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Are people in general just boring, or am I too critical?


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Seriously, it seems to me like most people have no curiosity at all. They'll just watch whatever shows are on Netflix, listen to whatever music their friends show them...basically just taking what ever comes to them and never actually digging into something.


This always happens whenever TV shows come up at work. No one wants to even speculate about where the plot's going never mind offer any opinion on the show besides 'it's good/bad yeah'. Often when I start expressing an opinion they won't even answer.


It just seems that as soon as you bring up anything that requires an original thought the majority of people run far, far away. The thing is that this really colours my interactions with people so at this stage I'm nearly expecting it by this stage, which of course is a bad way to approach new people, but I find it pretty hard to connect with people who've never questioned anything their whole lives through. It's not that this makes them any worse as people but quite often people like this are pretty ignorant when they're in a group, like in a workplace.


There's only so many times you can talk about cycling to work before you start to go mad.

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Seriously, it seems to me like most people have no curiosity at all. They'll just watch whatever shows are on Netflix, listen to whatever music their friends show them...basically just taking what ever comes to them and never actually digging into something.


Pretty much, but I can't say I'm too bothered about it.

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i don't want this to come off sounding jerky, but a lot of people are more interested in things other than music and media. maybe it's gardening or their kids' sports team or their family history. thinking that you're the only one who's inquisitive and thoughtful is a good way to find yourself isolated. or yeah, what the other guy said: some people at work aren't there to make friends and they just wanna keep it light.

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or their kids' sports team

i mean lets be honest here, if your life amounts to your child's sports team its about time you be ok with being a boring person (and even being called one ocassionally) [and the off change your passion for a child's sports team is actually because you might be a pedophile, then you should go to jail]. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being boring and coasting through life, the problem arises though when boring people get insecure and try to overcompensate for the fact that they are fundamentally boring and will probably always be

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you haven't met the right people.

i once saw this girl who thought was boring and meh, but when we met she's actually schizophrenic so it was a trip talking to her.

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yeah, I can find common ground with anyone who has an interest in anything and is agreeable enough to entertain my opinion in a discussion. But I think I am interested in a large variety of things, many only in a theoretical sense, but everyone has something insightful to tell you, or even discussing something with them will help you better understand yourself.

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<p>you are too people, like everyone else</p>

<p> </p>

<p>and also dumb</p>

<p> </p>

<p>edit: maybe that coworker who you think is really boring just wrote this same thread about you on a watch forum, cuz she/he is really into watches and bla bla bla</p>

<p> </p>

<p>people like judging people imo makes u feel good, is dumb</p>

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You know there's this fallacy called something or other, where the human brain is hardwired to think of itself as a main protagonist, and everyone else are usually one dimensional side characters who only watch netflix and listen to that damn rap music.

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Are people in general just boring, or am I too critical?


Neither. You're probably not smart enough to have more nuanced views on people in general and a lack of self reflection to have a better assessment of your part in the social exchange with your coworkers.

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There's no reason to





Are people in general just boring, or am I too critical?


Neither. You're probably not smart enough to have more nuanced views on people in general and a lack of self reflection to have a better assessment of your part in the social exchange with your coworkers.


hey, there's no reason to respond like that toward him. I think a lot of people at least went through a phase like this in their lives. I'd like to know his age. I think this could happen sometime in high school/ college years.

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