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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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7 hours ago, exitonly said:

it’s weird that this guy is/was? the richest man in the world but i’m also really glad i’m not him 

most accurate 

edit: we ACtuALlY HavE skiN iN thE GAMe


Edited by ignatius
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there's this ad that shows up on youtube sometimes, for some sort of beauty product, and it's got this unintentionally nightmarish voiceover woman that leads with "Hi, it's me, your skin" before I realize what's happening and mute it, but after seeing this tweet I want to know if it continues "and I am once again asking for $8."


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3 minutes ago, logakght said:

I'm too off of American Politic Media Circus—what's the deal with this or what?

Jared served as a senior advisor to Donald Trump, his father-in-law

Edited by o00o
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re: how the media works

See this article about "Elon Musk was spotted with a sanctioned, pro-Putin Russian TV presenter at the World Cup final in Qatar"


They're talking about Nailya Asker-Zade. Here's the picture business insider uses, looks like they're having a conversation

Elon Musk and Nailya Asker-Zade.

That WaPo article in post above also mentions "Musk also posed for pictures with Russian state television presenter Nailya Asker-Zade."

Someone nearby recorded them together:

So she was just sitting nearby and asked him for a selfie. Doesn't look like he said anything to her.


Anyway he's still totally fucked the pooch with Twitter and a bunch of the other people he was standing near at the world cup are arseholes (that wapo article lists them)

But I'm posting this as an example of 'when there's a media frenzy someone will write a whole article about the smallest thing and portray it in the most click baity way possible'


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thought about making a new twitter account just so i could clip some video of louie CK saying "Stop being such a faggot" and doing an @elonmusk but didn't for reasons.  i feel incredibly inconvenienced. 

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4 hours ago, zazen said:

Anyway he's still totally fucked the pooch with Twitter and a bunch of the other people he was standing near at the world cup are arseholes (that wapo article lists them)

This is kind of weird to watch. Your contributions to this thread consistently attempt to portray Musk to Cool Car Guy and minimize his life’s work of being a total asshole.

“people he was standing near.” Yeah man, Jared Kushner happens to be there, Musk wasn’t even aware he was there bc he was using his Brain to focus on the automotive industry and commercial space flight only. Hobnobbing with vile, corrupt political reactionaries is not something he would do, totally out of character for him, merely a coincidence. 

he made some mistakes on twitter dot com but basically he’s a benevolent car ceo. 

come on lol

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34 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

he’s a benevolent car ceo. 

he's such a dick and totally self interested and will fuck over anything that is a threat to the idea of electric cars.. like how he sold the idea of hyperloop and managed to fuck up parts of highspeed rail in CA. he's doing shit on purpose on calculated ways because he has an agenda. 

also, i've yet to see any of these billionaire futurist types who are just fuckn weird and have some over arcing leftfield shit show of a "philosophy" about life, freedom, commerce, capitalism etc... we definitely shouldn't look to them to fix the future etc. 


even that guy ^^^^


Edited by ignatius
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22 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

This is kind of weird to watch. Your contributions to this thread consistently attempt to portray Musk to Cool Car Guy and minimize his life’s work of being a total asshole.

Ok yeah I am playing the role of Musk Apologist in this thread, and its getting harder and harder.

Actually this thread has got me to reflect on how I got here. Here's the story:

Im in the UK, middle aged, left wing. Left Wing as in, my ideal would probably be the high-tax, high social security European countries like Netherlands, Denmark etc. At school 35 years ago I was hearing all about the greenhouse effect, and the idea that humanitys combined orgy of consumerism is wrecking the planet has always been with me. Always been there, a dark future looming ahead of me. But what can I do about that? I've voted, obviously. But thats just once every 4 or 5 years. So I tried to live ethically - every pound you spend, or earn, is like a little vote right? So for most of my life I've been veggie, worn second hand clothes, rode a bike around London, used second hand technology (phone, laptop etc), every major purchase tried to work out the most ethical way to do it. Bought fair trade, bought organic. Also since my mid-20s I've only worked for charities and not-for-profit orgs. Savings have been ethically invested. I drive an EV (not a Tesla), etc etc. I've donated LOTS of money to FotE and Greenpeace and so on. I've been on protest marches, I took part in Reclaim The Streets in the 90s (remember them). Not so much activism though since I had kids.

But the world is probably still fucked right? I remember the Kyoto Protocol in 1992, I was 18 and that seemed like an optimistic thing, but it was just an agreement to start trying to agree on things and all my life there's been this glacially slow global political process with the world meeting every 4 years to slowly start thinking about maybe preliminary talks to try and agree to set some targets for carbon reduction yadda yadda yadda. And it just drags on and not much progress gets made. And no progress gets made because our world is dominated by corporations which are like superpowered toddlers who pursue only profit above all else. And really because the political will to make significant changes to the world (e.g. a proper carbon tax) will only happen when enough people are concerned enough to push back against the corporations. And that will only happen when the environment is bad enough that people can really see we're fucked. And by then it will be too late. Climate Change is dangerous because its such a slow process and the point of no return comes way before its obvious. Actually in the last 10 years or so I've come to the realisation that even if we all boil alive the 'climate change isnt real' brigade will still just say its because of sunspots or some shit. This argument is literally never going to get settled in time to save us.

So we're probably just fucked. Our kids are probably fucked. Really since having kids I've tried not to think about all of this so much. I hold out some hope that our modelling is wrong. There are complicated climate feedback loops that are hard to model (the role of clouds, the role of the oceans, the climate models are just models and cant cover everything). Maybe there's a feedback loop that will push the other way and make things not as bad as feared. Realistically thats probably our best chance.

So then in about 2015 or so, Tesla and Musk come to my attention. I'm not really into cars. I watched the Model X launch. I looked at Tesla's mission statement "Accelerating the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy". Seems good. I liked the way that Musk was actually really bad at public speaking but had that geeky air of knowing what he was talking about. And the 'fuck it lets do it completely differenty' impressed me.Over the air updates, innovation in drive trains and doors and air filters and so on. I'm not naturally inclined to be impressed with billionaires. But this seemed good. And what really clinched it was the Tesla Energy/Powerwall launch in 2015 - I'd really recommend you watch it - in 18 minutes Musk sets out a vision of batteries + solar and what it would take to stop using fossil fuels. And I would point out that Tesla really have accelerated the worlds transition to sustainable energy. And although the Tesla solar roof stuff has been a flop, the home batteries and massive powerpacks for national grids made by Tesla have been a great success

So I had given up hope of any political progress that would happen in time to steer us away from climate disaster. But here is Musk with a vision of how to make massive changes within the current capitalist system without needing the UN Climate Change Conference to do anything, or without needing the whole world to agree a carbon tax. Musk was showing a way to bring about by massive changes by just making EVs and Batteries better than the alternatives. And crucially, he was in a position to make it happen.

And with Tesla EVs and the powerwall stuff he's actually been very successful at that. When Tesla announced the Gigafactory in 2014 they said they were going to build the biggest battery factory in the world. And they built it. And now they've built five or six of them. And other car manufacturers have built their own.

People cast doubts as to whether Musks environmentalism is genuine 'hes just doing it to collect subsidies' etc. But whatever his other faults are, there's no doubt in my mind that he wants to move the world away from fossil fuels. And as he said, if you just want to make a lot of money, starting a car company is not the obvious thing to do. Hes the same generation as me, grew up hearing the same stuff in school as I did about climate change. I think he said once "I just want the future to not suck" and I think he's sincere in that.

Whats gone wrong in the last few years? I could try and analyse it but I've already written loads. A lot of driven, successful peope are also dicks. Perhaps they have to be? Steve Jobs was a dick. Bill Gates was a dick in his business dealings. Musk is also a dick but the difference to me is that he's putting his energies into things that I actually think are good ideas

TLDR: the reason I'm in this thread trying to stick up for musk is that his vision of market-driven change to move the world away from fossil fuels is the only feasible vision for a future that I've heard in a while. I dont have much hope in the UN Climate Conference. I dont have much hope that humans will suddenly spontaneously decide to stop being consumerists and just live in eco communes all of a sudden. Musk has gone off the rails of late but the things I care about (Tesla, Gigafactories, Powerwalls) are still in place and functioning. So I'm hoping he can get his shit together and get back to the main mission.

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from my perspective i do not buy into this vision of musk as a visionary for the future. e.g., whatever impact he has had on EV he has simultaneously used his influence to undercut public transportation programs that could likely have a greater impact in this area than selling teslas. he has done this through deception and manipulation of the public/markets. that's about him being a megalomaniac who wants to monopolize the future, not just benevolently provide for humanity. i think the $44 billion purchase of twitter is a further example of exerting his wealth to expand his dominance on society with intention to mold it after his own image rather than open it to a more "free" future. his tenure has made it very apparent that he is a political reactionary, a liar, and more or less a buffoon. 

i don't think the billionaires are going to save us!

edit: agree to disagree though. you're position is thought out and inoffensive to me so we're just some lads posting here in lushness imo

Edited by Alcofribas
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respect to zazen for the honest and reflective post there, but yeah, it basically sounds like you were a little dazzled by the promise of a saviour to help us magically avoid the shitstorm we're all headed for. it's an understandable human weakness, people need hope. I used to think Musk was an important part of the equation to combat climate change etc as well, before he started in with the ridiculous public antics and his true nature became apparent (I admittedly didn't know much about his history pre-2010s spotlight and still don't really). you can't rely on the rich, they look out primarily for themselves and are therefore a wildcard. whatever good they do is an inadvertent result of their primary pursuit, which is their own wealth and stature.

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musk spoke out against the Build Back Better bill, which had a huge section on climate action that would have actually been dramatically closer to what we should be doing to not break the human habitat. the bill was sunk by one vote. musk encouraged manchin to sink it rather than shaming manchin for the deeply immoral action of delaying climate solutions.  

musk's behavior makes a little more sense when you understand that he perceived biden snubbing him and tesla by giving more federal attention to other electric car makers. 

dude's more of a callous billionaire than anything. definitely not a genius. he's a common overactive engineer with personality and logic problems. he demonstrates how much he cares about climate by helping tank bills like that. that was a massive set back on badly needed climate progress. 

Edited by trying to be less rude
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3 hours ago, usagi said:

you can't rely on the rich, they look out primarily for themselves and are therefore a wildcard. whatever good they do is an inadvertent result of their primary pursuit, which is their own wealth and stature.

"If you're in trouble, or hurt or need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones." - John Steinbeck

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fax. people at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder often find amazing ways to make ends meet when it comes to generosity for others, in a way the well off could never imagine let alone pull off.

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