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8th MOST IDM Tournament: Brainstorming


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I have both a Merzbow t-shirt and all the Beatles' albums, so I could potentially do that. (*edit: at comment last page, which I had open.)


most IDM: sitting in your bathrobe on the couch with your laptop while some guy works on your balcony 10 feet away.





speaking in an expressionless monotone


obsessing over insignificant details


being confused by other people's emotions

Are you making a subtle reference to me Zeph? ;)



lol... it was more a subtle reference to autism, but you did actually come to mind as I was writing it. You`re pretty IDM.


Thank you, but I don't think I would make a good album theme.



I think it would sound sort of like the Ae tribute, which isn't a bad thing.

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speaking in an expressionless monotone


obsessing over insignificant details


being confused by other people's emotions

Are you making a subtle reference to me Zeph? ;)



lol... it was more a subtle reference to autism, but you did actually come to mind as I was writing it. You`re pretty IDM.


Thank you, but I don't think I would make a good album theme.



I think it would sound sort of like the Ae tribute, which isn't a bad thing.

There'd be a lot more droney sections though.

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Rhizanthella gardneri: a West-Australian orchid that spends the entirety of life-cycle underground (pollinated by subterranean insects). It is a parasite that feeds off of mycorrhizal fungi and, thus, can survive without photosynthesizing sunlight...




^ uncovered

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autechre AMA




default MIDI presets


dwarf fortress


drinking too much french press coffee


instrumental david bowie tracks from the late seventies


giant prehistoric virii


taking cycling really really seriously


eighties noise-gated snare drums


broken GIFs

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Was playing some acid music for a 5 year old today. She said "It sounds like party noises". I said "Yeah, people party to this music." She said "No not 'party', 'potty!' It sounds like when you go potty!"


So I'm nominating "Potty noises".

Oh, and dirty jokes. Dirty jokes are very IDM.

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