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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. would putin prefer to go out with a bang? if he knows he is losing, would he prefer to be beaten by nato than ukraine? this would fit his narrative: that russia invaded because putin felt insecure about nato. he and his enablers like to scapegoat the west while fleecing the russian people and it works. if the russian military offensive provokes nato, how would the international community handle it? there's no historical precedent for this scenario. modern weaponry makes the situation truly difficult to comprehend.
  2. i was half trolling. my point was that we may be viewing them, partly, through the lens of the instinct to watch for predators. i was listening to the trinity crash episode on last podcast to the left. easiest explanation is the witnesses are lying but if not then atomic explosions attracted these things and we may never know if they're organic or AI. we may never know wtf with them. so it will be important that we are cautious in how we view them and treat them. "disclosure" or whatever is kind of a misconception. governments have been disclosing data for decades. now the US is less wonky on the issue but basically disclosure has been and will continue to be ongoing. now that the US is providing specs to the MID for observation tech designed to capture these things, in the next 5 years US gov may start getting much more info on them. but they will always be mysterious, we will never know if we can trust that we have the full story. it will be important that we are aware that we are viewing them from that instinct that affects our psychology and influences our minds. it's kind of a dormant instinct that we are not used to and may not realize is there, because humans have not had natural predators, generally, for hundreds of years. there are genetic psychological tendencies that we don't realize we have. for example, humans have a definite tribalist aggression tendency. it's literally a genetic trait that is responsible for a lot of our social tension and conflict, and we don't even realize that's the source.
  3. we have an unhealthy fixation on ufos. my theory is it's a genetic tendency to pay attention to possible predators. we should not really care or be surprised. leave them alone as for the chinese balloons, i salute president joe biden for shooting down the chinese spy balloons
  4. julia ioffe is someone who was kind of embedded as a journalist among some russian elites for a while and she often has interesting insights, particularly on putin. here's a recent interview with her on the war in the last 10 minutes she makes a few interesting points she thinks putin is more likely to use nukes as he grows weaker i'm not sure if she mispoke and meant to put an "if" clause in there, but she says she thinks he will use nukes on the battlefield she thinks the war is going to be over real soon. so yeah there's a status update for you guys. there's really no mistaking the fact that ukraine is poised to kick the russians out. they're doing it and are growing stronger by the day while russia was weak already and is growing weaker. 2023 will not be uneventful in ukraine. russia has launched a big push, as ukraine is arming and hardening. trying to deduce the scenario ioffe foresees, as she emotionally states that she thinks this will be over real soon: i think she anticipates some kind of desperate move that triggers nato
  5. the reason musk popped a lobe over covid is because of the "new world" danger of pathogens, regarding mars. it's not necessarily a great idea to send round trips at least not for like a hundred years until after we know much much more about a lot of things. good luck stopping that dude though. he's 1 step from going super villain
  6. When was the last time you played YJY UX for someone? Sent someone Garbagemx36? Think about it. Play M4 Lema at a place. People deserve to know.
  7. the paul pelosi attack was pretty bad. fractured his skull with a hammer. was intending to hold him hostage and wait for the congresswoman
  8. we're continuing to get worse at the time when we need to be reversing the direction this is the path to either: A) the worst case scenario projected B) even worse than the worst case scenario projected
  9. that was pretty fucked up, looking back. no one knew what was going on, that day. now we know more. trump planned to go to the capitol, wanted to bring the natl guard with him (to protect him, this was in planning, before the day and the violence). imagine trump planning to go to the capitol on jan 6 with the guard. now we know trump wanted the crowd to be armed and took actions to allow it, knowing they planned to go to the capitol. now we know pence had to disobey his secret service in order to not be removed, and they feared for their lives as they narrowly avoided contact. trump tweeted during the attack that pence was the problem. now we know there were guns there. and we know there was a seditious conspiracy among trumpist militias we know trump knew he lost but sought to stay in power anyway through a multi-pronged scheme that included fake elector slates threats to state election officials an attempt to use doj to declare the election tainted a violent attack on the vp and congress an attempt to stop and delay the certification amazing that dod had to deliberately insist on not getting involved. scary how the guard deployment was handled. it's like those responsible feared deploying them because trump could seize command. they (army sec mccarthy) waited until metro cop reinforcements came and pushed back the marks
  10. wow, great mix and great news! awesome
  11. 61 cygni, by rtr, is great. the first track is addicting.
  12. vinyls remain https://wemerecords.com/shop/rtr-xor-black-vinyl-pre-order-copy/ more at blerp https://bleep.com/release/350139-rtr-xor ufo/space lore: track title nimitz track title "6EQUJ5" ("the Wow! signal")
  13. 3 of 8 tracks are mixes with other artists but it looks like it's also a pflum release. looks like it's named Jupiter Oil. the bandcamp data is populated in a weird way. . https://www.beatport.com/release/jupiter-oil/3456477 season's greetings ?????????????
  14. i chose to believe he was born on dec 25 midwifed by santa in a magick circle operated by extraterrestrial reindeer. but i respect your beliefs i will note that such theories are based on the lore of the christmas star, aka the star of bethlehem, and an intepretation that it was a planetary conjunction of course it could have been aliens or fairies or hyperevolved shrimp. we don't know ?
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