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Too old to start?


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...well, don't make childish music i guess. make it 'serious' or 'adult' if that would make you feeling any better about your self and your new adventure. i'm semi-kidding here :emotawesomepm9:


Beware! in the beginning it's almost impossible to avoid making childish music or at least extremely cheesy melodies but you have to know that it's just an essential phase you have to experience, it's good for you but the sooner you pass through it the better. on the other hand don't be too much afraid of cheesiness cause it will hunt you for ever. let it pass naturally.

it's common to all of art not just music.


Second, take any music production software you can get. for starters i could recommend Reason. it was my first sw and the very day i got it i made 3 simple tracks. it's that simple, user-friendly.


p.s. It's sad when a 35 yr-old think he's too old to start making music. today we live longer but we dye sooner.

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being 35 will make it harder for you to be attractive to the usual round of pedophilic young person worshipping over the hill lonely music reviewers who hype up shitty boring noise albums made by 19 year old girls who have album covers of them pouring maggots on their panties. but beyond that just go for it dude

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being 35 will make it harder for you to be attractive to the usual round of pedophilic young person worshipping over the hill lonely music reviewers who hype up shitty boring noise albums made by 19 year old girls who have album covers of them pouring maggots on their panties. but beyond that just go for it dude



what? =/


I mean, I understand what you've written because I can read English.


But what are you referring to? (What album cover)... wtf? lol

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pitchfork did an interview of some female noise musician ive (a) never heard of whos 19(?) (b) who's music was completely non notable C) who was lavished with overwhelming praise by a pitchfork interviewer (d) was asked to explain her album cover which is her pouring maggots onto her pantied crotch

thats all the information I have, I don't even want to google that shit

so to the original poster, if you can make your debut album cover a picture of you (or a stand in of a young looking boy) pouring crickets or some kind of insect all over his or your balls, you have entered into the appropriate zone to make a music career

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being 35 will make it harder for you to be attractive to the usual round of pedophilic young person worshipping over the hill lonely music reviewers who hype up shitty boring noise albums made by 19 year old girls who have album covers of them pouring maggots on their panties. but beyond that just go for it dude



what? =/


I mean, I understand what you've written because I can read English.


But what are you referring to? (What album cover)... wtf? lol




pitchfork did an interview of some female noise musician ive (a) never heard of whos 19(?) (b) who's music and it was completely non notable © who was lavished with overwhelming praise by a pitchfork interviewer (d) was asked to explain her album cover which is her pouring maggots onto her pantied crotch


thats all the information I have, I don't even want to google that shit



so to the original poster, if you can make your debut album cover a picture of you (or a stand in of a young looking boy) pouring crickets or some kind of insect all over his or your balls, you have entered into the appropriate zone to make a music career


With that example John's hitting on the only thing that's a factor with age - you might be lucky and get more hype if you're young (i.e. 20 or less) or started young.


This dude is another example of that









Youth and artistic merit is almost always absolute journalistic bullshit. There are plenty of examples of mediocre producers who are written about because lazy writers like the "[producer X] is only [insert teenage year here] and yet he's already made waves on [insert social media site here] with his/her [chillwave/witch house/post-trap/whatever]" It's a lot easier for pfork or fader or rolling store or stereogum or fact any other trendy site to write about a arguable or questionable musician who is young and naive than say a veteran musician who has been at it for years or perhaps just some person with a 9-to-5 job that is taking up producing. Those stories require actual effort and listening. I think that's the main hangup.


Age is not a factor when it comes making music or likewise enjoying it in a sincere and earnest manner. Remember than the music you make itself will be timeless once you commit it to a recording. People geek out over reissues of lost and obscure music all the time - they don't care about trendy bloghouse or emo rock made by teens that was deleted from myspace years ago. Two popular producers I love, Washed Out and Gold Panda, both had jobs and schooling in their mid and late 20s before they ever got around to producing. So Fuck superficial kids and manufactured social norms. Look forward, not backward. Also, being young is kind of awkward and shitty when you ignore the select romanticized moments from the past. So go for Ifeelspace!

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Cheers all, some really good information on here (and motivational comments)! I have the next week off work so I am going to be trying some of this out. I am not down with the idea of nabbing illicit copies of stuff so I will probably just go for the trial version and see if I find one I like before laying down a wedge.


I did download some free drum sequencing programme and LMMS and I think i'm halfway there.


I've had cowbell looping and some weird organ droning sound that I knocked up in 12 seconds and it beats some things i downloaded from netlabels :wink:

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Furthermore, I just put Ifeelspace in an anagram search engine and it transpires the track titles for the first EP are already sorted:


1. Faeces Pile

2. Escape Life

3. Special Fee

4. Fiscal Epee

5. Flea Pieces

6. A Spice Feel

7. Fecal Pee Is


This cannot fail...

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top lel ^


I think it isn't really late to start doing anything you want... but that feeling of exploring and amazement children have won't appear, and you'll see stuff without any sort of, like, discovering a completely new thing wow! what is this! what's this button for!.. I guess adults tend to see the technical part of things... But what is imagination without the technical part? and that's why I titled this track like:



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Guest dylanmcknd

Use Audacity and something like hydrogen drum sequencer, both of which are free and straight to the point. Audacity is WAAAY more versatile than you would originally expect, and free.


LMMS is also really great, although Audacity can do so much more, but you basically have to record every part of the track as separate audio files.

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Finally, at 35 years of age and with no musical training, am I retarded for thinking this is even a good idea?



well i'm 44 and still make and release music. and i'm roughly the same age as aphex, mu-ziq etc. should they all retire now? no, of course not.


get to work! :wink:

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also i guess it might depend what sort of music you want to make. if you're aiming for banging house/techno/dubstep anthems you might find your age will hinder you a bit in the eyes of the media or whatever, but if you're more inclined towards album/ambient/experimental whatever then i doubt anyone would care about your age.

are you familiar with the more leftfield 'hauntology' artists like ghost box, hacker farm, ekoplekz, kemper norton etc? all those guys are in their 40s and 50s and only just hitting their creative stride.

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Use Audacity and something like hydrogen drum sequencer, both of which are free and straight to the point. Audacity is WAAAY more versatile than you would originally expect, and free.


agreed! i make music with hardware and then record/edit/render using audacity. its one of the best freewares out there.

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huge respect for the OP's modesty here. it takes fortitude to admit to yourself your strengths and

weaknesses. be glad your ego is in tact so you don't end up like so many other amateurs acting like they're god while doing nothing new or interesting. learn the ropes, then start to push yourself. start out with some smaller synth programs and work your way up. Reason is a great all-in-one package to develop skills from all over the board.

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