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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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detain as long as forever w/o any bond hearing... 


Silver lining: If this holds, we can just bring the detainees at Guantanamo here on state soil and save ourselves the tens of millions it costs per year to eternally keep the 40 or so supposedly evil men.




ha.. except there's a jillion more $$$$ to be spent on private prisons. 

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detain as long as forever w/o any bond hearing... 


Silver lining: If this holds, we can just bring the detainees at Guantanamo here on state soil and save ourselves the tens of millions it costs per year to eternally keep the 40 or so supposedly evil men.




ha.. except there's a jillion more $$$$ to be spent on private prisons. 


Well since he's pardoned and free now, we can get Arpaio in charge of prisons across the nation... he'll have them making money for the taxpayers instead of losing it.

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detain as long as forever w/o any bond hearing... 


Silver lining: If this holds, we can just bring the detainees at Guantanamo here on state soil and save ourselves the tens of millions it costs per year to eternally keep the 40 or so supposedly evil men.




ha.. except there's a jillion more $$$$ to be spent on private prisons. 


Well since he's pardoned and free now, we can get Arpaio in charge of prisons across the nation... he'll have them making money for the taxpayers instead of losing it.




and he'll have that corporate gig he's always waned.. though i think he's running for senate in arizona or something... 

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in case you guys missed it, one of the charges gates plead guilty to was conspiracy against the united states


I actually did miss that, been sort of out of the loop on all the updates from Mueller/etc. Wonder if there's more to it or not, will have to actually read about all this before it's too far past.



same here, NPR is still covering gun laws and on top of that there's all of the other news


it's interesting seeing how something like that gets put on the backburner. it's practically a news soap opera now I guess

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Some think this whole Russiagate investigation is just a huge distraction from the real issues ("collusion" itself isn't actually illegal is it?) and nothing serious will really ever happen other than some chair shuffling and maybe a few wrist slaps, esp for any big fish, since both sides are involved anyways and need each other to pull off their scams. The diversion would be from the pedo-rings used to blackmail politicians and others to do the bidding of "special interests." Among other things, this public diversion provides cover and lets "outsider" Trump off the hook by those in his base who have been waiting since Nov 2016 for him and the "DOJ" to go after the DC cabal or "swamp," involved in said rings. This means Assange as a deep cover agent would have been authorized to release the infamous emails that helped uncovered this seedy network breaking a scandal open that the MSM and alt media alike quickly foisted with the label "pizzagate" in lockstep.


Now rewind back to June 2011 when "Weiner-gate" was in the news and coincidentally we find the earliest recorded use of the term "pizzagate" coined by Donald J Trump himself in a CNN interview with Piers Morgan with its own background story related to the news media hyping a nonstory about Trump and Palin eating pizza with forks and knives in some fundraiser or other. And coincidence of coincidences, the same person that coined "pizzagate" in 2011 is now President and leading the fight against these pedo-rings in DC labelled "pizzagate" by the media. It's not just a diversion, but a entirely rigged system years in advance to carry out a plan for a specific purpose with what can only be military black-ops precision (DoD, intel agencies, etc) micromanaging the flow of nearly all forms of information in a dizzying array of venues.


This PSYOP from 2011 as I see it exploits peoples' weakness to fathom how such a massive operation like this could really all be staged with the expectations that they will self-suppress their thoughts and turn to any number of excuses and defense-mechanisms to keep from feeling the necessary dread upon realization of how rigged civilization really is and how you've been treacherously betrayed. And now they got you. Now you're playing along with the fraud, an accessory to the crime on some level you could even say, by turning a blind eye to the implications. I've never been able to perform such mental gymnastics personally, to a fault, so I'm free to call out when the emperor is wearing a birthday suit, even in the minority of one. People don't want to face such a critical shift in understanding how dark the world they thought they knew and bought into really is nor do they have the courage to face the decisions of what they should do about it assuming a moral obligation should any exist at this point. Feel free to file this away with Elvis sightings and bat boy, but you're slowing being initiated into the chaos with the controlled trickle of evil involving Hollywood and the general degeneration of society. Most of America is already converted anyways, and it appears that we're in the mopping up stage before the America is totally destroyed and the US capitoline is offered up in smoke to make way for the new global super power in Jerusalem which Trump's recognition of as Israel's capital is an early step towards.


Which brings up another possible reason for the release of the pizzagate revelations. Could it be that one day the DOJ will actually appear to start rounding up vast numbers of insiders so that when they all start disappearing from the public eye they won't realize they've all left the country to escape the fiery collapse? Same goes for the take down of Hollywood and now even sports. By then the bots will be ready to take full control of what's left and America will become the new manufacturing center of the world (which Trump's new tax laws actually incentivizes).


Tax Incentive Puts More Robots on Factory Floors



Tax Bill Will Lead to More Automation, Executives Boast to Wall Street Investors



Just thought I'd throw that out there, take it or leave it.

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in case you guys missed it, one of the charges gates plead guilty to was conspiracy against the united states


I actually did miss that, been sort of out of the loop on all the updates from Mueller/etc. Wonder if there's more to it or not, will have to actually read about all this before it's too far past.



same here, NPR is still covering gun laws and on top of that there's all of the other news


it's interesting seeing how something like that gets put on the backburner. it's practically a news soap opera now I guess

It's always hard to keep up, but I think I've been getting burnt out the last month or two. I don't know how the journalists fucking do it, day in, day out.


Also is that the real actual video for that song? Dank AF for the 80's if so.

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Feel free to file this away with Elvis sightings and bat boy


Will do



Saw you a mile away


I know, I was letting my slip show. Felt your gaze from that far away, and I was suddenly flush. My heart didn't skip, not yet, but it did begin to pound. It raged harder and faster as I slid my hand down my leg, seemingly mindlessly, opening the curtain ever so slightly more. I began to slowly walk in and out of your view, knowing how much it must've teased you when I was gone for 30, 40, 50 seconds, sometimes with an article of clothing missing. To know you were watching was arousing in ways I didn't think would ever happen to me again. It's been so long since Jack and I were intimate, and to have caught the eye of someone like you awakened things in me I'd long forgotten were ever missing.


Show me your cock raging, hard, pressed against the glass of the pizza shop window. Rub your throbbing girth against it as if it were me. My wetness will overcome me as I'm now the one leering, perverse, watching you pleasure yourself. Kiss me through the glass. Here, in the public eye we will show ourselves in full display, a primeval mating dance, our hot genitals unable to stay away from the other. Here in front of the pizza shop, let the gawkers film it. I want them to see. I want Alex Jones himself to see this video linked and stroke his fat little member to it.

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Feel free to file this away with Elvis sightings and bat boy


Will do



Saw you a mile away


I know, I was letting my slip show. Felt your gaze from that far away, and I was suddenly flush. My heart didn't skip, not yet, but it did begin to pound. It raged harder and faster as I slid my hand down my leg, seemingly mindlessly, opening the curtain ever so slightly more. I began to slowly walk in and out of your view, knowing how much it must've teased you when I was gone for 30, 40, 50 seconds, sometimes with an article of clothing missing. To know you were watching was arousing in ways I didn't think would ever happen to me again. It's been so long since Jack and I were intimate, and to have caught the eye of someone like you awakened things in me I'd long forgotten were ever missing.


Show me your cock raging, hard, pressed against the glass of the pizza shop window. Rub your throbbing girth against it as if it were me. My wetness will overcome me as I'm now the one leering, perverse, watching you pleasure yourself. Kiss me through the glass. Here, in the public eye we will show ourselves in full display, a primeval mating dance, our hot genitals unable to stay away from the other. Here in front of the pizza shop, let the gawkers film it. I want them to see. I want Alex Jones himself to see this video linked and stroke his fat little member to it.



perfect opportunity to work in a window licking ref.. LOST! :wink:


Seriously though, did you at least watch the CNN clip? Do you think it's fake or..?


I'll stick it here for convenience.





This is from June 2011 when "Weiner-gate" was in the air. How coincidental that we find the earliest recorded use of the term "pizzagate" coined by Trump. And how coincidental some  on the right believe he's fighting the "pizzagate" rings. Hilarious joke if it wasn't so twisted. It blatantly shows a rigged system that can only be military black-ops precision and micromanaging the flow of nearly all forms of information in a dizzying array of venues. Total Information Awareness ain't just a record dude.

Edited by lux operon
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Ok well I can't force you to look at a CNN clip on CNN's own youtube channel but I must say it really puts your response in perspective and is exactly why this evil we're facing gets away with such high crimes.


And to the other one calling me a troll for trying to shine a light on real issues like child abuse/human trafficking, the destruction of Western civilization, whether or not you agree with my analysis, only shows what a lost soul you are and already dead. Snap out of it!!! This is real!!

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I'd recommending integrating into the community before uh causing conflict Mr Alex Twin/Aphex Jones. 


 That's ok, what do you suggest? I mean if discussion of politics on a political thread isn't a place for some disagreement, passionately in some cases, where is? I'm not causing conflict for conflict sake, in fact I'm trying to show the bigger picture so that petty differences might dissolve and unite us beyond the race politics prevailing here.

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I'd recommending integrating into the community before uh causing conflict Mr Alex Twin/Aphex Jones. 


 That's ok, what do you suggest? I mean if discussion of politics on a political thread isn't a place for some disagreement, passionately in some cases, where is? I'm not causing conflict for conflict sake, in fact I'm trying to show the bigger picture so that petty differences might dissolve and unite us beyond the race politics prevailing here.



Not disagreeing meng, just speaking from experience. I'm still trying to recover from 6 years ago, I came in guns blazing, still chafe a lot of dicks as a result (primacy effect and all that). Take your time, treat watmm like a woman, ease in, slow and all that. lol


=p  :beer:  :music:

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Ok well I can't force you to look at a CNN clip on CNN's own youtube channel but I must say it really puts your response in perspective and is exactly why this evil we're facing gets away with such high crimes.


And to the other one calling me a troll for trying to shine a light on real issues like child abuse/human trafficking, the destruction of Western civilization, whether or not you agree with my analysis, only shows what a lost soul you are and already dead. Snap out of it!!! This is real!!


9 posts in and this is the quality of trolling we've got to look forward to? Wow. What does an account cost, $3? $5? I'd expect higher quality at those prices.


Can we get some higher entry fees maybe? I'm thinking what, $10, $20? Keep the riff raff out.

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I'd recommending integrating into the community before uh causing conflict Mr Alex Twin/Aphex Jones. 


 That's ok, what do you suggest? I mean if discussion of politics on a political thread isn't a place for some disagreement, passionately in some cases, where is? I'm not causing conflict for conflict sake, in fact I'm trying to show the bigger picture so that petty differences might dissolve and unite us beyond the race politics prevailing here.



Not disagreeing meng, just speaking from experience. I'm still trying to recover from 6 years ago, I came in guns blazing, still chafe a lot of dicks as a result (primacy effect and all that). Take your time, treat watmm like a woman, ease in, slow and all that. lol


=p  :beer:  :music:



Sure but I wasn't trying to disagree or be abrasive, just offering a different view of current events in light of additional info. These are big subjects I know, and yes I know how absurd it sounds because the situation really is absurd. Sorry to hear about your rough experience here, they couldn't have been too hard on you tho as you're still here :) I guess politics will invariably lead to disagreements and to be expected on some level, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I like to watch debates sometimes, so I guess I'm kinda nerdy like that. Oh I've been coming Joyrex's site off/on since he originally introduced it on the old aphex BBS I guess in 1999 or 2000. I still have the t-shirt and powerpill CD artwork he sent me in a trade we did back then. What simple times!


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Tax Incentive Puts More Robots on Factory Floors



Tax Bill Will Lead to More Automation, Executives Boast to Wall Street Investors



Just thought I'd throw that out there, take it or leave it.


You're right to feel bothered by the excitement around 're-shoring'. There's a curve upward in manufacturing jobs growth at the moment but there will probably be a point soon where automated labor in manufacturing succeeds over most human labor. And in my view, people are daft if they think this is bringing us any closer to some kind of Jetsons Family fully-automated luxury communism.

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Ok well I can't force you to look at a CNN clip on CNN's own youtube channel but I must say it really puts your response in perspective and is exactly why this evil we're facing gets away with such high crimes.


And to the other one calling me a troll for trying to shine a light on real issues like child abuse/human trafficking, the destruction of Western civilization, whether or not you agree with my analysis, only shows what a lost soul you are and already dead. Snap out of it!!! This is real!!


9 posts in and this is the quality of trolling we've got to look forward to? Wow. What does an account cost, $3? $5? I'd expect higher quality at those prices.


Can we get some higher entry fees maybe? I'm thinking what, $10, $20? Keep the riff raff out.



Nice reversal. I bring up pedophile rings/human trafficking, blatant psychological warfare on the pubic by Trump and the controlled demolition of the West, you come back with one liners and homo-erotica and now insults. I guess I can't argue with logic like that!

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