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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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On 4/20/2023 at 5:23 PM, ignatius said:

i don't know why. so random. wtf. i wasn't even shit posting.  blessing in disguise i guess. 



Elon doesn't take kindly to those that allow scott(ish) avant-garde cryptofascists churning out industrial-grade electronically produced folkstep with strong nostalgic overtones to take control of their innermost private thingies frivolously manifesting. Adapt syntactically or serve as it comes!!



apology if not entertaining and inappoprop inapp inapporpory instead. I'm very, very drunk and it seems nice now. We must all manifest and accept each other because this is all we got so it's worthless and the most valuable thing.


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New York’s subway will no longer post alerts on Twitter after Elon Musk demanded $50,000 per month

“I don’t think it would be the best use of resources," said MTA’s acting chief customer officer and senior advisor.


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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, ignatius said:

rumors are that he is going to do an event on twitter spaces w/ron desantis to announce desantis' candidacy for president

it's not going (and didn't go) down well. meatball ron got kicked out of spaces and it's mainly elon musk trying to figure out how things work - so desantimonous had to do what he feared most; make the announcement himself

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, ignatius said:

twitter signed a deal w/the daily wire which is straight up agenda disinfo hub of bullshit. 

they had originally rejected it but jeremy boreing put him on blast and of course urged the gang to bitch at him proper all day yesterday resulting in something happening, but not yeilding results as expected.

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what an idiotic shithead Musk is. it’s like he’s trying to drive Twitter into the ground….but i really just think he’s that delusional and shitty/stupid.

waiting for the ‘Nazis are people too’ documentary coming soon exclusive to TDW on Twitter, featuring Desantis and friends.

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8 minutes ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

I don't read the Daily Wire so I can't speak to whether I think they generally tell the truth, but this is a good documentary.

Chloe Cole was mutilated as a child and now blames the medical industry. She supports this documentary, which I encourage everyone to watch before you dismiss it as "disinformation". Many people are so polarized that they completely ignore reality if it goes against the orthodoxy of their political cult.


i wouldn't trust matt walsh to tell me how the weather is if we were both standing in the middle of a snow storm. 

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.5% (yes, less than 1%) of the united states population identifies as trans. the reason for the massive focus on this issue as though it's a public crisis is nothing other than bigotry and hatred. matt walsh is a very prominent pusher of bigotry against not only trans people but gay people broadly speaking. without question he is a homophobe and a bigot. why would i every under any circumstances watch a 90 minute "documentary" he is responsible for? he's scum. the real crisis is the idiot hatred he and his ilk propagate. 

all of this trans panic shit is just a new round of good ole american homophobia. it's the same old tropes with special emphasis on "protecting the kids" which is all very familiar to anyone who is queer or has studied homophobia and gay history (which i have to a pretty limited degree and it's all obvious to me). this is about exploiting the bigotry of americans to keep them as voting cattle who will keep politicians in power so that the system of exploitation and rule can churn along unchallenged. point the finger at a vulnerable minority, drum up outrage, collect votes and dollars. that's it. 

frankly i don't even want to see any of this shit on watmm dot com. 

fuck transphobes, fuck homophobes, fuck bigots. 

Edited by Alcofribas
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30 minutes ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

I have no idea how they were able to get all those people to sit down to interviews with him.

they lied about the doc and who he is. 




But the film’s problem lies deeper than Walsh’s attempt to belittle an already targeted group of people — it’s that many of the trans people interviewed in the film only seem to find out halfway through what kind of pundit they’re talking to. Earlier this year, trans activists said that members of his production staff had reached out to them without disclosing that they were connected to Walsh, or to the Ben Shapiro-founded site. 

According to those who spoke to Rolling Stone, when the film crew contacted prominent LGBTQ activists such as Eli Erlick, MMA fighter Alana McLaughlin, and Debi Jackson, the mother of Avery Jackson — the first transgender person to be on the cover of National Geographic — to be part of the project, they described it as a film “exploring the real lives of people in the LGBTQIA+ communities.”


“I knew that it was bigger than me, and it was even bigger than Matt Walsh,” she tells Rolling Stone, adding that responding was a catch-22. “If we publicize it, then you’re getting Matt Walsh a lot of free publicity; if we don’t publicize it, there are going to be a lot more trans people scammed… I figured that it ultimately would be worth it to protect other trans people.”

After the documentary came out, Erlick tells RS she watched the film and feels that “to believe what’s in it requires a fantastical hatred of trans people” and that the film shows an “appalling lack of research on the trans community.” Still, the ease with which the Daily Wire is allowed to promote this project through ads across multiple platforms is telling of the social media companies’ priorities during Pride month — or any month.



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1 hour ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

I don't read the Daily Wire so I can't speak to whether I think they generally tell the truth, but this is a good documentary.

Chloe Cole was mutilated as a child and now blames the medical industry. She supports this documentary, which I encourage everyone to watch before you dismiss it as "disinformation". Many people are so polarized that they completely ignore reality if it goes against the orthodoxy of their political cult.

you've heard from that girl that had a negative experience, i'm curious how many you've had that have had a positive experience. i encourage you to hear from them before you shilling this propaganda as "a good documentary" 

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10 minutes ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

ah ok, kind of a james o'keefe approach. well anyway its very illuminating to see these proponents talking about it unguarded. they don't try to sugarcoat or dissemble up until the point they realize they've been tricked.

leads me to think about how the interviews were edited maybe? 

but misrepresentation is not an uncommon tactic when making documentaries or doing interviews about controversial things.  i don't trust matt walsh, the daily wire, ben shapiro to handle anything thoughtfully or fairly since they have a definite agenda in everything they do and aren't out there trying to present a topic or a person in a way that isn't going to fit into an agenda that they grind on every day. it's who they are it's what they do and buying into any of it is buying into their agenda.. also, there's a grifter mentality in there as well. 

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9 minutes ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

The numbers aren't on your side, Nebraska.

Regardless, children are too young to make this decision.

what numbers? also, who decided children are too young to make this decision? 

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30 minutes ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

A perfect description of the tribal groupthink and black/white thinking which is tearing this world apart.

Someone you hate can make you realize something true.

i don't hate them.. i think they're assholes. saying "even hitler was right about autobahn" isn't going to make me watch a the "nazis are people too" documentary. 

i have no interest in watching daily wire related bullshit about anything ever. it's a crap organization.. "but even a broken clock..." yeah.. no thanks.. i can find better and more accurate information in other ways. i don't need their shitty take on anything. 

i don't need to weigh in on whatever 24hour news cycle cable news talking head bullshit.  there are some honest brokers out there and they generally aren't on those outlets/channels/streams/news feeds or whatever. 

if you let one fascist nazi into the punk bar because "he's chill" then soon he brings friends and before you know it you're hanging out at a nazi bar. 

nazis burned the books about trans people first. they went after a doctor who wrote about gender and trans issues and had an institution to study such things in a favorable light.  that was the nazis first stop for book burning. 

as said.. trans people are the slimmest most tiny percentage of human beings and are being subjected to an overwhelming amount of microscopic focus by the right. it's bigoted and hate filled. 

and don't give me "but the children" argument.. that's bullshit.. this isn't about children. just look at the laws being passed in the usa.. they focus on adults and gender affirming care. see recent florida law for example. 

Edited by ignatius
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I knew I was trans when I was 11. If I had been able to get medical treatment for my dysphoria, I would have been saved a lot of pain! Very sad to see how vociferously some people argue against the possibility of that assistance.

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3 minutes ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

Unfortunately, the "but the children" argument is my only one here.

The numbers I'm alluding to relate to the outcomes for transgender people, with or without surgery or hormones. However, that is not the crux of my current argument so I won't go into detail.

didn't see numbers supporting what you were talking about. that tweet seems more about ending wokeness than anything else

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