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Everything posted by goDel

  1. goDel


    Ima fan! Of Legowelt, not of subforums... *badumtsssh* Also, this thread needs more jumping women in spandex ;D Edit:shoot... Embedding doesnt seem to work...
  2. Yeah, he's probably out of touch. And seeing that he's 77 years old the reason might be obvious. Possibly, he's in the process of getting senile. What are the odds he actually still lives in the 80's (because of a mentalcondition) ? The sad thing might be that his rapist past might become a thing where he will be mentally unable to face the consequences eventhough society stubbornly demands it. He did look a bit senile in the last interview with Jimmy Fallon. Sorry to say it bluntly, but I think it might become painfully clear that he won't be able to reach all the way to his 'attic' when the time comes he can no longer hide from his past. Lets just hope his victims will understand and or accept that the only kind of closure they'll be getting, is one which comes from the broader discussion about the way sexual harrasment is part of society (and that society is still learning how to deal with it).
  3. And after FWWM, watch the series again, because there are plenty references in the series to stuff happening in FWWM which you'll only get after having watched ...etc enjoy ;D
  4. For the record: just read that the women went to court, but that it was settled.. Ima eat my words now. And hope Cosby is enjoying his memes.
  5. Yeah, I'm a bit surprised by the stark division between the loves and not loves (plus amount of dust!?). I think it's a good album, but I'm not head over heels in love, or anything. I have noticed myself skipping tracks when one pops up in a long random playlist. Mostly because it doesn't fit the mood at the time. But even though I can skip the occasional track, I can still hear the things which I consider classic BOC in them. It's still quality, imo. TH just seems more dependent on having the right mood than their other albums. It's in a different place. The bit about it sounding forced in places, got me thinking for a bit. To me the individual tracks don't sound forced, but I do get that feeling. To me, it's more about the collection as a whole perhaps, which makes it feels forced. Other albums had more different moods. And TH feels a bit fascist in this aspect. Like someone put a gun against his head, saying the tracks should represent a certain mood, in a specific order. And you're not supposed to play it in a different setting.
  6. Pretty mind blowing to think minipops was produced well before In Rainbows was released, ancient!! You mean Tom Yorke crying over minipops (with dito dancing)? No, but I'd prolly buy that as well.
  7. We should build a thread in a thread. The tribute to a thread thread should contain the thread it tributes. This way you can go meta at any time of the discussion without throwing people off the boat.
  8. Would you please be my Cosby? Manipulate meeeeeeeee! Please?
  9. Damn, didn't know Newton had his own url. Thought the guy had been dead for a very long time already...
  10. It works that way with cooking potatoes in boiling water. You add salt to give the potatoes some taste. Should be working for pasta as well. (If you're a woman and dont use piss for pasta water)
  11. In the patriarch society, a real man uses piss as pasta water for the proper amount of salt. O, and a good amount of beer is absolutely necessary to produce the right amount of piss. Plus it gives your paste the faint taste of beer and alcohol, and a good amount of testosterone and a bunch of curly hairs to top it off. *farts*
  12. Lesbians raping women? And have we discussed about the seriousness of rape in female prisons yet? I personally think it's horrible that some generalised group of people don't think the issue of rape in female prisons is a seriouss issue. Seeing that its less discussed i consider it way more serious than man rape in prison! .... Badumtshh
  13. Personally, I only laugh at your argument. And I'm not sure who you think is laughing at the idea that men can be raped. So, i'd be very happy if you can be specific about who you think....etc I do think it's obvious your argument lives by the sake of self-fabricated generalisations. "People in this very thread think..." Is an example. Or your point about feminists and the way they address man rape, in your eyes, is another fine example. I understand it helps your argument to aim for some generalised group of people. But I also hope you understand that just aiming stuff at some heterogenous group as if it is homogenous... Well that's hardly convincing anyone (to the point of being laughable...i've basically just admitted). Regardless of the seriousness of the issue that's discussed about. Reason being that those generalisations make sure that the issue becomes irrelevant, but the generalised group of people does. (And that's also why you set yourself up for some ad hominem attacks directed to yourself btw) So, do i think there are people who can be labelled as feminists who dont take man rape seriously? Sure. Are there people who don't consider themselves feminists and who don't take man rape seriously? Off course. Ironically, I suspect that this last group is bigger (absolute AND relatively), because feminism tends to be about sexual equality (it is, but you know, it's difficult to make such a generalised statement, and people tend to invent their own stuff but see it is feminism anyways). And equality tends to go both ways. I personally have seen plenty of people who consider themselves feminist arguing that point. Can we go back to Cosby now? I'm still wondering why a group of women have come out with a book to publically tell their story, but they haven't gone to court. There were 14 women, right? I'm sure they would be taken seriously in court...but why why why...etc
  14. benefit of the doubt? o, and also: show forgiveness when people say stupid stuff. (people tend to say stupid stuff most of the time... )
  15. Zeff, you know that's not how people work. Just accept that tone etc matters and that people have a memory of past things said. Facts of life dude.
  16. And lets apply it in both ways: "innocent suffer" could also aply to the victim. Apart from the false accusations it's also well known sexual harassment is a big problem. Whether the victim is a man, woman, kid or even an animal. It's not meant to be funny, but the curious thing is that any animate object could be victim of some sort of sexual crime. And many havy experienced it in one way or another. On the Cosby thing: I haven't read all of it, but the first thing I'm wondering is why these women haven't gone to court. And instead they made a book. Imo, it's not about the media creating false frames or ignoring the issue. It's about the judicial system doing its job. And if the hasn't been an official case in a court somewhere (at least, i havent seen there was one), but a book has been written instead.... Well, yeah, that smells like a load of bullshit..
  17. holy shit. sad to see him go. RIP, jivv
  18. So Tom answers "No" and laughs. And then "but in all honesty". So the fact he's laughing and said "but in all honesty" means he was bullshitting about whatever he was saying. He didn't confirm or deny... so it could be anything. Buuuut, he would only need to bullshit if he was involved. If he actually wasn't involved, he could say no and leave it at that. Which he didn't. Go figure... (he could be trolling)
  19. * assumes Joyrex actually knows who Steinvord is/are *
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