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Soccer referee decapitated after stabbing player to death in Brazil


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It is very common in south america to see blood and gore everyday said a guy i know from mexico when i released some goregrind back in the days, he isn't kidding

Soccer can realy get out of hand, i remember some kids from 15years old kicking a referee to death in holland a while ago, that's fucked up

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i see a guy get stabbed, i don't think my initial reaction would be to decapitate the stabber


does that make me a snob?


and werent these guys doing this shit 2000yrs ago? using severed heads in their sporting events?


apocalypto is just one helluva badass movie, but

these ppl need to step out of the stone age

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i see a guy get stabbed, i don't think my initial reaction would be to decapitate the stabber


does that make me a snob?

what if the stabber was david guetta?

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If I know one thing about Brazilians, it's that they love their Churrasco. And ass.... If I know two things about Brazilians, it's that they love churrasco, ass, and travestis. Three! Three things.

Uh. But in the reality perception it ish tragic.

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yeah. there's a video of the results. odd to see people standing around, one or two taking photos of the body on the slab. legs removed at knees, has pretty much removed or heavily broken (tied up and snapped?), head removed (and nose, jaw looking smashed)... i get a feeling brazil is one of those places in the world that still has publications that relate to gore-filled incidents with candid photos? plenty of revenge attacks and so on. there was a story of 50 bodies (a drug gang) being dumped by the road that made international news a couple of months back, and it was easy to find photos showing a massive jumble of bodies that many news outlets could only briefly describe. don't know why i looked, but i suppose sometimes you just can't quite imagine what it is exactly thats so shocking until you see it shown in a more honest way.

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If I know one thing about Brazilians, it's that they love their Churrasco. And ass.... If I know two things about Brazilians, it's that they love churrasco, ass, and travestis. Three! Three things.

Uh. But in the reality perception it ish tragic.





I have that book, it's from 2007: sure enough on the Brazilian entry, among pics of thonged asses, soccer players, and tropical imagery there's a disturbing picture of random protesters with a burnt and decapitated head dangling from a sheet tied through the victims skull.


Goddamnit stereotypes and black humor, y u funny!? :sad:

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Guest Papillon
"Soccer referee decapitated after stabbing player to death in Brazil"


What the shit. That is incredible.


"Fisherman disemboweled after jetpack malfunction deemed racist by onlooking circus midget breakdancers."[/



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i see a guy get stabbed, i don't think my initial reaction would be to decapitate the stabber


does that make me a snob?


and werent these guys doing this shit 2000yrs ago? using severed heads in their sporting events?


apocalypto is just one helluva badass movie, but

these ppl need to step out of the stone age

what the fuck.

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i see a guy get stabbed, i don't think my initial reaction would be to decapitate the stabber


does that make me a snob?


and werent these guys doing this shit 2000yrs ago? using severed heads in their sporting events?


apocalypto is just one helluva badass movie, but

these ppl need to step out of the stone age

what the fuck.


do you realize that your whole condescending bullshit attitude, where you just quote something i say and make like a 3 word comment about how stupid i am, or that insinuates i am (and this isn't the first time you've done it), without explaining how or why, just makes you look like a dick and an idiot? at least to anyone who isn't those two things also?


do you think it's ok that parts of the world still act like animals? do they get a free pass since they aren't americans, or something? would you see a crowd at a sporting event do that in evil USA? maybe you can give me some theory about how their behavior is actually the result of worldwide american oppression? i'm evil or racist because i think non-whites or non-americans should be held to standards too? maybe it's you who's racist for not expecting them to act civilized? could that maybe be it, dickhead?


i know it's hard to like, you know, express thoughts and shit, but maybe give it a try sometime? why don't you actually put a little effort into proving how much smarter or better than me you seem to think you are? or do you think just being casually dismissive proves something in and of itself, besides that you're a total asshole?

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i see a guy get stabbed, i don't think my initial reaction would be to decapitate the stabber


does that make me a snob?


and werent these guys doing this shit 2000yrs ago? using severed heads in their sporting events?


apocalypto is just one helluva badass movie, but

these ppl need to step out of the stone age

what the fuck.


do you realize that your whole condescending bullshit attitude, where you just quote something i say and make like a 3 word comment about how stupid i am, or that insinuates i am (and this isn't the first time you've done it), without explaining how or why, just makes you look like a dick and an idiot? at least to anyone who isn't those two things also?


do you think it's ok that parts of the world still act like animals? do they get a free pass since they aren't americans, or something? would you see a crowd at a sporting event do that in evil USA? maybe you can give me some theory about how their behavior is actually the result of worldwide american oppression? i'm evil or racist because i think non-whites or non-americans should be held to standards too? maybe it's you who's racist for not expecting them to act civilized? could that maybe be it, dickhead?


i know it's hard to like, you know, express thoughts and shit, but maybe give it a try sometime? why don't you actually put a little effort into proving how much smarter or better than me you seem to think you are? or do you think just being casually dismissive proves something in and of itself, besides that you're a total asshole?



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i see a guy get stabbed, i don't think my initial reaction would be to decapitate the stabber


does that make me a snob?


and werent these guys doing this shit 2000yrs ago? using severed heads in their sporting events?


apocalypto is just one helluva badass movie, but

these ppl need to step out of the stone age

what the fuck.


do you realize that your whole condescending bullshit attitude, where you just quote something i say and make like a 3 word comment about how stupid i am, or that insinuates i am (and this isn't the first time you've done it), without explaining how or why, just makes you look like a dick and an idiot? at least to anyone who isn't those two things also?


do you think it's ok that parts of the world still act like animals? do they get a free pass since they aren't americans, or something? would you see a crowd at a sporting event do that in evil USA? maybe you can give me some theory about how their behavior is actually the result of worldwide american oppression? i'm evil or racist because i think non-whites or non-americans should be held to standards too? maybe it's you who's racist for not expecting them to act civilized? could that maybe be it, dickhead?


i know it's hard to like, you know, express thoughts and shit, but maybe give it a try sometime? why don't you actually put a little effort into proving how much smarter or better than me you seem to think you are? or do you think just being casually dismissive proves something in and of itself, besides that you're a total asshole?





Apocalypto is fictional, take place 500, not 2000, years ago, and is about Mayans, who lived in what is now mostly Southern Mexico and Guatemala, not any of the indigenous tribes of rural Brazil. And that's irrelevant anyway since most Brazilians in that region are Pardo (equivalent to Hispanic or the older term Mestiço, mixed indigenous and white lineage) or ethnically white.


And yeah, crowds haven't done that exact thing in the U.S. or anywhere else in the word - that situation itself of an official stabbing a player is as far as I know unprecedented. And it's a different society: this is a country where it's a longstanding and constant tradition of having multi-million dollar war machines fly over a stadium after someone sings the national anthem. You can't compare that with, say, a regional sports even in rural Brazil. And less than 100 years ago people where lynched by mobs for such accusations, not in heated sports events, but usually in organized crowds with no police interference. In 1916, Waco, TX, a city of 30k (at the time) with a notably progressive University for the region, 15,000 attended a lynching a black man in the middle of the city. That's beyond acting like animals and that was less than 100 years ago.


Fans here do riot and fight each other, sometimes kill each other on occasion. Go to any American Football game, college especially, and you'll hear absolutely horrible language directed toward women and children and elderly people from fans on the other side. It's all irrational hatred perpetuated by corporations and sports organizations because it makes money. It's all very organized and controlled, but that doesn't mean there's no potential that something like that could happen in the U.S. or Europe. As I mentioned earlier, a referee in Utah was killed after an assault (his 3rd time btw) for giving a yellow card out in an unsanctioned amateur game.


So basically, the response of WTF is completely warranted because you were either trolling or stating very ignorant and narrow minded opinions on the event.

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soccer fans are violent, nationalistic assholes all over the world.

spread the word and rejoice!


Also, about the stepping out of the stone age part: I think we might be returning to one. ;-)



Our technology may be getting smarter, but a provocative new study suggests human intelligence is on the decline. In fact, it indicates that Westerners have lost 14 I.Q. points on average since the Victorian Era.


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Guest uptown devil

soccer fans are violent, nationalistic assholes all over the world.



my girlfriend is from sao palo, brazil and she says that it wasn't even mentioned in the media there. she talked to friends and family a few days after the incident took place and they had absolutely no idea what had happened.

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I have a bunch of Brazilian friends. They are all great, peaceful, loving people... until they are watching football. Then they turn into complete savages.

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Apocalypto is fictional, take place 500, not 2000, years ago, and is about Mayans, who lived in what is now mostly Southern Mexico and Guatemala, not any of the indigenous tribes of rural Brazil. And that's irrelevant anyway since most Brazilians in that region are Pardo (equivalent to Hispanic or the older term Mestiço, mixed indigenous and white lineage) or ethnically white.


And yeah, crowds haven't done that exact thing in the U.S. or anywhere else in the word - that situation itself of an official stabbing a player is as far as I know unprecedented. And it's a different society: this is a country where it's a longstanding and constant tradition of having multi-million dollar war machines fly over a stadium after someone sings the national anthem. You can't compare that with, say, a regional sports even in rural Brazil. And less than 100 years ago people where lynched by mobs for such accusations, not in heated sports events, but usually in organized crowds with no police interference. In 1916, Waco, TX, a city of 30k (at the time) with a notably progressive University for the region, 15,000 attended a lynching a black man in the middle of the city. That's beyond acting like animals and that was less than 100 years ago.


Fans here do riot and fight each other, sometimes kill each other on occasion. Go to any American Football game, college especially, and you'll hear absolutely horrible language directed toward women and children and elderly people from fans on the other side. It's all irrational hatred perpetuated by corporations and sports organizations because it makes money. It's all very organized and controlled, but that doesn't mean there's no potential that something like that could happen in the U.S. or Europe. As I mentioned earlier, a referee in Utah was killed after an assault (his 3rd time btw) for giving a yellow card out in an unsanctioned amateur game.


So basically, the response of WTF is completely warranted because you were either trolling or stating very ignorant and narrow minded opinions on the event.


thanks for the history lesson. it's not at all possible that i was being stupid and making a joke, like probably 80% of the other comments in this thread had been doing.


here's the issue you didn't pick up. if a guy simply says 'what the fuck' to a post that had several things in it, as mine did, then there's no way for me or anyone to know what the wtf was taking issue with. it's a cowardly way for him to criticize me and my post without having to actually say what he's criticizing or go into detail about why. he's done that shit to me i don't know how many times now.


it's totally reasonable for me to assume that he was taking issue with my calling the brazilians involved animals and saying they need to step out of the stone age. no shit the spaniards didn't arrive in south america 2000 yrs ago. maybe his wtf was about that aspect of my post, but we'll never know because he prefers the cowardly route of being casually dismissive and coming off like he's too good to actually explain why i'm an idiot. fuck him. american's do kill each other on occasion, yes. but i've yet to hear about fans at a sporting event here actually decapitating and placing a person's head on a stake. that's crossing a line into a whole different realm and acting like a fucking animal. and it wasn't just one person, it was a group from the crowd, which indicates that it's a societal thing going on that led to that being a cool idea to do. but go ahead, make excuses or be apologetic or suggest that we can't judge because some people here shot someone.

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