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Separating Art from the Artist

Rubin Farr

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Rubin, the lesson to be learned is not to think that people who make the art you love are to be admired as though making good art makes them good people or people you'd want to know - also, it seems to me that some of the best artists are crooked, and their crookedness might even be part of (or related to) what makes their art good, why not admit this? For example, in rock music - I usually prefer it when I'm convinced that it's made by someone who genuinely has the capacity for violence.


Actors are actors you know, there's not many that interest me as people.


You could think of it this way - if a film is like someone's child, then the film can't be held responsible for the actions of those who made it, even if they're the ones making the money from it.


You can always pirate stuff if you're worried about giving them money, and then donate the money you would have spent to charity.




This discussion comes back again and again - what is it people are worried about, really? That their idols are fallible? That they may be corrupted by their art? That admiring these people as such is somehow feeding their power to avoid the law?


Or is it that they are worried by the fact that they have been deceived, and that there may be something endemeic to the entertainment industry that makes us naive?


Maybe they're worried that good things can come from evil people?


(not rhetorical questions btw)

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If there really are reptilians who cares, lets accept them as equal to human beings, maybe they'll get angry if we like kill salamanders or enslave iguanas in classrooms around America but we can work something out.

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Rubin, the lesson to be learned is not to think that people who make the art you love are to be admired as though making good art makes them good people or people you'd want to know - also, it seems to me that some of the best artists are crooked, and their crookedness might even be part of (or related to) what makes their art good, why not admit this? For example, in rock music - I usually prefer it when I'm convinced that it's made by someone who genuinely has the capacity for violence.


Actors are actors you know, there's not many that interest me as people.


You could think of it this way - if a film is like someone's child, then the film can't be held responsible for the actions of those who made it, even if they're the ones making the money from it.


You can always pirate stuff if you're worried about giving them money, and then donate the money you would have spent to charity.




This discussion comes back again and again - what is it people are worried about, really? That their idols are fallible? That they may be corrupted by their art? That admiring these people as such is somehow feeding their power to avoid the law?


Or is it that they are worried by the fact that they have been deceived, and that there may be something endemeic to the entertainment industry that makes us naive?


Maybe they're worried that good things can come from evil people?


(not rhetorical questions btw)

Wow an actual response to the thread topic! Thanks for your opinion.
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there were lots of actual responses mate, perhaps just not the narrow line of response that you were expecting when you wrote the OP, but if you already know the answer, then why start the thread. heh (to not make it look like i'm being a dick, maybe a dlick, but not a dick, never a dick).


/this is a response. to the thread.

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perhaps just not the narrow line of response that you were expecting when you wrote the OP, but if you already know the answer, then why start the thread.

Yeah not to gang up but this seems the pattern for RF threads. That's part of what makes them funny tho.
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LOL, she was priceless. This was intended to be an academic debate with a simple premise, do you separate the artists (of any medium) from the work they have created? Mein Kampf is still published to this day and studied in schools, but it was written by one of the worst human beings of the 20th Century. Can we not have a hypothetical argument over something we all can relate to (Media) in this day and age without everyone putting in their fucking twitter opinion on everything? Apparently not, it just became another opportunity to flame me.

Listen, I could give two fucks what anyone on here, except the Admin thinks of me, disregard my threads, jesus I'm just trying to engage our users in FORUM DISCUSSIONS. if you have nothing to contribute then piss off, you won't hurt my feelings, I have a great life.

And... back to the point, I've said before in other people's threads sometimes I just feel a little guilty about spending my money on something when I'm sure a questionable artist will receive part of those proceeds. as I've grown older and helped raise children it bothers me a little more than it used to. does it bother any of our members, do you selectively choose what media to buy based on the people involved with it? We can't just ignore everything that has a douche working on it, or you'd be living in a Unabomber cabin with a gun pointed at the door, oh wait, that's Ted Cruz LOL.

Ignore my rants, focus on the question, or just skip this thread and continue to the next one, I love you guys and everyone on watmm, even delet.


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Have you considered simply just posting less threads? Why are you intentionally insulting us, that's quite confusing and you know, offensive. 800,000 threads a week is simply unnecessary.


I will discuss this with the "admin" shortly.


Edit: I've redacted what I was posting, due to so much of your shit being offensive.

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Bad news ruby. I've never said this before, but I'd actually pay to have you removed as a mod. You are the only mod to be completely un-responsive to user input. You post 81308310130138 useless topics per day. You fight with other mods, etc.


Jesus fucking christ, I don't need a moderator to copy paste all of my local newspaper's articles and ask for an opinion on them.


Quite sad?



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Hey the more the merrier, let's just keep it on a positive note. I've tried to scale back my thread count, I can't help it if some threads are popular and end up on the front page, or get pinned. (but if a thread stays on the front page, realize that means it is popular) no offense to anyone. this is not my blog, or my forum, but if you just want to flame users, maybe posting on a discussion forum where topics get discussed is a bad fit? I can move more stuff to the blog area, no problem. No ego here, and what Joyrex says is the law. let's all get along, lest we forget we are electronic music nerds. I try not to get too TMZ, but other people post stuff like David Cameron puck his cock in a pig's mouth 30 years ago, ok? I would get crucified for that post, and I've been here a while now, so mods might have a little more experience in dealing with forum matters. Who cares who wrote what, I don't look at the thread author when I read a thread, it's just text on a computer screen, not the end of the world. I have a lot of interests, some you might care about, some you might not. I'm not the focus of this forum. Everyone lover everyone. no hard feelings, at all. Let' all support each other, not tear each other down. I would never shit on someone else's thread (at least sober LOL), I would just skip it and move on.


dude you got me ranting again, no fair!

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I'm trying to make sense of your post but you've done a poor job of self moderation.


Break that fucking shit into paragraphs.


We are past grade 2.

I'm all for keeping you around but jesus tap-dancing christ, why is it so hard to post coherently?


I'm a drunk drug addict and can generally do it without advice. lol



Edit: I've had 23 oz of liquor, a cigarette, and a gram or two of weed and I can still space my shit appropriately.

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