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Star Wars Episode VII *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Rubin Farr

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what we really need is an Obi Wan trilogy

what we really need is an Bob Fett trilogy

what we really need is an Chewie trilogy

what we really need is an Ewok trilogy

what we really need is an Sand Guys trilogy

what we really need is an Empirial Recon Drone trilogy

what we really need is an Leia trilogy

we need more trilogies!!!

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what we really need is an Obi Wan trilogy

what we really need is an Bob Fett trilogy

what we really need is an Chewie trilogy

what we really need is an Ewok trilogy

what we really need is an Sand Guys trilogy

what we really need is an Empirial Recon Drone trilogy

what we really need is an Leia trilogy

we need more trilogies!!!

I heard they're also working on a Yoda decalogy.

Yeah I was thinking why stop at trilogies, but that would be independent thinking gocab, which is going to get you fired as a corporate executive.

Personally I think they should just stop. Make a stopogy. Put up the shutters on the land of disney. Could kept rhyming but I could not be bothered.

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Force Awakens:


1. How can Starkiller Base be an ice planet so close to its sun

2. Once they suck up the energy from their own star, how will they not all freeze to death in eternal darkness

3. How did they charge it enough the first time to destroy Hosnian Prime without destroying their own star

4. Why didn't the First Order look for Luke in the missing section of the map since that's obviously where he was

5. Why did the Resistance show up at Maz's castle immediately after the First Order left instead of 5 minutes earlier to help

6. Why did Finn and Rey keep sharing the same jacket on Starkiller

*Cracks knuckles*


Bear in mind, I have only seen TFA once - hopefully this weekend I will rectify that oversight, but here goes anyway:

  1. Define "close" - also, depending on the kind of sun it is, closeness does not always equal "hot".
  2. Didn't Starkiller Base have a second sun, a la Tatooine (binary star system)? Can't remember.
  3. What if it didn't take an entire star's energy to power it?
  4. That missing section of the map might have been hundreds of millions of light years worth of space - needle in haystack, innit
  5. They couldn't get there in time?
  6. While I have read this was a continuity error, it could be that he gave her the jacket at times they went outside? Remember, she's from Jakku (or at least lived there most of her life), so she's probably not used to the cold *insert "I hate sand" meme*

Easy! Gimme another.


That actually kind of bothered me in a nerdy way that they called it a "sun".


It's not a fucking "sun".


It's a star.


"The Sun" is our solar system's star.


Just seemed like a very easy thing to represent factually, why blatantly call it "a sun"?


Ok, I'll admit that's a pretty stupid thing to let bother me, but still.




Other than that I was actually really happy with the film. Enough things to make me nostalgic, but I like how it passed it off from the episodes 4/5/6 and set up the next few movies. I didn't feel the prequels transitioned into 4/5/6 nearly as well.


Taking it for what it is, I think it was really good.

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the Latin name for our sun is Sol, which are interchangeable in a lot of scientific communities. I think they used the term Sun, because in a lot of countries, they might not know that Sun and Star can mean the same thing. I've watched enough sci fi in my lifetime that I use the term "our sun" to describe the giant orange light you see in the sky.

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You guys...


When using the term "sun", it refers to a planet's primary star - so you would say "The Earth is warmed by the sun", not "The Earth is warmed by our star". In referring to a planet's primary star, we can say "sun":


"Jakku's sun was much closer and hotter than in other systems, hence its dry, arid climate."


I think the term star is only used when referring to stars that do not have a planetary system.


That begs the question - does our sun have a name? Is its proper name Sol?

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You guys...


When using the term "sun", it refers to a planet's primary star - so you would say "The Earth is warmed by the sun", not "The Earth is warmed by our star". In referring to a planet's primary star, we can say "sun":


"Jakku's sun was much closer and hotter than in other systems, hence its dry, arid climate."


I think the term star is only used when referring to stars that do not have a planetary system.





The Sun (or Sol as ruby pointed out) is the star in our solar system. No other star correctly bears that name.

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You could call anything, anything.


I could call any star "chair", doesn't make it right.


That's why in astronomy the terms "Sun-like star" or "solar analog" are used so frequently.




Edit: I guess if there's this much confusion around the usage of the name "Sun" then it makes sense why they used it in the movie.

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Sun is Sol in Latin (hence in Spanish, "Soleil" in French, "Sole" in Italian), that's it

Sun is a star

Star doesn't have to be a sun




Pointing out "language incoherences" in a movie like this also is pointless btw. After all if we're going this way, why are they even speaking english ?



no one cares


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