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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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seriously dude, what a bunch of tired nonsense. the notion that supporters of the other democratic candidate are uniquely irrational and unfair is, well, irrational and unfair. both candidates have their trove of dipshit supporters bc most people are fucking dipshits, man. you consistently walk the line of being sycophantic yourself, just a few posts you tip your hat to bernie for doing "better than he deserved" or whatever.


clinton has always been the candidate that was gonna get nominated. bernie gave her more of a run for her money than people expected. get over it.

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seriously dude, what a bunch of tired nonsense. the notion that supporters of the other democratic candidate are uniquely irrational and unfair is, well, irrational and unfair. both candidates have their trove of dipshit supporters bc most people are fucking dipshits, man. you consistently walk the line of being sycophantic yourself, just a few posts you tip your hat to bernie for doing "better than he deserved" or whatever.


clinton has always been the candidate that was gonna get nominated. bernie gave her more of a run for her money than people expected. get over it.


did you even read the linked article?




(NOTE: I think there are actually millions and millions of normal Bernie supporters who simply preferred him for plenty of reasonable reasons, and are not guilty of crimes against logic. I don’t mock those folks. I sympathize with them — I’ve been there, and I know how the disappointment feels.)


I'm not the one who needs to get over anything btw, I'm not even a particularly big fan of Clinton's, I've just been finding the rabid-anti-clinton stuff to be entertainingly dumb.


and when I said 'did far better than he had any right to do' that was a genuine compliment. he did surprisingly well.

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All that I'm saying is that the fact that Hillary is losing states and grabbing the delegates in a very large number of states is extremely interesting. I don't like Bernie, but Hillary is just the definition of corrupt.

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All that I'm saying is that the fact that Hillary is losing states and grabbing the delegates in a very large number of states is extremely interesting. I don't like Bernie, but Hillary is just the definition of corrupt.


it's not that interesting, more people have voted for her, it's pretty simple.

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seriously dude, what a bunch of tired nonsense. the notion that supporters of the other democratic candidate are uniquely irrational and unfair is, well, irrational and unfair. both candidates have their trove of dipshit supporters bc most people are fucking dipshits, man. you consistently walk the line of being sycophantic yourself, just a few posts you tip your hat to bernie for doing "better than he deserved" or whatever.


clinton has always been the candidate that was gonna get nominated. bernie gave her more of a run for her money than people expected. get over it.


did you even read the linked article?




(NOTE: I think there are actually millions and millions of normal Bernie supporters who simply preferred him for plenty of reasonable reasons, and are not guilty of crimes against logic. I don’t mock those folks. I sympathize with them — I’ve been there, and I know how the disappointment feels.)


I'm not the one who needs to get over anything btw, I'm not even a particularly big fan of Clinton's, I've just been finding the rabid-anti-clinton stuff to be entertainingly dumb.


and when I said 'did far better than he had any right to do' that was a genuine compliment. he did surprisingly well.



right, a list of random things some bernie sanders might say. not the "millions and millions" who won't. so like...cool story.


agreed about the knee-jerk anti clinton stuff i guess. but a think a daily dosage of the nyt or huffpo ought to remedy that.


*backflips into hillary's jacket pocket and smokes a stogie*

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All that I'm saying is that the fact that Hillary is losing states and grabbing the delegates in a very large number of states is extremely interesting. I don't like Bernie, but Hillary is just the definition of corrupt.


it's not that interesting, more people have voted for her, it's pretty simple.


If you're talking about the popular vote then that isn't true. Many delegates have most likely been paid by her campaign because it doesn't make any sense why she would lose the vote in so many states but sweep up the delegates. This isn't a one two or three state ordeal, this is almost every state so far.

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right, a list of random things some bernie sanders might say. not the "millions and millions" who won't. so like...cool story.


not a list of random things 'some' bernie sanders supporter might say, but actual things they have been saying recently, in all kinds of silly articles and blog posts all over the internet.

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If you're talking about the popular vote then that isn't true. Many delegates have most likely been paid by her campaign because it doesn't make any sense why she would lose the vote in so many states but sweep up the delegates. This isn't a one two or three state ordeal, this is almost every state so far.


it is true, she's received over three million more votes than him. sanders tended to do well in northern states with low minority demographics and open primary systems (i.e. where you don't have to be a registered democrat to vote), clinton won the majority by a big margin in the other states (especially in the south).

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right, a list of random things some bernie sanders might say. not the "millions and millions" who won't. so like...cool story.


not a list of random things 'some' bernie sanders supporter might say, but actual things they have been saying recently, in all kinds of silly articles and blog posts all over the internet.



right, so what? the other day i read an article about how bernie's insistence on debate with clinton was a misogynist bc he didn't respect her saying "no." i mean seriously, there are veritable torrents of bullshit on both sides here (i'm of course leaving out the unfathomable buffoonery of trump's campaign). what is the point in highlighting the dumb bernie bro shit? clinton already has a cozy place in the mainstream, liberal media so who cares bruv? and anyway a basically identical list could be established mutatis mutandis so come on.





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Actually interested in what the anti-clinton crowd (clington crowd?) thinks about this article, titled

"It’s time to admit Hillary Clinton is an extraordinarily talented politician"



Makes some interesting points about how the election proces is biased for candidates with male traits and why that makes clinton such a difficult candidate to like.

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The positive with a Clinton win is that finally the US can join the 21st century and elect a female president. Unfortunately she being such a polarizing figure otherwise (not discrediting that a part of it is the fact she is a woman, similarly with Obama being black) might make the road for the next female candidate that much harder. Women are woefully underrepresented in the House as it is. But I guess it's a start.

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It's probably has to do with intersectionality. Clinton while being a woman, is still firmly part of the status quo that many don't like and why they prefer Sanders, who seriously offered an alternative and managed to create some waves. The positive with Sanders unexpected appeal is that the Democratic party's Overton window might have to move more towards the left (meaning closer to the center).

Edited by azatoth
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oh well, this is over for reals now. i guess bernie supporters could start a kickstarter campaign to fund the assassination of clington because otherwise there's simply no way.

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