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All-Purpose Smartypants Thread


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Sometimes a very large group of people take the objectively wrong position on numerous issues.


Republicans make up a disproportionately large cross section of these people. The problem is that they are incredibly sensitive about it but like to project their fragility onto others.

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Sometimes a very large group of people take the objectively wrong position on numerous issues.


Republicans make up a disproportionately large cross section of these people. The problem is that they are incredibly sensitive about it but like to project their fragility onto others.

I take real issue with these kind of characterizations


To me there is no difference in saying this or saying "brown people are objectively more aggresive, look at the crime statistics"


The crucial issue is: the characterization might be true for a certain amount of people within the group, but you cannot from that draw the conclusion that this unequivocally applies to every individual member of that group (I know this is self-evident but what I see on the internet and media in general is a lot of content that reinforces this kind of thinking)


Another issue is that you create a moral stance (wherever you mean to or not), like when I hear/read things like "they are incredibly sensitive about it but like to project their fragility onto others." is implied that "they" are the only ones who do this and that you and your group do not act in this manner. I doubt you, or most people really mean that, but if you hear enough about it around you, you become convinced of the us/they worldview (I think. the reason for this is as far as I understand it is that the tribal worldview is our innate way to see people, and so is very hard to fight against it)


Now there is real utility in dividing people in groups, but the point is: group identity should not ever come above the individuals who compose them (because tribes kill eachother, that's how it is)


So next time you meet a trump supporter/republican, ask them genuinely about them.. you'll find most of them are way more similar to you than you'd probably like to think (this atleast in my experience)


edit: imho

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A broader acceptance of ultraconservative views (be it for the purpose of dialogue) leads to brutalization of public dialogue and can even out the path to fascism. Conservative movements are forerunners of nationalist movements.

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A broader acceptance of ultraconservative views (be it for the purpose of dialogue) leads to brutalization of public dialogue and can even out the path to fascism. Conservative movements are forerunners of nationalist movements.

This is a different argument.


A broader acceptance of ultraleftist views leads to communism. (which imo is just if not more pathological than nazism/fascism)


Both these pathological systems are characterized by a strong us/them worldview.


The only ultimate solution to prevent this from happening again is to fight against the us/them worldview in general. This can only be done trough dialogue (essentially: tell a better story than those you are opposing ), as exclusion devolves into the us/them worldview. (there is also on top of that the whole jbp solution, but that rabbit-hole don't lead good places in this forum)


Also, the amount of people who hold ultraconservative/leftist views I think are very very few. Most people probs don't think about these things too much and just get on with it.. the danger lies in something like people justifying doing horrible things because of their beliefs, something like that


edit: imho

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This is really a crucial issue to solve in modern society (and mind you, has been forever): we cannot afford to be as morally infantile as we currently are.. we are too technologically powerful to be willing to kill each other because of our beliefs.


edit: imho

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morally infantile?

enough to be willing to kill each other for our beliefs


don't read me wrong, I don't mean we haven't made progress.. I mean there's a lot to do

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morally infantile?

enough to be willing to kill each other for our beliefs


don't read me wrong, I don't mean we haven't made progress.. I mean there's a lot to do


morally infantile?

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Alright so what does Moral Maturity (virility?) look like to you? gen-u-wine-lee curious

I mean moral maturity for humanity at large, not in the individual sense


I guess is a utopian ideal of sorts: a moral code/mode if being such that the catastrophes of the 20th century do not repeat themselves and such that we do not develop technologies powerful enough to erradicate all of humanity

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there are always two halves to every contensious iusse and depending on where your perception is aimed you will only see the facts that cater to that perception


up to everyone to find out both halves of the story as in my experience there are always elements of truth and falsehoods in both and then make up their minds etc


edit: imho

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