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Knob Twiddlers
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  1. My two cents on the music theory debate: personally I think the relationship between music and music theory is analogous to the relationship between the physical world and the academic discipline of physics. Of course the physical world came first, and the job of physical theories is to describe the world as it exists, not prescribe how the world should be. But theories of physics enables us to build things in the physical world that we wouldn't have thought to build without those theories. In the same way, music exists prior to music theory and the role of music theory is descriptive, but knowing music theory is nevertheless useful for musicians because it gives them ideas they might otherwise not have come up with.
  2. The segue from Pule to Nuane is one of the best in their whole discography IMO, would be a shame to break that up.
  3. Not sure they belong in a thread about movies that won't break your brain.
  4. Another fan of generative techniques here, the track in my sig was all randomly generated.
  5. Have you tried playing one of them backwards?
  6. Jeez, now I feel a bit guilty for arguing about whether Autechre secretly write all their music in FLStudio as well.
  7. Great track. Personally I imagine I'd prefer it without the singing, the rest of it has its own identity but the vocal has strong Burial vibes. But then I don't much care for Burial so that's probably affecting my perception.
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