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Tribute to the rogue planet named CFBDSIR_2149-0403 freely drifting in outer space after being ejected from orbit


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The winner of this year's MOST IDM tournament is "The rogue planet named CFBDSIR_2149-0403 freely drifting in outer space after being ejected from orbit".


As is is the custom, I'm organizing a tribute album to honour this very IDM topic. Let's all twiddle those knobs and write some tracks about CFBDSIR_2149-0403.


!!! The deadline for submitting tracks has past. Stay tuned...


Please submit tracks to cytoplantastic [at] gmail [dot] com.



Submission Guidelines


1. They can be beat-heavy, completely ambient, or anywhere in between. History has shown that tracks with some drums in them have a better chance of getting selected by the judges than ambient tracks. That said, plenty of ambient tracks get in these compilations. There's usually some ambient on every one of these compilations.


2. The tracks will be judged according to how good they are, and how well they express the theme. This means that if you write a track about homeless people with 808s, it may be disqualified based on it being thematically inappropriate no matter how good it is. That said, the topic can be interpreted in many ways, so go nuts.


3. The tracks may be of any length. Bear in mind that it's hard to fit a track much greater than 10 minutes into a compilation.


4. You may submit as many tracks as you like. Normally only one track per person gets in, with the exception of collaborations. However, I will be more lenient this year. For example, if you submit five 1-minute tracks, we may select 2 or 3 of them as interludes. Of if you write two out of this world tracks, we may include both.


5. Please submit the tracks in FLAC, AIF, or WAV format. We want this album to sound good. But keep it to 16 bits. No need to go crazy.


6. Please do not master your tracks. Don't apply too much compression unless it's creating an effect important for the feel of your track. Really try to avoid adding compression to the complete mix. We want the tracks to be mastered by the same person, so that the album sounds cohesive.


7. Tracks must be previously unreleased. We don't want old news in a new album.



Album Art


Would you like to do the album art? Post some ideas in this thread!



Other Stuff


Collaborations are encouraged.


As with the other compilations I've organized, this album will be creative commons so you must be okay with that.



Past Tribute Albums


If you want to check out the other albums in this series:


1. Deep Sea Creatures/Beards - Deep Sea Creatures was the main compilation album, even though Beards won the tournament. I do not have a link for the beards tracks, although I remember hearing them at some point. I never heard the Deep Sea Creatures tracks.


2. Black Holes


3. An Electronic Tribute to Antarctica


4. Large Hadron Collider


5. Nikola Tesla


6. Incomplete Skyscrapers

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I would like to get involved but at the moment everything is really busy... getting married next month and work is also busy! I just don't think I could give it enough time to do it justice. Maybe in May things will have calmed down a bit,....

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Yeah "This Is Beardstep" did eventually come out, curated by Analogue Wings, but I don't think its online anywhere at the mo.


If you can, please make this new comp available as Creative Commons because that makes it easier to keep it online (other people can host it etc)

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I added some new info to the first post. Collaborations are encouraged, all tracks must be previously unreleased, and the album will be creative commons (thanks zazen).


I'd also like to encourage people to get started early. There's over two months, but these deadlines creep up. If you have any time or inspiration now, get twiddling!

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Guest Adjective

For the sake of accuracy and confusion, you should list DSC as the first comp, not beards.

Although beards won the poll, DSC were the official selection by the organizer. Maybe worth remembering, since it was mcgriff/futonic that ran that first tourny and released the DSC comp on CD and everything. It also shows how expert photoshopping can turn the tide in the tournaments. Nothing against the beards comp (i submitted to that one too)

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Guest Rulohead32

I love astronomy, I love making music, but someone can explain me what is this about? I think I get it, but I'm new here and I suppose you do this every year, judging what you're saying.

So: you're planning to do a compilation of tracks that send people from here, related to this planet? And if it's this way, they must have lyrics or no need of that?

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I love astronomy, I love making music, but someone can explain me what is this about? I think I get it, but I'm new here and I suppose you do this every year, judging what you're saying.

So: you're planning to do a compilation of tracks that send people from here, related to this planet? And if it's this way, they must have lyrics or no need of that?


Hi Rulohead.


Basically what happens is watmmers write tracks, and email them in to whomever is organizing it (I am this year). The tracks are judged, and the best one get mastered and put in a compilation cd, which is released for free. I've only organized one of these before, but for that one most tracks were selected. For the antarctica year there were a lot of submissions, and that one turned into a double album, so it's generally pretty inclusive.


Relation to the theme does not need to include lyrics. Pretty much none of the tracks in the past albums have lyrics. A couple tracks have had spoken word samples related to the theme, but most don't even have that.


Relation to the theme is very general. Sometimes there are specific things linking the music to the theme. In incomplete skyscrapers there were some construction sound effects, and in one of the tracks on the antarctica comp there were samples of someone walking in snow. But usually it's just a very vague thing. What sort of music does CFBDSIR_2149-0403 inspire? What would a soundtrack to CFBDSIR_2149-0403 sound like? For examples, try listening to the albums I linked in the original post.


Hope you submit something!

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Guest Rulohead32

Thanks Root5, I asked that because I suck at lyrics. Sure I want to collaborate, but it will be only for fun, because I'm only amateur and hearing some of you, you really amaze me, so surely people is going to send masterpieces!

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For the sake of accuracy and confusion, you should list DSC as the first comp, not beards.

Although beards won the poll, DSC were the official selection by the organizer. Maybe worth remembering, since it was mcgriff/futonic that ran that first tourny and released the DSC comp on CD and everything. It also shows how expert photoshopping can turn the tide in the tournaments. Nothing against the beards comp (i submitted to that one too)


I'l have to throw this up online at some point down the road when it isn't stealing the thunder of this current effort, and as long as none of the original artists protest.


I plan on submitting something to this current effort, looking forward to it.



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For the sake of accuracy and confusion, you should list DSC as the first comp, not beards.

Although beards won the poll, DSC were the official selection by the organizer. Maybe worth remembering, since it was mcgriff/futonic that ran that first tourny and released the DSC comp on CD and everything. It also shows how expert photoshopping can turn the tide in the tournaments. Nothing against the beards comp (i submitted to that one too)


I updated the original post for a more accurate description. Hopefully this post will help preserve our watmm cultural heritage.


I'l have to throw this up online at some point down the road when it isn't stealing the thunder of this current effort, and as long as none of the original artists protest.


I plan on submitting something to this current effort, looking forward to it.




This comp will probably go up no sooner than late July, so you have a pretty wide window for posting it without stealing any thunder. If you have the time, feel free.


Also, I look forward to hearing your track.

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Sad to see that Homeless people wih 808s didn't take it... But I will still cook something up for this. Some Juju Space Jazz me thinks!


this will help get you fired up




(edit: worst fucking setting of loop points ever)

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