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Everything You Do Is A Balloon


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This may be extremely jazz, and I apologise if it is, but I was recently made aware of this excellent live cover version of Everything You Do Is A Balloon. Definitely worth a watch if you've never seen/heard it before.


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Hmm for me it suffers with the same problem that a lot of these electroica/IDM/whatever-term-is-used-nowadays-that-usually-annoys-somebody covers have. Technically they're fine (a couple of slips by the drummer, though nothing too drastic) but there seems to be no emotion behind them resulting in something so clinical and just a grind to get through.


I've listened to the BoC original so many times and it just seems to fly by, but this one I was frequently thinking 'it must be near the end now surely' and seeing that there's another 4+ minutes to go.


Sorry, me just being a downbeat asshole.

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Guest isaki

I don't particularly like it either, very dull and the intro is too loud and emphatic compared to the delicate synths BOC originally made

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I like the strings, but the guitar is awful. Sounds like a half-pissed Hank Marvin who forgot to plug into his amp. And on a side note, fuck it if it's heresy but I've always found the intro to the original tedious and over-long.

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un-Ballon'dHmm for me it suffers with the same problem that a lot of these electroica/IDM/whatever-term-is-used-nowadays-that-usually-annoys-somebody covers have. Technically they're fine (a couple of slips by the drummer, though nothing too drastic) but there seems to be no emotion behind them resulting in something so clinical and just a grind to get through.I've listened to the BoC original so many times and it just seems to fly by, but this one I was frequently thinking 'it must be near the end now surely' and seeing that there's another 4+ minutes to go. Sorry, me just being a downbeat asshole.

Good point, but isn't that the deal with most idm played by people playing an instrument: not enough progressions, developments going on over many bars. Sometimes you can almost hear the musicians think " wtf, again those same notes!?"


Reminds me of the interview with rdj and stockhauzen and stockhauzen's remark on the post-african repetitions. Which was right on the money, imo.

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