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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I think the 'extreme' thing is more a personality trait than anything. I am friends with an extreme SJW who's grey gender or whatever ( idk how that works), real into that culture. Who, when s/he was in high school with me, used to be ULTRA conservative. S/he made a complete 180 in the space of two years. 

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If Trump was playing Oregon Trail like he was playing America, it'd be like:


Jebediah was bitten by a rattlesnake. What do you do?


A. Lay Jebediah flat to decrease circulation and extract the poison with a turkey baster buried somewhere in the bottom of the wagon.


B. Amputate the limb which was bitten.


C. Make him run around in circles until he drops dead. 




The tremendous answer is C.

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I'm sure there are usually classified briefings, and an info dump for the new administration, but it sounds like Obama is literally gonna train Trump on how to be President, they didn't even start hiring the 4,000 employees needed to run the administration, some of whom require approval by Congress, and they're holding 2 sets of wargames to help prepare Trump for his Commander-in-Chief responsibilities in case of an apocalypse.  Yikes.




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I'm sure there are usually classified briefings, and an info dump for the new administration, but it sounds like Obama is literally gonna train Trump on how to be President, they didn't even start hiring the 4,000 employees needed to run the administration, some of whom require approval by Congress, and they're holding 2 sets of wargames to help prepare Trump for his Commander-in-Chief responsibilities in case of an apocalypse.  Yikes.




The Wargames sounds like a good reality TV idea.

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 I really really really hope the US doesn't become authoritarian in any way in the space of 4/8 years (my god potentially almost a decade). Like if they imposed the 'early curfew David Clarke is talking about.

And oh look, Fox News pretending like most of the protesters are belligerent. OH look, also randomly throwing out communist/ anarchist/anti-semetic without knowing what it means. Fuckin anti-semetic. What are they talking about. Just making shit up, with people believing it because they want to believe it.

This comedy is not funny. Just sad. So sad. I'm going to have a stroke if this keeps up long enough. IDK how long I can stay triggered before my body giving out.  :wacko: I'm not even fuckin typing right. *walks away still ranting, slams door*

Edited by Brisbot
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this is only partly true. Reagan would have a morning meeting then take a nap. then maybe have a short press conference or some other obligation then that was that.


i had a teacher who was in the whitehouse press cor for reagan then bush. he said reagan had to have his naps. didn't work very hard. he would make a decision based on the meetings then delegate to other people. My teacher said Bush Sr. worked pretty hard.. was up and on the job at 7am everyday and worked all day and often into the night.. i guess former naval pilots and CIA chiefs have some grit to them.. still jerk but at least he was on the job.


trump can find people he trusts and then let them bring him stuff when it needs the attentions of the president. depending on how much he wants to micromanage and be a control freak on certain things will determine his actual work load. GWB played lot's of golf and cleared lot's of brush down on the ranch in texas and cheney ran shit.


so, if trump wants to be the guy he portrayed himself as that's one thing.. but if he wants to continue on his lush life he can find a way to do that and still be president.



Trump apparently wakes up at 5 am every morning, and doesn't even drink. I don't think he is necessarily opposed to working hard. It's just that I don't think he is the type of person that wants to do the work. He wants to direct the action and delegate, and that's not an uncommon trait in a leader or manager. A lot of these types are looking at bigger picture stuff and thinking rather than focusing on minutiae.

Presidents need to be able to look at the minutiae and determine how those fine points affect the big picture though.


If trump's reported short-list is even halfway accurate, the US is going to get a lot more fucked up before it gets better.

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If Trump was playing Oregon Trail like he was playing America, it'd be like:


Jebediah was bitten by a rattlesnake. What do you do?


A. Lay Jebediah flat to decrease circulation and extract the poison with a turkey baster buried somewhere in the bottom of the wagon.


B. Amputate the limb which was bitten.


C. Make him run around in circles until he drops dead.




The tremendous answer is C.


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 they're holding 2 sets of wargames to help prepare Trump for his Commander-in-Chief responsibilities in case of an apocalypse.  Yikes.



Actually, I find this micro-analyzation of president-elect Trump interesting. The war games practice is a carryover that Bush used when Obama took office. Obama's paying it forward so to speak. I assumed they had drills and such, but never heard it in detail to my recall. To get the nuclear codes, he & his cabinet basically have to pass from what I understand. The way the media is going to dig for every little detail of minutiae regarding this whole transition, and un-doubtedly his presidency, there will be things I learn about this whole process I was unaware of. Albeit mostly boring I'm sure, we may be that fly on the wall and get some interesting tidbits about this slow-motion trainwreck that is the US political system.

And, I hope with all the media digging, they finally uncover the place they stashed the aliens.

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Ummm....I usually am not freaked out by vague weirdness, but I was flushed with dread reading this (and the top-ish comments):




so they're saying Assange is maybe dead and the insurance files are suposed to be released but have been altered because the hashes (keys) don't match?


wild. some are saying Snowden released a deadman switch too. craziness. 

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Ummm....I usually am not freaked out by vague weirdness, but I was flushed with dread reading this (and the top-ish comments):



so they're saying Assange is maybe dead and the insurance files are suposed to be released but have been altered because the hashes (keys) don't match?


wild. some are saying Snowden released a deadman switch too. craziness.

Well, the weirdness doesn't stop there.


I just bumped into this 15 minutes ago so I'm not the best person to lay out "the case" but just scroll through the comments to get a sense of people's concerns.

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I'm usually pretty slow to start connecting proverbial dots,

but whatever is going on is...well, something is going on.


Also, check out the recent WL AMA...it's fucking bizarre (not to fucking mention, apparently the "verification" was as flimsy as you could imagine for the most high-profile security-obsessed whistleblower operation in the world)

Edited by LimpyLoo
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Liberals like this make me embarrassed to be a lefty:




HRC is "More Than a President: She is an idea, a world-historical heroine, light itself."




She then goes on to compare HRC to MLK and defend her against "haters"

She's currently arguing condescendingly with black people on Twitter

Oh and she was employed at NYT

A real journalist

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