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the watmm GAS thread


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I have had my finger over the button for a geiger counter for a long time. I really want a stereo version and it's a little expensive to buy 2.


they've been making the pro version since 2012, i'll be out soon but BUT BUT it's still mono :facepalm what a waist of the opportunity to make it the boss of all cruching bosses on the market


still, there's nothing better, now that the biscuit is discontinued. iron ether frantabit is cool but still not versatile enough afaik, but maybe im wrong. 

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On the other hand, one of the MnM tracks I was most proud of from WB last year was this, where I stacked several fx machines to create a rhythmic drone and melody: http://weeklybeats.com/#/license/music/wet-beale-sky

This is the kind of stuff that excites me on the Monomachine, when these textural, rhythmic, or even melodic patterns emerge from the interactions between all the parameters and machines. Also the times when it's able to sound weirdly physical. I seem to have a hard time finding those sweet spots but I'm probably just out of practice.


nice track!


i really like that about the mnm, that interactivity between parametars. one wouldn't think about it but it's very very unpredictable imo







edit: btw just ordered a 0-coast :P



nice track!


congratz for the order. that synth is definitly my first next synth i'll buy

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Guest Chesney


I have had my finger over the button for a geiger counter for a long time. I really want a stereo version and it's a little expensive to buy 2.


they've been making the pro version since 2012, i'll be out soon but BUT BUT it's still mono :facepalm what a waist of the opportunity to make it the boss of all cruching bosses on the market


Yeah, I was hopeful when the pro version came out.

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ok. me imagining the impracticals and what i'd do with them.... 100% monomachine, 1 bar loop jam (what can i say, im lazy;) but this is just a presentation anyway


p.s. it's night so i couldn't 'master' it properly



Btw fuck yeah that's a great little piece. I definitely enjoyed the bleepy bloopy rising stuff about 6:00 on, but it felt a touch raw compared to the rest of the track. Could really be a standout song though man...and it that's you doing 'just a presentation' then damn.  :music:

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^ thnx man! ;)


yes, that bleepy bloopy stuff is raw on purpose; i even tame it as i could to still be in the same space. from the star of the track i was adding and changing elements to perserve the momentum of mental penetration/space bending/borderline menacing connotations that i'm getting from the track and after 6 minutes i had to use something else to raise the bar as far as it gets in that situation (to do a 100% mnm track, in 1-2 hrs tops, to sound analog and weird), and i wanted to be a surprise.

so yes, it started as a presentation/demonstration but it ended better than i thought it would; i was just lucky, nothing more; i'm not that good ;) ...which is another proof of mnm's many qualities


ok, back to gassing! 

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ok. me imagining the impracticals and what i'd do with them.... 100% monomachine, 1 bar loop jam (what can i say, im lazy;) but this is just a presentation anyway


p.s. it's night so i couldn't 'master' it properly



Btw fuck yeah that's a great little piece. I definitely enjoyed the bleepy bloopy rising stuff about 6:00 on, but it felt a touch raw compared to the rest of the track. Could really be a standout song though man...and it that's you doing 'just a presentation' then damn.  :music:




I've got nothing new to add, just another vote for this sounding great.


Honestly, I'm still enjoying my ancient Red Panda bitcrusher, although I only have one working stereo dock so I have to swap it in for the Verbzilla if I want to use it in stereo.

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^ very much thnkx, RSP ;)


i was considering the bitmap, mainly cause it has mix knob and filter, both are very handy


also, i need a mixer so i was thinking i could buy somethimg like this... 95 euros, not bad




on stereo channels 3/4 md, 5/6 mnm. then i could send a signal from mon-aux which is pre-fader to a mono crushing pedal and back to a mono channel 1 or 2 on which i could eq the crushed signal from md or mnm or both. aux-fx which is post-fader to my stereo pedal zoom ms70cdr (delays, reverbs and such) back to stereo aux return. voila!  :cisfor:

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I was never much of a Mackie person before but I found a completely working, older 1202 in someone's trash last year and their whole thing where muting a track actually rots it to a second stereo output pair is REALLY useful.  I keep the second set of outputs patched through a filter and then routed back to a stereo channel (or an aux return depending on how many channels I want to keep free) so any channel/channels can instantly be routed through the filter.  An 802-vlz would cost more than the Alto but it might be wort it, for that and also because a lot of Alto stuff is really just rebranded cheap OEM Chinese or Southeast Asian stuff so the Mackie might be more reliable.  It's always hard to say with that OEM stuff, some of it is great some of it is junk.


EDIT: honestly, in the Alto price range I'd either go for a Behringer (since they own their whole production chain) or gamble on one of the mystery brands from China, since you might get a lot more from your money compared to getting something that may well be made in the same factory, then branded, imported and marked up by whichever venture capital company owns Akai/Alesis/Numark/Ion/Alto this year.


Something like this one (randomly chosen example, no idea if it's any good or not and remember most electronics that can be shipped out of China can't legally be shipped IN TO China, so if it's shipping from China you're not likely to have any possibility to return it)

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heh i know what you're talking about. i thought about the 802-vlz4 of course and the only reason i'd go with this alto is the price, 95 vs 222 euros on thomann... and i'd really like to have this mackie. they also have the mix8 for 90-something euros but this alto at least has 2 aux sends instead of one and it has power switch. 


edit to your edit: what i liked about this alto is that it has 3-band eqs on every chanel, has a power switch, two aux sends and a 8-led level display


so yes, basically, i have to think it over...

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Oh yeah, that's a lot more than the US price, on both of them.  It's still not cheap here at $199 (it's amazing to me that someone threw one in the trash) but that's still at least $50 less than what you'd pay when you adjust for exchange rates.  At that point I'd get a low priced Soundcraft or something.

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i'd also need a mixer i could carry with me for live duties. soundcrafts are great but when they have all the features i need they're huuuge mofos. 

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Guest Chesney

don't get the alto. what's your budget. Alesis, small A&H Zed, yamaha or even a behringer zenyx is better.

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don't get the alto. what's your budget. Alesis, small A&H Zed, yamaha or even a behringer zenyx is better.


really? that bad? ok, then... well, i have zero experience in these things. regarding budget, i was thinking 100 euros but now i have to at least double that. what i need is to be relatively small, 2 stereo channels, at least 2-3 mono channels, 2 aux sends, 3 band eq on all channels even stereo... only the alto has all of this. even the power swicth. speaking of swich :emotawesomepm9: ...isn't it important? non of the 'small' soundcrafts have power swich. so, they're pluged-in all the time? i don't get it!

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Guest Chesney

I used a behringer zenyx for a few years and it was perfectly adequate. If you were in the UK i'd let you come and get it for free ;) I stil have it. 1832fx I think. Even the smaller ones have what you needed. Totally ignore the FX though, probably the worst out there.

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hey, really nice of you ches! i'm coming!




i'll have to look at behringers... i was totally discredited them but i read everywhere that they're just fine

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Guest Chesney

I wouldn't normally recommend a behringer but on a budget they are totally considerable. I stopped using it because I wanted colour so now when I jam I use a Tascam M208. Not high quality by any means but a lovely old sound. Lack some of your wishlist but you can get these cheap when they pop up.

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Yeah anything with faders is too big for convenient live use IMO.


Alto stuff is pretty terrible in my admittedly limited experience (mostly related to repeatedly fixing a friend's powered PA speakers that were so hastily put together that wires were vibrating themselves loose until eventually it died - also their tech support tried to charge him $50 for a new fuse).


Honestly, Behringer stuff is probably comparable to entry level mackie stuff at half the price.  I've used a bit of both over the years and I haven't noticed any huge differences in build quality at least, although I've never compared them side by side.

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any lust for skychord products here? again, totaly impractilcal but the glamour box and sleepdrone 5 look interesting





Not familiar with them, but they look cool.

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I'm sure this isn't on anyone else's GAS list but my new DUDE was waiting for me when I came home and it, my mini KP, and my PO-12, and I just spent spent half an hour in feedback bliss. This is the scrappy little mixer I've wanted for years. Fucking great, those disgusting cheap sounds were like a loving embrace from a piss drunk stranger. Now I just have to figure out how to tame this into something for the normies.

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I'm sure this isn't on anyone else's GAS list but my new DUDE was waiting for me when I came home and it, my mini KP, and my PO-12, and I just spent spent half an hour in feedback bliss. This is the scrappy little mixer I've wanted for years. Fucking great, those disgusting cheap sounds were like a loving embrace from a piss drunk stranger. Now I just have to figure out how to tame this into something for the normies.


this post is really hot. am i in the pron thread?

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Jumping on board for the mixer discussion !

I know I'll have to do that "boring purchase" at some point, but it might be sooner than expected considering that I just bought a Volca Sample on vacations :whistling:

I'm glad to read your thoughts about Behringer Zenyx series - that's what I was looking for as well but it was so low-priced I thought it had to be wrong somewhere !

Also, did one of you use one of the Zenyx USB models ? If so, could you please tell me if the recording over USB was good enough or not ?


Thank you very much :flower:

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I have the Q1002USB and it's satisfactory for recording. I haven't had any issues with it except that I get ground loop noise if I plug my monitors into it.. but that may just be my weird complex setup. I actually prefer to use it just for inputs and then use another interface for monitoring, that way it forces me to open Reaper and arm a record channel to even hear anything, so I can lazily just press record if I want to capture something good.

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