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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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hmmm...are they really going to push kasich on us to try and beat trump with a moderate candidate or something?


Man, if only Rand Paul were still around this would be a real election.

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He's been smart enough to net get in the way of trump. But if it were only trump and kasich left.....trump would be on top. Even though kasich is by far the better politician. But that doesnt count in a barking match like the gop race.

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I get it. Rubio's out the game and DJT is rubbing it in his face. But the bigger picture is that Idiocracy is inching closer to reality.


there was an interesting argument when this article came out where it was argued that while it might be true there are more stupid people in the world causing a decline in civilization, a bigger problem are the intelligent people who don't come to the forefront and take control so the dumb people don't ruin everything.


an example would be the GOP candidates being too scared to attack trump in the beginning of the presidential race and only waiting until the last few months when they began attacking him at while point it was a little too late because at this point he was already far ahead.


so in this case, while it's easier to blame trump (or i suppose his idiot followers)- probably the real blame should be the gop for having no real suitable presidential candidate with the balls to not only attack trump, but ensure nobody like him is in the position he's currently in


with all that said though, make no mistake, we're going to hell in a handbasket we've custom weaved ourselves

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it's basically because excelling gets mocked by the people who can't achieve the feats they envy upon. rather they clamp together in groups and piss on you, because LOL why be good at something?


or maybe i just let myself be influenced by shit people. that's probably it.

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I get it. Rubio's out the game and DJT is rubbing it in his face. But the bigger picture is that Idiocracy is inching closer to reality.


there was an interesting argument when this article came out where it was argued that while it might be true there are more stupid people in the world causing a decline in civilization, a bigger problem are the intelligent people who don't come to the forefront and take control so the dumb people don't ruin everything.


an example would be the GOP candidates being too scared to attack trump in the beginning of the presidential race and only waiting until the last few months when they began attacking him at while point it was a little too late because at this point he was already far ahead.


so in this case, while it's easier to blame trump (or i suppose his idiot followers)- probably the real blame should be the gop for having no real suitable presidential candidate with the balls to not only attack trump, but ensure nobody like him is in the position he's currently in


with all that said though, make no mistake, we're going to hell in a handbasket we've custom weaved ourselves



I absolutely 100% agree that the problems we are facing at a macro level are because of the lack of intelligent capable people taking control of the situation. But we are only beginning to shed the skin that formerly controlled the consciousness of everyone. As it begins to come off you will see this problem beginning to disappear.

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a bit of a sadlol though as yesterday bernie did worse than he should have to have a decent chance against clington. the next month is generally favorable to him (washington and wisconsin are 214 delegates alone) except arizona, so there's still a slim chance that he does really well in those and reignites his campaign before new york. but if he fails hard at arizona next week and does the rest below 10% lead it's pretty much done for him i think.

still, it's pretty nice to see that about 40-45% of americans from a non-retarded major party became receptive to social democracy.

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Weren't Trump and Putin supposed to have some sort of bromance?


yes they were, but trump consulted his foreign policy advisor who advised him they're no longer bros



My new favourite line from the campaign: "I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things."

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