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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Hugh Mughnus last won the day on January 22

Hugh Mughnus had the most liked content!


About Hugh Mughnus

  • Birthday 06/24/1989

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    At the gym pumping it up ja?
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Community Answers

  1. it’s what I was going for lol
  2. MAGA - Make Autechre Good Again saen pls get rob in line
  3. Not the only one m8! I skip it too lol it really is one of the only tracks of his I can insta skip. I even blast "elephant track" occasionally but can't do 180db
  4. We ended up making ahhh... I think it was meatloaf of all things lol. We premake individual sized ones (basically burger patties I guess) but they are well seasoned with the same seasonings we use for donair meat. Sounds kind of boring prob but was delicious. Home from work deployments for a bit so any hot meal is nice. Also there's no way in hell you're 50! lol (cheers to your health for the next 50!)
  5. It would be amusing if it wasn't so terrifying (these kinds of clips and whatnot).
  6. He's just wailin'. Reminds me of the prank phone call tracks with RDJ.
  7. There are people that rate it highly? It sounds like an audial manifestiation of demonic tinnitus.
  8. I am hungry but I don't have dinner made yet.
  9. Idk about this nonsense but KMFDM's latest album slaps hard. Hyena was great too =/
  10. How to beat Autechre - record yourself shitting in the woods with the mic close to your hole after eating nothing but celery and rutabaga for 8 weeks straight.
  11. Interesting discussion all around
  12. No idea who this is but this is more cringe for me than that Fantano guy. Music opinions aside it's just a really really annoying review, the way it's recorded and his vocal mannerisms. Maybe I'm just getting old. I was trying not to go there lest I ostracize some of the newer membership (haven't quite gotten my bearings here back yet lol) but yes. Massive punter.
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