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Swans' Michael Gira accused of rape by singer Larkin Grimm

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What is happening now is an offramp that has been actively funded and promoted by big oligarchical interests to derail what was a burgeoning anti-banking elite protest movement using divisive politics. So in the space of five years we've gone from occupy protests to BLM safe spaces.



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Universities and colleges in the US haven't 'been that way forever dude'. There has been a massive anti intellectual lurch to the safe space, which unlike left or right, stands for nothing and is both a safety blankee and a bully pulpit for the vapid angst of the youth of today. The next generation will tear that all down though so I haven't given up hope. Also, that I'm not surprised line about you being on tumblr was all in good fun, I don't do snark, if I'm gonna attack it's usually more frightening. Heh. Clearly though tumblr is the home for a lot of these Neo puritanical freaks, more so than anywhere on the web. So whilst there's nice art blogs and music blogs, there's this general stain across vast swathes of that place that gets my distain at the distaste that it engenders. /lol, genders

collages and unis have been dominated by radical left politics since at least the 70's and this is just a modernisation of that same mindset. why are you guys getting so worked up over it anyway? it's really not that bad. it doesn't affect your daily life at all. if people want to have a safety blanket, who cares? i don't understand the paranoia over this issue. so you said something stupid online and got called sexist / racist / whatever by some "tumblr sjw feminazi" booho. maybe it's yall that need the safety blankets.

Your attitude is a huge example of the problem IMO. Why do you assume it doesn't affect men's daily lives? E.G. the above story.


An example of my own:


I went out with a self proclaimed 'feminist'. One day she went out to a bar and got fucked up on alcohol and drugs (a common scenario). She was acting like an idiot and got kicked out by a (male) bouncer. The woman was kicking and screaming and had to be restrained. People filmed the event etc.


The girl went to the police about the matter and said she had been assaulted by this man (the bouncer) and the police ended up coming to my flat to discuss it with her/us, she showed the video etc.


What happened from there is the girl went onto the bar's Facebook page and made a post about supposed assault from the bouncer. What she did next was go on to our city's feminist Facebook group and make a long post about how she had been assaulted by this man and her treatment and asked everybody (the feminist group) to band together and basically ruin the establishment. This led to swarms of these feminists posting 1* reviews and lying about treatment they had received, many said they were witnesses to the incident (they weren't) and even made shit up to make it seem worse (saying the bouncer had punched her and all sorts).


I could genuinely see the enjoyment my girlfriend (at the time) was getting by getting the sisterhood up into a fury and the reaction by these people was disgusting. The bouncer himself just did his job and ended up being attacked by a group of women (and it was almost entirely women).


Fortunately the police told her she would have to make everybody take down the false reviews etc otherwise the bar would sue her for defamation. The bar itself actually dealt with the matter disgustingly and threateningly but that is another story that doesn't need to be told now.


This is only one story of many I could say where the toxic mindset of the modern feminist/'SJW' etc has affected the daily lives of men I know (including relating to claims of rape to keep to the original topic), so don't talk shit MGF, you clearly live in a bubble if you do not see the toxic effect of what is being discussed here.

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Not every guy who gets defensive about this stuff is a closet red pill. That you guys even brought that up is pretty yelling of your dismissive attitude towards what is actually rather frightening for men WHO ACTUALLY LIVE HERE.


My chess buddy years ago was attacked by his girlfriend and she called 911 on him. The police showed up, spoke to his landlord downstairs, then kicked him out of his own apartment for days while they worked out the dispute. While this really strange police work was happening she immediately brought a peurto Rican crackhead there to live for days and supply her cocaine. His alcoholic landlord thankfully witnessed her behavior and changed his tune days later.


Raymond was really poor and black. Was a super nice guy and always kicked my ass at chess. The whole thing was super surreal when it happened.


But... Isolated case I guess. Obviously similar things don't happen much in the USA.


A friend of mine had an apprehended violence order put against him by his girlfriend for apparently pushing her down the stairs when they were in the nightclub. Other people that witnessed the incident said that it was her own fault, they were leaving, she was loaded and the heels caught on the stairs. She had been up to that point frustrated with the relationship and pissed off with him about his being so passive and so their life not going anywhere, so she found a way to lash out and punish him. I've known this guy for 20 years and seen him in all sorts of contexts and never once was he aggressive, violent or domineering, he was more the antithesis, letting girls run all over him. It would perhaps have been this and his depressive state of mind as he was treated for depression, which was upsetting his girlfriend.


I think the problem is that the white knight type, is that they very strongly give in to the instinctive need in all men to protect women, (and it's laudable that this is inherent to our nature). Their sense of righteousness overrides their logic which leads to an aggressive bias against anyone claiming to have had a problem with any woman or a negative interface with any social instrument constructed around protecting women first. They treat any genuine claim of injustice with intolerance, presuming the aggrieved party is obviously some bigoted misogynist scum, who has come to rape and pillage our precious precious ladies. It's rather facepalming.

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Universities and colleges in the US haven't 'been that way forever dude'. There has been a massive anti intellectual lurch to the safe space, which unlike left or right, stands for nothing and is both a safety blankee and a bully pulpit for the vapid angst of the youth of today. The next generation will tear that all down though so I haven't given up hope. Also, that I'm not surprised line about you being on tumblr was all in good fun, I don't do snark, if I'm gonna attack it's usually more frightening. Heh. Clearly though tumblr is the home for a lot of these Neo puritanical freaks, more so than anywhere on the web. So whilst there's nice art blogs and music blogs, there's this general stain across vast swathes of that place that gets my distain at the distaste that it engenders. /lol, genders

collages and unis have been dominated by radical left politics since at least the 70's and this is just a modernisation of that same mindset. why are you guys getting so worked up over it anyway? it's really not that bad. it doesn't affect your daily life at all. if people want to have a safety blanket, who cares? i don't understand the paranoia over this issue. so you said something stupid online and got called sexist / racist / whatever by some "tumblr sjw feminazi" booho. maybe it's yall that need the safety blankets.


Your attitude is a huge example of the problem IMO. Why do you assume it doesn't affect men's daily lives? E.G. the above story.


An example of my own:


I went out with a self proclaimed 'feminist'. One day she went out to a bar and got fucked up on alcohol and drugs (a common scenario). She was acting like an idiot and got kicked out by a (male) bouncer. The woman was kicking and screaming and had to be restrained. People filmed the event etc.


The girl went to the police about the matter and said she had been assaulted by this man (the bouncer) and the police ended up coming to my flat to discuss it with her/us, she showed the video etc.


What happened from there is the girl went onto the bar's Facebook page and made a post about supposed assault from the bouncer. What she did next was go on to our city's feminist Facebook group and make a long post about how she had been assaulted by this man and her treatment and asked everybody (the feminist group) to band together and basically ruin the establishment. This led to swarms of these feminists posting 1* reviews and lying about treatment they had received, many said they were witnesses to the incident (they weren't) and even made shit up to make it seem worse (saying the bouncer had punched her and all sorts).


I could genuinely see the enjoyment my girlfriend (at the time) was getting by getting the sisterhood up into a fury and the reaction by these people was disgusting. The bouncer himself just did his job and ended up being attacked by a group of women (and it was almost entirely women).


Fortunately the police told her she would have to make everybody take down the false reviews etc otherwise the bar would sue her for defamation. The bar itself actually dealt with the matter disgustingly and threateningly but that is another story that doesn't need to be told now.


This is only one story of many I could say where the toxic mindset of the modern feminist/'SJW' etc has affected the daily lives of men I know (including relating to claims of rape to keep to the original topic), so don't talk shit MGF, you clearly live in a bubble if you do not see the toxic effect of what is being discussed here.


what's feminist or SJW (whatever the fuck it even means) about your whole story? so some group of girls fucked with an establishment and its worker that according to you did nothing wrong. where's the feminism in this?


and here we fucking go with the anecdotes about how "a woman/a group of women did something wrong therefore we should cancel all feminism!" fuck me..

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Universities and colleges in the US haven't 'been that way forever dude'. There has been a massive anti intellectual lurch to the safe space, which unlike left or right, stands for nothing and is both a safety blankee and a bully pulpit for the vapid angst of the youth of today. The next generation will tear that all down though so I haven't given up hope. Also, that I'm not surprised line about you being on tumblr was all in good fun, I don't do snark, if I'm gonna attack it's usually more frightening. Heh. Clearly though tumblr is the home for a lot of these Neo puritanical freaks, more so than anywhere on the web. So whilst there's nice art blogs and music blogs, there's this general stain across vast swathes of that place that gets my distain at the distaste that it engenders. /lol, genders

collages and unis have been dominated by radical left politics since at least the 70's and this is just a modernisation of that same mindset. why are you guys getting so worked up over it anyway? it's really not that bad. it doesn't affect your daily life at all. if people want to have a safety blanket, who cares? i don't understand the paranoia over this issue. so you said something stupid online and got called sexist / racist / whatever by some "tumblr sjw feminazi" booho. maybe it's yall that need the safety blankets.
Your attitude is a huge example of the problem IMO. Why do you assume it doesn't affect men's daily lives? E.G. the above story.


An example of my own:


I went out with a self proclaimed 'feminist'. One day she went out to a bar and got fucked up on alcohol and drugs (a common scenario). She was acting like an idiot and got kicked out by a (male) bouncer. The woman was kicking and screaming and had to be restrained. People filmed the event etc.


The girl went to the police about the matter and said she had been assaulted by this man (the bouncer) and the police ended up coming to my flat to discuss it with her/us, she showed the video etc.


What happened from there is the girl went onto the bar's Facebook page and made a post about supposed assault from the bouncer. What she did next was go on to our city's feminist Facebook group and make a long post about how she had been assaulted by this man and her treatment and asked everybody (the feminist group) to band together and basically ruin the establishment. This led to swarms of these feminists posting 1* reviews and lying about treatment they had received, many said they were witnesses to the incident (they weren't) and even made shit up to make it seem worse (saying the bouncer had punched her and all sorts).


I could genuinely see the enjoyment my girlfriend (at the time) was getting by getting the sisterhood up into a fury and the reaction by these people was disgusting. The bouncer himself just did his job and ended up being attacked by a group of women (and it was almost entirely women).


Fortunately the police told her she would have to make everybody take down the false reviews etc otherwise the bar would sue her for defamation. The bar itself actually dealt with the matter disgustingly and threateningly but that is another story that doesn't need to be told now.


This is only one story of many I could say where the toxic mindset of the modern feminist/'SJW' etc has affected the daily lives of men I know (including relating to claims of rape to keep to the original topic), so don't talk shit MGF, you clearly live in a bubble if you do not see the toxic effect of what is being discussed here.



I think it's part of the whole, people not wanting to take responsibility for their own actions thing, which has been plaguing society. Now they are being enabled by more excuses than ever, it's quite depressing.


What your ex did was pretty disgusting, but i can imagine the white knight reading about what happened to her on social media and seeing it as yet another example of how the police ignore 'very real' mistreatment of women in society, and would add it to their mental tally so that when they come to arguments on a messageboard, well we see the results. I think perhaps those of us that are older and not just kids fresh out of the nest, we have actually seen the results of gynocentrism play out in the lives of our friends, or even personally and so aren't as likely subscribe to such naive sentiment. Eugy is a bit older but a sociologist, so well, you know.

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haha QQQ i'm crying for you buddy. oh, life is so hard and it's all going to shit because of these feminazis when will it end :'( :'(


if you've been reading my posts it's that shit will die down and fizzle out. there's already a huge amount of opposition. things will correct themselves. chill out.


as far as i can tell, in all these stories the common thread is individual shitty people. not women / feminism as a whole. get some perspective.


and do you really think the sort of stuff you are talking about in your example never used to happen prior to the last decade? it's just been amplified by the internet. and that same medium will be how we work out a reasonable approach and mindset to these scenarios in the future.


Internet isn't just an amplifier dude. It's a global communication platform and it's absolutely perfect for spreading easily digestible ideas. It used to be that ideology grew because of books and word of mouth. Now some retard with a mobile phone can comb the planet for gullibles who eat it up. Time and time again ISIS seems to be a great example of this. Can you really dispute how effective their e-propaganda is?!




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lmao are you serious? how is a whole city of self-proclained feminists 'a single person thing'? did you miss the part where a ton of made dyuff up about witnessing and dramatising a serious (false) crime to get a man charged with a crime and to ruin the reputation of an establishment.


how is a large group people going out of their way to lie about a crime not so-called 'social justice'?


try reading, you silly boys :---]


I've long ago learned not to bite at MGF's 'wahhhh men have it so hard' posts. any time the subject is brought up you are there, trolling up the joint. I've never once seen you post anything of worth on the subject. you need to get a new 'thing', it's getting stale dude.


edit: wait MGF made the original post so i guess he got me. lol oops

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lmao are you serious? how is a whole city of self-proclained feminists 'a single person thing'? did you miss the part where a ton of made dyuff up about witnessing and dramatising a serious (false) crime to get a man charged with a crime and to ruin the reputation of an establishment.


how is a large group people going out of their way to lie about a crime not so-called 'social justice'?


try reading, you silly boys :---]


I've long ago learned not to bite at MGF's 'wahhhh men have it so hard' posts. any time the subject is brought up you are there, trolling up the joint. I've never once seen you post anything of worth on the subject. you need to get a new 'thing', it's getting stale dude.


edit: wait MGF made the original post so i guess he got me. lol oops


lol. i thought we were on the same page.

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Cmon stop acting like this is not a valid discussion. It's emotionally charged but a completely valid discussion to be having for fucks sake.

It's pretty weak to click a thread called "MICHAEL GIRA ACCUSED OF RAPE.." then expect it not to be a bit heated. Don't be daft


edit: I count 3.. hmm, maybe 4 ad hominem. Watmm's had worse.

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What is sex like with Michael Gira? It’s a question I’ve pondered many times, about a great many men, but the thought of sexual intercourse with Michael Gira is something I constantly return to, more so than others. Sex with Friedrich Nietzsche must have surely been terrifyingly masochistic and dangerous (not without protection, Freddy). Ingmar Bergman’s many affairs meant he was probably a great lover in bed, but he also probably cried relentlessly afterwards every time out of guilt and the lack of God’s answers for shagging. Someone like Cary Grant would have been a fantastically smooth talker, but given that he was probably gay, he would also have probably been a slight disappointment. Klaus Kinski would probably not allow you to make a single sound, in case you distract him from his task. A Marlene Dietrich would probably eat you alive and forget about you immediately. It goes on.

But Michael Gira? Lord knows what that’s like. I don’t think Jarboe could bring herself to talk about it if you asked her, it was probably too terrifying, or maybe even non-existent. After many hours pondering (because what better things do I have to do than ponder how Michael Gira tackles penetration?), I have come to the conclusion that Mr. Gira is either entirely asexual and has always been that way, or he’s a complete fucking jackhammer. I can imagine him hating sex like he hates absolutely everything. On the other hand perhaps he only hates everything because he does not get enough sex. If it’s the latter than he’s probably incredibly frustrated in bed anyway, and it leads to 300mph machine-gun fucking. Does he even have a mattress? Is it just a metal or concrete slab? I doubt Michael Gira has a memory foam mattress. There’s probably a bunch of metal chains hanging around for sado-masochistic stuff, and also love poems to Jarboe and some hot waitress in a place he frequents, although I suppose Michael Gira probably only eats goat intestines.

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Yeah I've officially become disenfranchised with political correctness

It is really starting to border on fascism

When you have campus 'safe spaces' segregated by race

When a black person in (say) France is referred to as "African-American"

When joking about some unpleasant thing is treated as if it's as bad as the thing itself

Twitter mobs destroying people's lives over some tone-deaf joke

Tumblrinas trying to shame people for being male, or white, or skinny, or straight, or this or that

The sick irony of Tumblr "feminism" (not to be confused with actual feminism) is that it has circled back around to being ultra-right, pre-Sexual Revolution slut-shaming etc, whereby there is one correct way to be an enlightened woman on this planet, and if you do anything that even resembles traditional gender roles then you are a slave to the Patriarchy


It's fucking madness

This isn't social progress

This is interpersonal OCD

This culture is teaching people to be severely over-sensitive

(Not to mention the effects it's having on language itself)

It is teaching people that the PTSD of reading something unpleasant is comparable to the PTSD of a rape survivor


This is to all to be fought against, lest it spread further

Stop going on fucking tumblr. Problem solved.

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What is sex like with Michael Gira?


He's probably twirling his arms in the air with his eyes closed, moaning stuff while a larsen momentum builds up behind him.


Then pulls out saying "this is not right" because shit is not amplified.

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