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New Luddism


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In order for the individual mind to survive the coming decades, it will be necessary to dis-integrate oneself from technology. You're either hurdling towards the hive mind, or retreating into the forests.


I am serious about this. I think we will see a growing movement of anti-digital, anti-content types. New luddism, post internet, whatever you want to call it.


Are you pro hive or pro forest?

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Technology is evil, but it's also difficult to detach from. In theory I'm pro-forest, but in practice I'm pro-technology. I wouldn't call myself part of a "hive," though, as that implies that I actually get passionate about anything, which I don't. Opinions are all pointless, and that includes the opinion of whatever "hive" is running things.

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It is good. It's like, what does Facebook do for you? Is there anything positive left? Positive social media vibes are very 2007.


Also I feel like this thread could be called:


"The Way of Cryptowen"


Owen come teach us your cyber hermit wisdom.

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new luddism




seriously though this is something I've been struggling with recently - I posted a similar topic - I've already partway there because I just don't have the time to as much with a kid and work and other tasks IRL. I held off getting a smartphone and now I have one only because it was cheaper than renewing my contract with a flip-phone. I still read magazines or write down things with pen and pad in waiting rooms. I avoid needlessly scrolling sites, though I binge. Despite being addicted to it once (been on since 2005 actually), I only now keep FB to communicate with family members via messaging.


but yeah I'm thinking of going mostly offline for awhile - email only and/or only interacting online if it's me adding tangible art/music/creativity online or facilitating interests I have in real life (I buy and sell cassettes for example - many in those scene are similarly minded, selling off personal items as I'm also trying to purge)


but man, things are scary (i avoid so much of it IRL but I hear horror stories all the time from my friends who interact with more of the general American population as teachers or university staff) - so many people are debilitated by smartphones and social media in every aspect of their live and persona - I really think some people are doomed, many are at risk, and only a few can really deal with going offline and furthermore off the grid in general. i'm not letting my son have a smartphone or anything like that until he has an actual need for one. he's staying away from any of that social media shit. but like, i'll gladly let him learn to code or something. i want him tech literate, not tech addicted


personally too I miss the imagination and creativity I had as a kid and teen before social media, even when I was online but with web 1.0 interaction. I just miss time alone with my thoughts and I want to get back to that being a regular thing. I just need to convince myself I'm not missing anything in this hive mind as you put it.

Edited by joshuatx
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I had my Facebook gone for a while and it was good, but I had to reanimate it because I have a friend who has no other way to communicate with me. I don't use it for anything else, though, and have a fake name on it with no images of myself. Facebook doesn't have to be a big part of your life, just don't even think about putting any real information on it (especially photos of yourself or people you know).

Edited by drillkicker
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new luddism




seriously though this is something I've been struggling with recently - I posted a similar topic - I've already partway there because I just don't have the time to as much with a kid and work and other tasks IRL. I held off getting a smartphone and now I have one only because it was cheaper than renewing my contract with a flip-phone. I still read magazines or write down things with pen and pad in waiting rooms. I avoid needlessly scrolling sites, though I binge. Despite being addicted to it once (been on since 2005 actually), I only now keep FB to communicate with family members via messaging.


but yeah I'm thinking of going mostly offline for awhile - email only and/or only interacting online if it's me adding tangible art/music/creativity online or facilitating interests I have in real life (I buy and sell cassettes for example - many in those scene are similarly minded, selling off personal items as I'm also trying to purge)


but man, things are scary (i avoid so much of it IRL but I hear horror stories all the time from my friends who interact with more of the general American population as teachers or university staff) - so many people are debilitated by smartphones and social media in every aspect of their live and persona - I really think some people are doomed, many are at risk, and only a few can really deal with going offline and furthermore off the grid in general. i'm not letting my son have a smartphone or anything like that until he has an actual need for one. he's staying away from any of that social media shit. but like, i'll gladly let him learn to code or something. i want him tech literate, not tech addicted


personally too I miss the imagination and creativity I had as a kid and teen before social media, even when I was online but with web 1.0 interaction. I just miss time alone with my thoughts and I want to get back to that being a regular thing. I just need to convince myself I'm not missing anything in this hive mind as you put it.

The hard part for me about removing technology is that I don't know how to pass the time without it. I enjoy reading, but if it's all I do I start to think too much about my life and quickly start to get depressed. That's why I wanted to travel by land to South America, because then I can actually have a goal, and I can fully detach myself and feel good about it. Unfortunately, though, I can't get a job to save up money, so that doesn't seem realistic anymore.

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The only reason I keep Facebook is for tinder, and if I make new friends wherever and they ask me if I have Facebook I just say "nah not really". Then I skin a deer and crawl inside it for warmth with my tinder date.

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good other thread, josh.



i think the internet is guided thought. everyone's thoughts are being funneled in one direction, and you have to ask, where will that take users after 20 years? what about when 10 yo's have kids in 20 years? millions of lost souls i think.


if the basic nature of man is good, then singularity is good, but what if being good is a daily struggle? what if the default nature is evil? then singularity must be fought.


most of us weren't even raised on it. i wasn't serious on social media until i started putting music myspace tracks up in 2006.

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i don't miss facebook, but then i'm a take it or leave it kind of guy, probably not passionate enough about ... Posting in this thread is a waste of my time and giving in to the technocracy's evil plan to redirect my energies into pointless endevours. If it helps anyone one else to figure out something positive that they then act on, well that's cool for them. So no ill will sheath, i'm not sure if you're the emotional type so that's why i wrote that extra bit. I think perhaps when people base a greater part their invested self value into response on social media then they could be prone to that. Although social concerns over status within the group tends to effect these individuals in any social sphere, net or otherwise, but perhaps it makes people more prone to being wounded, i don't know, i should be putting my car in the garage lest a hail storm which may occur later in the day from the look of the radar, bashes dents into the body work, or takes out the windscreen, whilst i'm deep in schleepy schleep.



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new luddism




seriously though this is something I've been struggling with recently - I posted a similar topic - I've already partway there because I just don't have the time to as much with a kid and work and other tasks IRL. I held off getting a smartphone and now I have one only because it was cheaper than renewing my contract with a flip-phone. I still read magazines or write down things with pen and pad in waiting rooms. I avoid needlessly scrolling sites, though I binge. Despite being addicted to it once (been on since 2005 actually), I only now keep FB to communicate with family members via messaging.


but yeah I'm thinking of going mostly offline for awhile - email only and/or only interacting online if it's me adding tangible art/music/creativity online or facilitating interests I have in real life (I buy and sell cassettes for example - many in those scene are similarly minded, selling off personal items as I'm also trying to purge)


but man, things are scary (i avoid so much of it IRL but I hear horror stories all the time from my friends who interact with more of the general American population as teachers or university staff) - so many people are debilitated by smartphones and social media in every aspect of their live and persona - I really think some people are doomed, many are at risk, and only a few can really deal with going offline and furthermore off the grid in general. i'm not letting my son have a smartphone or anything like that until he has an actual need for one. he's staying away from any of that social media shit. but like, i'll gladly let him learn to code or something. i want him tech literate, not tech addicted


personally too I miss the imagination and creativity I had as a kid and teen before social media, even when I was online but with web 1.0 interaction. I just miss time alone with my thoughts and I want to get back to that being a regular thing. I just need to convince myself I'm not missing anything in this hive mind as you put it.

The hard part for me about removing technology is that I don't know how to pass the time without it. I enjoy reading, but if it's all I do I start to think too much about my life and quickly start to get depressed. That's why I wanted to travel by land to South America, because then I can actually have a goal, and I can fully detach myself and feel good about it. Unfortunately, though, I can't get a job to save up money, so that doesn't seem realistic anymore.



hobbies of any kind


building models, gardening, painting, writing, carpentry, tweaking with electronics, music making with hardware or simple instruments + recorders


honestly this is probably what i need more than anything else - goals based off hobbies / interests that don't necessitate the internet


i can understand being frustrated if you don't have a yard or means to travel or both. being in a situation where a computer is escapism is something i can attest too - hell it happens to me at jobs too (like right now lol!)


also just spending time watching movies or tv shows in a way detached from tweeting about it or feeling compelled to do out of boredom isn't a bad idea. i dove into twin peaks recently for example and watch x-files since i never got to as a kid despite both of those things being down my alley in terms of personal taste


i also like to read as escapism too, Moby Dick is one of my favorites and it was cool because Melville himself never was a career author or famous - he was actually like a customs clerk or something - so basically this classic work, and a very immersive read at that - was his hobby. that said i also weirdly like non-fiction like technical guides on aircraft or cars or history of niche subjects. that's a personal habit I've had since I was a kid though. I was one of those who could dive into a subject and obsessively memorize it all. music kind of filled that after my teen years but only after I exhausted my interest in things like military aircraft and classic sports cars.

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i can understand being frustrated if you don't have a yard or means to travel or both.

That's exactly my situation. I just want to go outside and do something, but there is nowhere to go and nothing to do. Southern Maryland is boring and not pedestrian-friendly at all. America isn't nice to people who don't have automobiles. I wish I could take scenic walks like at my grandparents' town in Germany, but that isn't an option in the US.

Edited by drillkicker
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Haha Luddism. Long time no see. How is he nowadays?


See, that's the big nono of being completely removed from the grid, imo. Although I can completely sympathise with the idea of completely checking out, I see it more as a personal responsibility to find a balance between both extremes. Being a part of (social) networks is a fundamental aspect of being human. And lots of good has come from it. There is more to lose than to gain from completely checking out, imo.

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Posting anti-technology stuff on an internet forum dedicated to electronic music. Most IDM 2015.


Is hive mind necessarily bad? And if so then why?

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In order for the individual mind to survive the coming decades, it will be necessary to dis-integrate oneself from technology.


Depends on your conception of consciousness doesn't it - you could argue that there is no such thing as an individual to begin with. You could argue also that an individual mind could exist in the spaces between many minds.


Assuming you're talking about the potential for neural connections between people? And even then, can two minds become one unless two bodies can become one?

I know one thing, there's no chance I'd wanna merge minds with most of the cunts on this planet (and I'm sure the feeling is mutual)

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Was that supposed to be some kind of passive aggressive "LOL/roll eyes"?

Sorry, no. Seemed to fit nicely between the words social and networks. Excuse my nobjockery.




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