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The minor epiphany thread


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but is it art?

Even if it's not

It's widely regarded as the greatest work of the 20th century


Based on current art prices

And the fact that it's 'lost to history'

If you spent the next 10-20 years digging it up

I have to think you could get like $100 million for it

(Just based on the fact that minor Egon Scheile doodles regularly go for $10million-ish)



P.S. Yes it's art

Eno made a very good point on this

He said art is about the experience something induces

Not the technique behind it


And to wrap this around

In 1993

Eno went to a museum (forget which)

And urinated in one of the "Fountain" replicas

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Marcel Duchamp's "Fountain" is currently alive and well,

Sitting at the bottom of some landfill.


"alive" and "well" might be pushing it a bit.


"crushed" and "rotting" might be more appropriate.


But by all means, start yer diggin'

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

It's probably in some ludicrously rich oligarch's private collection somewhere next to the real Mona Lisa and the mummified horizontal corpse of Osama Bin Laden, mouth agape, suspended in a large rectangular glass box full of formaldehyde solution

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modernism is an enlightened civilisation we should plagiarise, assimilate and build upon

anyone who says modern art is rubbish has to explain what sets them apart from someone who thinks pondbury is better than the barbican


the Urgent Note the Shanghai revolutionaries issued on january 9 1967 is absurdly beautiful, as is any random 1960's glass and brick school featuring bathroom tiles somewhere in the facade



on a related note, let's put a reward on the perpetrators of britpop and possibly morrissey as well



by the way, i've never really liked duchamp much anyway lol

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i have a mini epiphany every time i wake up on a weekend after drinking heavily the night before and feel completely normal and a bit high.


i'm all like "the world's such a beautiful place" and "it's so great to be alive", but then the hangover kicks in and i realise i was still drunk before.



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modern art is rubbish.


it's also not modern ... and there's plenty of art going on all the time of an high standard, it just doesn't get attention of the small circle jerkles that pretend to be the gatekeepers of high art. They are all pretty dim so what they find fascinating is a reflection of that fact. Probably most of the highest priced new art is bought on the recommendation of gallery owners as an investment vehicle, then warehoused. It's just a sham. If it had real visual merit, it would be easier for the wider public to assess it's value, which would be the end for the gatekeepers and those running the art market scam, where very few shit artists are lauded as precious masters, to keep the prices high. lust for money really is at the root of most of the evil and decay in this world.


i have a mini epiphany every time i wake up on a weekend after drinking heavily the night before and feel completely normal and a bit high.


i'm all like "the world's such a beautiful place" and "it's so great to be alive", but then the hangover kicks in and i realise i was still drunk before.




yeah, that blows most blowedly ... Of course i stay up way beyond this so don't experience that and proceed directly to dank. But i know what you're talking about. It's much better when it's from weed, cause there's no hangover, you just get on with your day. Alcohol is such a terrible drug. /dleetr doesn't smoke mull, not for nearly 20 years now.

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A lot of art is totall bullshit. Your plumber might have better artistic sense than a lot of so-called artists, but he was more motivated to do something practical for a living. We romanticize artists too much.


A lot of them must think they automatically deserve a reward by taking a risk and doing something less tangible with their time. I see this sense of entitlement with a lot of self described creative types.

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A lot of art is totall bullshit. Your plumber might have better artistic sense than a lot of so-called artists, but he was more motivated to do something practical for a living. We romanticize artists too much.


A lot of them must think they automatically deserve a reward by taking a risk and doing something less tangible with their time. I see this sense of entitlement with a lot of self described creative types.

Best post.
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