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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. So... is Poopypants now up for grabs as a user name? Asking for a friend. jk i don't have friends.
  2. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the sort by "recent activity" in each sub seems to be broken? If I sort by recent activity it has no bearing on recent postings. For example in the aphex sub sorting by recent activity brings threads to the top that had posts on Saturday, even though others have more recent posts? =/
  3. I guess something must have got in there and uh... made your keys all sticky... must have been... soda or something.... (glad you got it fixed though!)
  4. Honey mixed with unflavored yogurt is fine but the store bought sweetened yogurts are more like milky pudding than yogurt, bleh. Yeah, they're pretty bad IMO, have to agree. We typically buy unsweetened greek yoghurt (Costco has a decent one that has absolutely nothing added) and just sweeten to taste, add our own berries etc. Can it be repaired or will it be stupid expensive to fix?
  5. Lol... true. I don't hang out with my age group. Mostly 40 somethings.
  6. I use vibrant when referring to certain personalities? =(
  7. mm... salmon eggs benny. good thinking. lol
  8. Yeh eggs are fantastic, really versatile delicious little things eh? <3
  9. frittata with chicken, brocolli, and thai curry mixed in. Sounds weird but it's delicious. edit: gotta get my 2 daily eggs.
  10. So... it's out today. Still on the fence as to whether I'll buy/listen to this. Initial thoughts/reviews are what I suspected.
  11. No it's not. Dietary cholesterol has almost zero impact on blood level cholesterol unless you have a pre-existing issue. Saturated and trans-fats (overall lipid levels) are an issue, dietary cholesterol is (generally) not.
  12. Every property I'm seeing in Putney is edit: extremely nice. Posh indeed! Congratulations.
  13. I did the exact same when I accidentally on purpose stepped on a spider the other day.
  14. Very Canadian of you to apologize whilst killing. =)
  15. ^ I figure that's the case, which I'm all for. Would love to see this as maybe a CD boxed set with some artwork, back-story for some of the tracks etc (lots of the music and videos feature other artists, different locations etc). I'd shell out for it.
  16. Reachy Prints is up there for me for sure. Maybe my favourite. Actually looking back through their discography it's very difficult for me to choose a favorite. Scintilli has some amazing moments, as does Spokes... Double Figure is classic Plaid at this point IMO. With most artists I have a clear favourite but tbh having a hard time picking a fav Plaid album? weird
  17. howwwwwwwwwwwwww? I really don't understand! I have read online stories of people overcoming DOMS within 2-4 weeks of weight training. I've been doing it for years and still get muscle soreness regularly. Legs day yesterday and hard to walk today. Congrats though lol.
  18. It will be great I'm sure, post pics when done baph!
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