I do end up notching down a fair bit because a lot of mixes I receive are very pronounced in those areas. A lot of watmmers are inspired by albums like Richard D. James, or Venetian Snares albums, or a lot of other albums that are quite aggressive on those frequencies. It's very rare that I boost much EQ in those areas, but if there are a lot of tracks that are already like that I might have to bring it out more on others in order to make the mixes sound consistent with one another. Finding the happy medium can be tricky. As for the loudness, I try to make the comps comparable to much of what's being released today, without competing with anything too extreme in the loudness department (Clark or Flylo or Vsnares albums would trounce these comps for loudness). But for electronic music with big beats I do have a personal preference for masters that are more on that side of the spectrum... so guilty as charged! (But also a lot of mixes I get are already at that volume. Please don't do that this time around guys.)

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I would like to get involved but at the moment everything is really busy... getting married next month and work is also busy! I just don't think I could give it enough time to do it justice. Maybe in May things will have calmed down a bit,....


Congrats on the engagement. I remember being hella busy before our wedding, so I completely understand.


I have a suggestion.

Rogue planets very interesting, and this one made headlines because of its proximity and its lacking of a bright start nearby (studyability). But this one isn't that interesting on its own. Scientists have discovered a handful of these. And honestly the most interesting thing about them is really their spectrum of coolness. Rogue planets are usually sub-brown dwarves, which are multi-jupiter masses that weren't massive enough to sustain a hydrogen-1 reaction and become a star. Their luminosity is super low and so are their heat levels.

-What I think is awesome is that there are some rogue sub-brown dwarves that have been discovered that may have temperatures close to the human body or below that. Isn't that wild?


I think the compilation ought to be dedicated to rogue planets in general. I mean the title is awesome, probably should keep it the way it is for tradition's sake, but expanding our inspiration to other rogue planets will help us.


so let's have a little groupthink about what this record should sound like.


—rogues are fierce in their independence and thus require a certain drive...this one in fact has such a drive that it's freely traveling through space, on it's own. such fierceness. wow.

----> drive. motion. fierceness.

—this planet is all alone. it's a loner planet. it needs no star, in fact it almost was a star except it didn't have enough mass to start the fusion process. poor brown dwarf. rogue planets live in the space absent of stars; it's a very very very very dark (lacking light) existence. but at least they don't have to deal with a bunch of crazy radiation blasting everywhere and lots of random orbiting shite.

---->loneliness. alienation. (d)ejection. dwarfism. darkness. ironically, utter peace.

—CFBDSIR is supposedly around 700ºK making it a class T brown dwarf, but I hold out that it may be a class Y0, like fellow rogue WISE 1828+2650, which has a temperature of >25ºC. Imagine being able to touch star-slush with your own hands. really cool rogue dwarves might even have water ice cloud atmosphere...perhaps strange lifeforms would inhabit one. Some rogues may have accretion disks (rings). Mostly everything about a rogue planet would be so damn dark that you'd probably have to put on some infrared shades to see shit.

---->coolness. stealth. invisibility. non-organic, yet primal feel. profound un-earth-i-ness.

—in the book Accelerando by Charles Stross, it is discovered that a nearby rogue brown dwarf is actually the closest relic of alien civilization; the supercool rogue is actually an ancient ROUTER, and future post-humans come to use rogue brown dwarves as raw material to build free-drifting meatspace habitats and increase the spread of their virtual network.

---->posthumanity. idm.


drive, motion, fierce, alone, alien, ejected, dwarfed, failed, dark, peaceful, cool, stealthy, invisible, primal, unearthly, posthuman...

let's make some idm.


I completely agree with this. I choose that one because of it's discovery date above all else, but the category itself is a diverse one - each one is different and the other exciting aspect of this is the fact that so few will even be discovered. These are entities that will drift in the voids between star systems, galaxy and nebula clusters.


This is the original information on rogue planet theories that captivated me originally:



Retention of heat in interstellar space

In 1998, David J. Stevenson theorized[11] that some planet-sized objects drift in the vast expanses of cold interstellar space and could possibly sustain a thick atmosphere which would not freeze out. He proposes that atmospheres are preserved by the pressure-induced far-infrared radiation opacity of a thick hydrogen-containing atmosphere.

It is thought that during planetary-system formation, several small protoplanetary bodies may be ejected from the forming system.[12] With the reduced ultraviolet light that would normally strip the lighter components from an atmosphere, due to its increasing distance from the parent star, the planet's predominantly hydrogen- and helium-containing atmosphere would be easily confined even by an Earth-sized body's gravity. [11]

It is calculated that for an Earth-sized object at a kilobar hydrogen atmospheric pressures in which a convective gas adiabat has formed, geothermal energy from residual core radioisotope decay will be sufficient to heat the surface to temperatures above the melting point of water.[11] Thus, it is proposed that interstellar planetary bodies with extensive liquid-water oceans may exist. It is further suggested that these planets are likely to remain geologically active for long periods, providing a geodynamo-created protectivemagnetosphere and possible sea floor volcanism which could provide an energy source for life.[11] The author admits these bodies would be difficult to detect due to the intrinsically weak thermal microwave radiation emissions emanating from the lower reaches of the atmosphere, although later research suggests[13] that reflected solar radiation and far-IRthermal emissions may be detectable if one were to pass within 1000 AU of Earth.

A study of simulated planet ejection scenarios has suggested that around five percent of Earth-sized planets with Moon-sized natural satellites would retain their satellites after ejection. A large satellite would be a source of significant geological tidal heating.[14]

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I understand with what you had to deal with but everybody gone extreme already so trying to be comparable with them means to have squashed and too aggressive music.

Why shouldn't we promote dynamic music instead and give the middle finger to the maniacs below? There are other ways to make music interesting beside squashing it.

Even the most aggressive music should be easy on the ears; it should effect only our brains...but that's just like IMO.

I hope i'll have enough time to make something good enough to participate in this. God bless!



.As for the loudness, I try to make the comps comparable to much of what's being released today, without competing with anything too extreme in the loudness department (Clark or Flylo or Vsnares albums would trounce these comps for loudness).


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So far I think Zeph has struck a great balance between loudness and dynamic range. I understand and agree with the principle of what you're saying xox, but a lot of this music is pretty "poppy" as far as structure goes and doesn't have anything like an orchestral range of loudness. Are you reacting to listening to the other comps?

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I personally like the loudness with specific types of music... I use it mostly in my music to bring out textures. I never had an issue with what Zephyr's mixes... I think he has done very well with what us amateurs have given him (sorry for all the over compressed tracks I have submitted over the years Zephyr :wub: ).

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Haha, no worries! I remember with your last track it was definitely an important aspect of the sound itself, not something that would have occurred with regular mastering (at least I think it was your track). In that case it makes more sense.

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