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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Lol Even if you use a convention where you’re not splitting The Americas into north and south, it would still be “The Americas”.
  2. Yamaha gx-1… grabbed it at an estate sale in Ontario for $4500, apparently owned by Queen? Sold it for $8000 thinking it was a steal at the time. This was in 2013 before I knew better. Buyer was setup as a trust so not sure who the actual person was that got it ?
  3. This is prob a repost but whatev ?
  4. I didn’t even know this was in the works, wow. Is it the OG team developing it as well? Iirc most of them moved on to develop the metro series.
  5. I swear it was gone last night, I read every post in the thread like 5x looking for it! lol
  6. Did you delete your post of “who else knows what this sounds like before even opening the thread?” Lol or was that someone else (very well probably was). ? Just getting a giggle out of the post, whoever it was, being deleted. I thought the same thing and then listened to a few of the tracks and it’s much different than I was expecting
  7. Schroedingers dingus he both exists and doesn’t, we won’t know until his posts or absence of, collapse into a defined state through our clicking on these threads
  8. They taste disgusting. Like stinky feet and how dog food smells. shame Lol
  9. Start with a low dose then every couple weeks up it a bit until you know how it affects you (tolerance builds up v quickly fyi).
  10. Agreed with every other sentiment but you missed the d in devolved. Massive chunk of warp is hipster coffee shop fodder these days (imho). Im probably just getting old though. get off my lawn? Reflux (I have bad heartburn this week lol)
  11. Agreed yeah - I’m wondering if the function is borked. Btw post wasn’t intended as a shot at you guys it’s just not a topic I’m interested in (I have nothing to offer here lol) so I was hoping it wouldn’t appear so much in my feed.
  12. @JoyrexI have this thread on ignore, any idea why I still get 239 notifications a day on it? lol
  13. Yeah I thoroughly enjoyed it
  14. I just woke up to the news it’s been released! and it’s Friday heh looks like it will be a good night ?
  15. They’re good! But I don’t want Mike to be on fire ?
  16. Instabanned I say! Lol You’re right though tbh sometimes pages load kind of choppy and I end up hitting the wrong thing, especially on mobile.
  17. No. One is bright red. The other is not bright red. One says ignore this topic, the other says reply to this topic. Any member that can’t navigate between the two should be insta-banned.
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