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Everything posted by chronical

  1. haha wenni schwizerdütsch schrib vostoht eh kei sau wani schrib willi hald auno cha äuä dialäkt implementiärä
  2. Wasn't the Primavera track a Jlin collab? Doubt that'd be the first single off the EP but who knows, we'll see soon enough :)
  3. ed presents rookery solemnly idiotic
  4. https://www.adultswim.com/schedule/ 1:30AM also posting this here, thanks to the dude who I'm too lazy to look up the name of who posted it in the other thread
  5. was hoping for a full length Syro followup but I'm sure this'll be fun reverse photoshoppers, to the batmobile!
  6. greatest thing is that he hasn't even crossed into tuss territory
  7. lol–– jammr is pretty great though, it's an online MIDI synced platform where it outputs everyone's input at the same time. Would be cool for all the basement dwellers on WATMM I bet edit: grindr works for that too. hey sexy I have a cirklon in my basement ready for your massive black MIDI e-peen
  8. death grips' year of the snitch. love how punky it is so far
  9. chronical


    m8 u heard of skentrakli? right after chiep and njük there's this huge snowboard track man, fuck, so good
  10. chronical


    that's one of my favorite bits. i even cut it out and put it on a friends cd
  11. after 9chr0 the only logical conclusion to the song is a 2019 release of 12nicaL
  12. also why is autotuning still a thing? vocoders are much cooler grr
  13. remember when r+7 leaked? wasnt that like 4 months ahead? still love it to bits
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