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queens of the stone age

Guest tht tne

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Guest tht tne

i had totally ignored this band and its predecessor kyuss, and everything having to do with "stoner" rock/metal until last night, and this songs for the deaf is actually pretty cool. qotsa have a new album out and it features a guest appearance from elton john. i have to admit the idea of the desert sessions is pretty appealing to me, just to think about. any opinions?

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Always thought QOTSA are way overrated, thats my humble opinion. I lump them in with bands like Foo Fighters, Green Day, Kings of Leon, Muse etc etc. Rock music for the masses, nicely diluted for stadiums and the mainstream.


You should do some searches for stoner rock, there are some awesome threads to be found here on watmm


edit, just checked you had near 10,000 posts????......I thought you were a newbie

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I lump them in with bands like Foo Fighters, Green Day, Kings of Leon, Muse etc etc. Rock music for the masses, nicely diluted for stadiums and the mainstream.


Have you actually listened to all their albums? They're not diluted for the mainstream, they're just so good the mainstream couldn't help but take notice. The industry sucks their dicks, not the other way around. There's very little common ground between them and the other bands you just lumped them in with, other than they influenced Grohl's songwriting a bit after he toured with them (but not enough to make FF awesome again).


Anyway OP, definitely give all their albums their fair due. Each one brings something new to the table and has fascinating stuff going on both in the music and production. They nail it from all angles. Ain't no halfway with these guys.

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Josh Homme has a Ph.D in rocking the fuck out. I'm glad you made this thread, as they are a very non-WATMM band but should be heard. I was totally expecting someone to compare them to the Foo Fighters since Dave Grohl was drumming on SFTD. But did you know his drumming on that album absolutely slays?




Plus, Homme can write actual tunes.



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I can see how QOTSA might seem 'diluted', but that's mostly since Homme stopped using his old style of playing, which he called 'guitar trance' or something like that. Not sure if that was the name but it sounds about right, it's just him spacing out in a minimal but very effective way. :smile:




Some of his playing on the first QOTSA album was still a lot like that, but once his music ceased to be about those kinds of jams it was never quite the same.

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New album is brilliant, wasn't sure at first but now I think it's one of the best


I love them, they are really popular but for good reason



yes! havent heard the whole album, only heard the teasers feeling positive though


I think they're great, fuck the haters

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Guest mankymusic

SFTD is the one, not sure about clockwork yet, only heard it once so far but it didn't grab me, maybe its a grower.

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They put on a good show, and I think they are better than a lot of other bands out there that get press. I haven't listened in a while though.

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Guest rotodrone

I really rate Era Vulgaris too, not sure if many fans do but I think it's great. Suture Up Your Future is one of their best. They softened up a bit after SFTD but they're the closest we've got to a Led Zeppelin kinda thing and Josh is a great songwriter.


Them Crooked Vultures didn't quite click with me though, even though it's basically the same thing. Why? I dunno ghosts or somethin

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yeah era valgaris was ookkk better than lullabies (this annoyed me, I cant say why) but mmmmmmmmeehh I dont know I felt they lost some flow/nonchalance sort of thing.


My mum likes Them Crooked Vultures but she is into led zep so, I guess it was that market.

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you should check out Rated R it's an awesome album


Yes, as is Songs For The Deaf.


I love these albums, they are my favorites... Them Crooked Vultures album is a good album, i'll be curious 2 know their second album if they'll do it...

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Haha, I love the recent QOTSA discussion around these parts.


SFTD is one of my fave albums of ever. I doubt it'll ever disappear from my collection. However when Lullabies came out I hated everything I heard, but I was younger then, maybe I'd appreciate it now. I'm going to check out Lullabies, Era and Clockwork and report back one day. I Sat By The Ocean is a fantastic track.


Thanks guys!

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S/T, Rated R, and SFTD are all great, as is all the Desert Sessions stuff (and yeah the idea of throwing generator parties is pretty attractive). Didn't care for Lullabies or the other more recent one (they both felt kinda uninspired...), but I'll be happy to check out the new album!


The Eagles of Death Metal's first album (Peace Love Death Metal) is also really great (Homme drums).



ps - hi tht :flower:

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Ah man Queens were my favourite band in high school.
Still have to say the self-titled and Rated R are probably my favourites though. The newer albums, I mean I still like them for the most part, but they seem much more lyrically obvious or something... I'm not sure what it is about them exactly.


I can see how QOTSA might seem 'diluted', but that's mostly since Homme stopped using his old style of playing, which he called 'guitar trance' or something like that. Not sure if that was the name but it sounds about right, it's just him spacing out in a minimal but very effective way. :smile:

Some of his playing on the first QOTSA album was still a lot like that, but once his music ceased to be about those kinds of jams it was never quite the same.


Maybe this though, although I appreciate them not wanting to repeat the Kyuss sound eternally.

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Guest tht tne

kyuss is pronounced "ky-uss," right? kind of like "chaos?" i always thought it was one syllable, like, blow me a "kyuss"

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