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the watmm GAS thread


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Nah, the RM1x is kinda electribe level but nowhere near as fun. If it was given to you then yeah grab it.


Thanks for the info, did some searching on this forum and the general consensus seems to be the sequencer is quite good, the sounds quite shit.

Have gotten an ESX recently, but haven't really played with it as it is haunted, a ghost randomly messing with all parameters making it hard to control. Found some ghetto youtube fixes as it looks to be a common problem with these machines. 


Also there is fungus growing in one of my headphone cans so I'm looking into buying new headphones. Preferably ones that clean out easily / reduce the chance of ear-infection. Any recommendations?  


I'm hearing good things about Audio Technica ATH-M70x, but the price-tag of 239,- euro's feels a bit hefty. The Audio Technica ATH-M50x at 149,- look like a better deal, but less flat response, maybe? 

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Guest Chesney

Djer: I had an ESX too, I thought it would be the better bigger brother to the ESm2 which it is, fuck it is pretty fun but it did play weird. The file transfer/upload was so long and boring compared to the ES and the outputs were so noisy. You can tame them but there is such a sweet spot that I got bored finding it every time. Sold it.

ESX is still way more fun than the RM1x though.


As for cans, I have only used a handfull. I was pretty happy with the HD280's I had for years but even happier with my Focal spirit's now.

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Oh no, that part of me that is a bit obsessed with misfit, failed, or just plain crap gear that nobody likes is becoming morbidly fascinated with the Behringer Tweakalizer.

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lol that thing looks horrid.. I have a theory that 30 years from now things like that, and the Casio Trackformer, will be considered forgotten classics. A friend of mine got the Trackformer on massive discount recently, and it actually doesn't sound terrible. MIDI sync is horrific (start/stop works but it doesn't sync to tempo) but the onboard sound is kinda interesting.



In GAS news, I've managed to avoid buying an A4 in favour of getting some monitors. Went for JBL LSR305s, which I was comparing to Yamaha HS5s; the Yamahas sounded more precise but the JBLs had better bass response for the size, and I don't want to get a sub at the moment, so the JBLs ended up winning. I couldn't test any of my "speaker test" playlist though, just the in-store demo CD which had a bunch of indie rock and some Daft Punk and Chemical Bros tracks lol.. hope they pass the Autechre test.

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Casio Trackformer


You just had to remind me this thing existed, didn't you?



This is the same part of my psyche that secretly hopes to see the day come when a secondhand Beat Thang can be had for under $125 USD.


EDIT: I just checked and one with a botched firmware update went for $160 last June so it may be a dream that one day comes true. 

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lol I saw a Beat Thang in Tokyo for cheap a couple of years ago, I ended up getting a KP3+ instead.. probably made the right decision even though I ultimately ended up selling the KP3+ (for a profit!) but I can't help but think "what if?".


If you see the Trackformer for cheap (ie. $100 or under), get it imo. I got a Parhelic Triangle-esque mangled sample loop going on it, mostly because I had barely any idea what I was doing (the interface is rather obscure as may be evident by looking at the thing), but it's definitely got potential to be misused :D

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Drums are the best.  Drummers who play other instruments/compose in some way are the best.  Well done!



Thanks! I hope this terrible block I am having goes away soon though.

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lol I saw a Beat Thang in Tokyo for cheap a couple of years ago, I ended up getting a KP3+ instead.. probably made the right decision even though I ultimately ended up selling the KP3+ (for a profit!) but I can't help but think "what if?".


If you see the Trackformer for cheap (ie. $100 or under), get it imo. I got a Parhelic Triangle-esque mangled sample loop going on it, mostly because I had barely any idea what I was doing (the interface is rather obscure as may be evident by looking at the thing), but it's definitely got potential to be misused :D


Well, in reality next time I have over $100 to spend on gear I'll be getting a color monitor for the old Atari ST.

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so yeah, softpop... if something can sound like this:



and like this:



to me is heaven.. waiting on my paycheck for this month to pre-order

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I am getting bored with my TC Electronic HoF/Flashback pedals for fx with my Sub37. I have some other various pedals laying around and was thinking of selling them all for a dedicated reverb/delay pedal (or rack). I want something that can get really weird. Alien soundscapes and delay trails that modulate and go in all directions. 


Anyone have any suggestions for something like this? I have been looking at the Eventide space, the Strymon stuff, the Avalanche Run, some OTO boxes, but I can't decide. The Avalanche actually looks like it could have my bases covered because it has delay and reverb. But I'm not sure how crazy it can get as opposed to, say, the Space. 

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Ive bought a zoom ms70cdr pedal so im covered with reverbs/delays/flangers/compression/eq pedals cause this pedal has 137 of such efx and you can combine 6 of them in one configuration. Pretty cool! If id needed a reverb+delay pedal id buy the avalanche run or another similar earthquaker fo sho.o.o.o.o.ooooo

Im into bitcrush/fuzz pedals these days. The best one is oto biscuit but it is discontinued and used ones usually cost $1k if you find one so im thinking to buy one of these:
Wmd geiger counter
Iron ether frantabit
Twa dynamorf

Any thoughts on this?



edit: take a look at a red panda particle, dwarfcraft super wizard and earthquaker rainbow machine

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I am getting bored with my TC Electronic HoF/Flashback pedals for fx with my Sub37. I have some other various pedals laying around and was thinking of selling them all for a dedicated reverb/delay pedal (or rack). I want something that can get really weird. Alien soundscapes and delay trails that modulate and go in all directions. 


Anyone have any suggestions for something like this? I have been looking at the Eventide space, the Strymon stuff, the Avalanche Run, some OTO boxes, but I can't decide. The Avalanche actually looks like it could have my bases covered because it has delay and reverb. But I'm not sure how crazy it can get as opposed to, say, the Space. 


I got an OTO BAM last winter and it is one of the best pieces of gear I've ever used, but I'm not sure it would get weird enough for you to be honest.  Think of it as Valhalla Vintage Verb in hardware and even better sounding.  It has its own identity but it is really about evoking a bunch of different classic reverbs than  about getting weird (although it's very performance friendly and it has hold and really long/infinite decay times).  It's overall a bit on the conservative side.

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Ive bought zoom ms70cdr pedal so im covered with reverbs/delays/flangers/compression/eq pedals cause this pedal has 137 of such efx and you can combine 6 of them in one configuration. Pretty cool! If id need a reverb+delay pedal id buy the avalanche run or another similar earthquaker fo sho.o.o.o.o.ooooo


Im into bitcrush/fuzz pedals these days. The best one is oto biscuit but it is discontinued and used ones usually cost $1k if you find one so im thinking to buy one of these:

Wmd geiger counter

Iron ether frantabit

Twa dynamorf


Any thoughts on this?



It's neither bitcrush nor fuzz (it's more or less a full wave rectifier, basically it takes all of the negative parts of the waveform that goes into it and flips them to positive, so you end up with something that's sounds like an octave fuzz without the fuzz, think part analog sample rate reduction (I know that doesn't make sense but it's a pretty reasonable description of what happens when you push a BBD delay way past its maximum specced delay time, and the Green Ringer can make some simlar noises), part octave, part ring modulation part waveshaper - sounds pretty amazing on monosynths) but you might want to try a Dan Armstrong Green Ringer clone of some variety.  They can get pretty crazy sounding depending on what you feed in to them and work really well with other pedals.  For a while I was messing with putting one before the reverb on an aux send.  They're pretty cheap and don't seem to get much attention in the synth world.


EDIT: there's also a pretty simple mod that looks like it would open up a lot more tonal variation:



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thanks for your sugestions but i'm not into diy. have no knowledge (the smallest problem), but most importantly no time and equipment for that....for now


yes, i know that the dynamorf in not a bit crusher but i didn't know it's not a fuzz pedal. well, never mind, based on yt videos i really like how it sounds. 


have you tried the geiger counter of frantabit? 


p.s. other totally crazy pedals: mantic flex pro and industialetric 4046m  :wacko:  :w00t:  :braindance:  :wtf:

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Went ahead and bought a  Strymon El Capistan on reverb


great pick!




Anyone have experience with the Digitech Polara or the Earthquaker Avalanche Run for reverb?

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Only played with the Avalanche Run for a few minutes but it sounds great, delay and reverb. Was mostly interested in its wilder edges for glitchy/noisy usage, so I didn't spend a ton of time tweaking the basic delay and reverb sounds. Quality little thing though, would be on my wishlist if it had MIDI.

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thanks for your sugestions but i'm not into diy. have no knowledge (the smallest problem), but most importantly no time and equipment for that....for now


yes, i know that the dynamorf in not a bit crusher but i didn't know it's not a fuzz pedal. well, never mind, based on yt videos i really like how it sounds. 


have you tried the geiger counter of frantabit? 


p.s. other totally crazy pedals: mantic flex pro and industialetric 4046m  :wacko:  :w00t:  :braindance:  :wtf:



It's not a DIY thing, you can get one off the shelf for something like $60 USD



EDIT: actually, it looks like the reissues were discontinued again but they're such a simple circuit that even a boutique clone is only $70 USD.


They're a great thing to have around

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I'm thinking of biting the bullet on a 0-coast. I've been getting into more complex synthesis on the nord modular and this seems like an interesting next step.. even though the nord could do almost everything the 0-coast does :P


At least they've got high resale value here in Australia.. worst case though is that it'll likely be my gateway to modular.

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My friend who lives downstairs from the place I'm moving into in a few weeks is just starting to get in to modular.  Just bought a Mother32, soldering equipment, and has a small Eurorack case in the mail. I gave him an old Eurorack power supply I built a few years ago.


I'm doomed. He's going to infect me.

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Yeah I think it's inevitable for me at this point. Combine wanting to get away from the computer with being an irredeemable nerd and it's really the only option. Hopefully all this desktop battery power mini cable shit will stave it off for at least a few more months...

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