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Star Wars Episode VII *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Rubin Farr

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for the record - in a fit of star wars fandom i got the new-ish blu-ray/DVD originals and just watched them - the stormtrooper voices are not changed at all thank god - the films appear to be just the 90s "updated" versions - and of course the 90s CGI looks so much worse than the puppets of the 70s. Tragic.


One thing that is changed is that boba fett's voice is that irritating kiwi/south african accent so I guess thats a change. maybe when i finish them i'll have to see hayden christiansen that will suck



w/e i love star wars and always have and i'm excited for the new ones!

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for the record - in a fit of star wars fandom i got the new-ish blu-ray/DVD originals and just watched them - the stormtrooper voices are not changed at all thank god - the films appear to be just the 90s "updated" versions - and of course the 90s CGI looks so much worse than the puppets of the 70s. Tragic.


One thing that is changed is that boba fett's voice is that irritating kiwi/south african accent so I guess thats a change. maybe when i finish them i'll have to see hayden christiansen that will suck



w/e i love star wars and always have and i'm excited for the new ones!

Ah, that's good to hear - I could have sworn they did that, but I guess I confused it with Boba Fett's voice being changed.

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Until they release the unaltered trilogy on blu-ray, this is the best home version to get:

I wish people would check their history before these types of "when will they release the unaltered trilogy?" Guess what? They did! Several years ago limited edition double DVDs of the original trilogy were released, non-anamorphic transfer, no remastering, no CGI. They were taken from the 90s VHS masters, so yeah. They didn't sell well at all. Seems like a very niche audience that cares. Of course after this trilogy, maybe we'll get an actual 4k transfer of the old films on blu-ray.



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we've just recently revisited the original trilogy as well. th lusty nostalgia, th lovely waves of childhood memory - yet th cgi jabba solo thingy tht was squish-squashed in made mǝ into th contortion-cringy pretzel.

o' and i'd conveniently forgotten tht lapti nek poppy-cock, wretchedness :(

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Until they release the unaltered trilogy on blu-ray, this is the best home version to get:

I wish people would check their history before these types of "when will they release the unaltered trilogy?" Guess what? They did! Several years ago limited edition double DVDs of the original trilogy were released, non-anamorphic transfer, no remastering, no CGI. They were taken from the 90s VHS masters, so yeah. They didn't sell well at all. Seems like a very niche audience that cares. Of course after this trilogy, maybe we'll get an actual 4k transfer of the old films on blu-ray.




The "Special Edition" of A New Hope came out in theatres in 1997 - if this DVD was released before then (which I don't think it was), then it does indeed contain the CGI enhancements (aka the Jabba scene amongst others) Lucas wanted to "fix". There was much made to the fact that the unaltered originals (which AFAIK only saw Laserdisc and VHS release) were never released digitally (aka DVD or BluRay).

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Until they release the unaltered trilogy on blu-ray, this is the best home version to get:

I wish people would check their history before these types of "when will they release the unaltered trilogy?" Guess what? They did! Several years ago limited edition double DVDs of the original trilogy were released, non-anamorphic transfer, no remastering, no CGI. They were taken from the 90s VHS masters, so yeah. They didn't sell well at all. Seems like a very niche audience that cares. Of course after this trilogy, maybe we'll get an actual 4k transfer of the old films on blu-ray.



The "Special Edition" of A New Hope came out in theatres in 1997 - if this DVD was released before then (which I don't think it was), then it does indeed contain the CGI enhancements (aka the Jabba scene amongst others) Lucas wanted to "fix". There was much made to the fact that the unaltered originals (which AFAIK only saw Laserdisc and VHS release) were never released digitally (aka DVD or BluRay).
No no no you're mixed up, the Special Edition of the Trilogy DVDs came out in 2004. These were released as limited editions in September 2006, they do contain the Special Edition disc, plus the unaltered version in all it's blurry glory on a separate disc. Seems they are rare now, like I said a niche.
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Until they release the unaltered trilogy on blu-ray, this is the best home version to get:

I wish people would check their history before these types of "when will they release the unaltered trilogy?" Guess what? They did! Several years ago limited edition double DVDs of the original trilogy were released, non-anamorphic transfer, no remastering, no CGI. They were taken from the 90s VHS masters, so yeah. They didn't sell well at all. Seems like a very niche audience that cares. Of course after this trilogy, maybe we'll get an actual 4k transfer of the old films on blu-ray.




Actually, I knew that, but have you ever watched it before? I wish that *YOU* would do *YOUR* homework! That version fucking sucks! The video quality is SHIT and the audio is even SHITTER!


Laserdiscs, however, have uncompressed audio, which hasn't been surpassed by general consumer tech until Blu-Ray. Look it up. Do YOUR homework, pal!

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I own those DVD copies, and they're better than the VHS, but not by much. But to clarify, I never said that they didn't release an unaltered version since then, just that it's the best unaltered version.

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Until they release the unaltered trilogy on blu-ray, this is the best home version to get:

I wish people would check their history before these types of "when will they release the unaltered trilogy?" Guess what? They did! Several years ago limited edition double DVDs of the original trilogy were released, non-anamorphic transfer, no remastering, no CGI. They were taken from the 90s VHS masters, so yeah. They didn't sell well at all. Seems like a very niche audience that cares. Of course after this trilogy, maybe we'll get an actual 4k transfer of the old films on blu-ray.



Actually, I knew that, but have you ever watched it before? I wish that *YOU* would do *YOUR* homework! That version fucking sucks! The video quality is SHIT and the audio is even SHITTER!


Laserdiscs, however, have uncompressed audio, which hasn't been surpassed by general consumer tech until Blu-Ray. Look it up. Do YOUR homework, pal!

Yes I'm familiar with the laser discs, and their true asset was the audio as you stated. The DVDs definitely DO look like shit, but just wanted to set the record straight if someone was under the impression they weren't available except for VHS.
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Fair enough. My post might not have been clear about that. I just don't like to be accused of not doing my homework--the point I was trying to make (that the LDs are better than the DVD versions of the unaltered trilogy) was different from the mistaken point that people sometimes try to raise, as you correctly point out.

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As to his role in the movie, well:

big spoilers:


Is he a good guy disguised as a stormtrooper, or an actual stormtrooper? Rumours are that he's an actual stormtropper who crashes, is befriended by rebel agent Daisy Ridley and then switches to the rebel side. And maybe, starts on the road to becoming a jedi.


it would be a miracle if JJ didn't have to acknowledge or reference George Lucas turning every stormtrooper into Jango Fett in the prequels.


It might be EU, which was discarded, but the Empire started to recruit people for their military somewhere between the PT and OT. Why would Skywalker and Biggs look to sign up for the Imperial Academy if they just used clones?

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

th cgi jabba solo thingy tht was squish-squashed in made mǝ into th contortion-cringy pretzel


lol. Pretty much everything Lucas has done since 1983 turns me into a contortion-cringy pretzel

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spoilers sound interesting, the only part that worries me a little bit is that part of the plot sounds eerily similar to the weird convoluted plot of Star Trek Into Darkness (see the part specifically about the Republic building a super weapon with mysterious purpose). Flashbacks to the original trilogy make me nervous but also intrigued, I just really hope they don't try and 'flesh out' or change the context of anything in Episode IV, V or VI in a fundamental way (like midichlorians in the prequels for example).

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When you are a .01 percenter like ole lucas there, you probably think that Jabba was a good guy. Hence the fact that lucas is kind of evolving into jabba, a slug like being surrounded by sicophants, is not surprising.

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I'm not really crazy about this idea that the war never ended, then why was everyone on Tattooine, Endor, Naboo, and Coruscant partying like it was 1999?



maybe the modern Lucas George W Bush parallels will continue to propel the story, it sounds like they've injected a little bit of the idea of 'well meaning liberals being co-opted by the war machine' into the new star wars plot

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