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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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one of the most amazing interviews (?) palin has ever done. from the heavily touched up and sharpened video feed to the excellent government of vocabulary. 

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She thinks now is the time for her to get in line to be POTUS, I'd bet a lot of wealth in the right sees the absurdist state of politics and sees another shill they can control who is dumb but charismatic

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42 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

She thinks now is the time for her to get in line to be POTUS

while she could be eying POTUS position, i see this more about her trying to align herself into congress because any "conservatives" can already smell the blood in the water. come november, there will be a lot of "suits" getting primaried; like this guy who not only has a confusing last name, but committed the ultimate conservative sin and became persona non grata after doing so.

there's also a number of RINO's who will be undergoing the "great reset guillotine" like mitt (the twit) romney, mike (gullible) gibbons, "absolutely unhinged" liz chaney and two duos of susan collins and lisa murkowski since they voted for KBJ for SCOTUS (what the hell were they thinking?) and of course there's cancun cruz who has never done a single admirable thing. here he is holding a press conference to express his disappointment of KBJ. a conference that went completely unnoticed and didn't seem to do anything for his popularity. oh and greg abbot, who's has been trying to shadow desantis since he lost his mind and admitted covid as a legitimate threat (and not the conspiracy theory it really is)

Edited by Nebraska
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The United States Postal Service suspended service in a Santa Monica neighborhood after reports of repeated attacks on mail carriers.

In a notice posted at apartment mail boxes in the 1300 block of 14th Street, the USPS informed residents that service to the neighborhood is suspended. The letter cited several assaults and threats against mail carriers by an individual.

"This is unfortunate, but please be advised that the Post Service does not enter into decision to suspend service lightly," the letter stated. "Multiple carriers have been subjected to assaults and threats of assault."

straight outta santa monica

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If she didnt need cash no. cuz that was the best thing trump did. was give us our first stimulus check sad it had to be because of the pandemic biden did too though. microsoft news said 4th and 5th and all i read about was a fourth. does that mean trump should get back in? nope

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On 3/28/2022 at 12:09 PM, zero said:

think you answered your own question there man. I know it's not polite to call someone dumb, but I don't know any other way to describe it. you know those type of people that fall for obvious scams, buy crap products off of 24 hr shopping channels, get suckered into high pressure sales tactics. those are all prime targets for the NY City slickster! and that is unfortunately a massive chunk of the US population. his supporters don't care as much that he's from NYC, because he sure acts and talks a lot like people in their tribe...all the low brow petty shit he's known so well for saying and doing. therefore he somehow gains an iota of their trust, and then they start buying into more and more of the trump show.

I think until donald started his political thing, many of us totally underestimated just how many people like this there are out there, because we usually interact with people with somewhat similar viewpoints as our own. that's why as much as I don't like trump and what he's done to this country, he deserves some small golf clap for his carny smarts, and his non-stop ability to keep his supporters rolling in the pig shit he throws out for them. the fact that he has duped millions of people into believing he is fit to be US pres, is why I say he totally deserves the unofficial title as the biggest con man in the world. 

What’s fucked up is the entire East coast establishment, including the media, repeatedly outed Trump as an adulterous con man since the 80s, but NBC was able to rewrite who Trump was with The Apprentice, edited to look like he was an actually somewhat competent businessman. As we’ve seen, a lot of the American population could not discern between a contrived, scripted and edited reality show, and actual reality.

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8 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

As we’ve seen, a lot of the American population could not discern between a contrived, scripted and edited reality show, and actual reality.



this could easily be the new cover for a remastered version of this record

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4 minutes ago, Nebraska said:



this could easily be the new cover for a remastered version of this record

Ivanka got Donald's neck. melania stone faced as ever. a shame some napalm couldn't fall outta the sky at this moment. 

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Just wanna leave this here, love Ronny and yeah so many stupid bug-features with our money systems here.  The wife and I lived & worked in Dublin for 2 years and it was ridiculous how simple taxes, health care and so much else was compared to the US.

Income taxes are the fucking worst too.  I hate that in modern 'merica there are all of these systems that are so fundamentally and blatantly broken (tax "code," electoral college, term limits, health care, student loan protections, corporate citizenship, etc. etc. etc.).  But we can't go fix them that b/c it would infringe on the vested mega-interests buttering their bread on the status quo (and also their freedom to hoard more bread and butter).

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On 4/15/2022 at 11:02 PM, ignatius said:

i don't know where to post this


one of the interviews. 



Edited by ignatius
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3 hours ago, ignatius said:

one of the interviews. 

I wonder what this does to sperm count / fertility.  Infrared light aside (hello burned balls), increased temperature in the scrotum is linked to lower sperm count / viability, no?  I mean that's why the ballz exist outside of the body cavity in the first place.

If so, then we should all strongly encourage Carlson's followers to do this.

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